Конспект урока "What would you like to see in the USA?" 8 класс

План урока: What would you like to see in the USA?
Социокультурный аспект знакомство с достопримечательностями США
Развивающий аспект развивать умение соотносить рисунок и текст, отвечать на
вопросы, увеличение объёма оперативного запоминания путём
постепенного увеличения речевых единиц на аудитивной и
зрительной основе.
Воспитательный аспект воспитание уважительного отношения к иноязычной культуре,
бережного отношения к природе и памятникам архитектуры и
Учебный аспект формирование навыков аудирования, монологического высказывания
на основе прочитанного и услышанного
1. Медиапроектор
2. Презентация в Power Point
3. Дидактический раздаточный материал
Ход урока:
Этап урока
Деятельность учителя
1. Оргмомент
Сообщение темы и задач урока
Good morning everybody! How are
you? It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?
Today we shall not read texts or
learn dialogues. We were busy
doing all that at the previous
lessons. Today we shall travel. So
imagine that you’re a group of
Russian school children going to the
USA. Look at the screen and read
the topic of our lesson “What would
you like to see in the USA?Today
we’ll go to the USA. Our journey
will be interesting, I hope. We’ll
make acquaintance with some
sights in the USA and you will have
to choose one of them for your
travelling. Now let’s begin.
Слайд № 1
Учитель дает слова,
обозначающие названия
встречающихся в презентации
On your desks there are sheets of
Карточки с
paper with some names from the
USA. Lets read them.
3. Речевая
Учитель предлагает учащимся
вспомнить источники
информации о стране
Now think a little and answer my
Where do people get information
about the country they are going to
visit from?
Называют источники
- They get information
from travel leaflets.
- They get information
from books and
- They get information
from films and TV
- They get information
from personal letters.
Учитель задает вопросы по теме
«Причины поездки в США»
Why should people go to the USA?
- Now look at the second slide and
check your suggestions.
Отвечают на вопрос,
называя различные
- People go to the USA
to learn a new culture.
- They go to the USA to
practice their English.
- People can see new
places of interest.
- People go to the USA
make new friends.
Слайд № 2
Учитель предлагает вспомнить
виды достопримечательностей
Отвечают на вопрос
Слайд № 3
Учитель предлагает рассмотреть
карту США с основными
Учащиеся составляют
предложения о том, где
и что можно увидеть
Слайд № 4
4. Основной
Учитель предлагает учащимся
таблицу, которую они заполняют
по мере просмотра презентации
по пунктам: Что? Где? Почему?
Учитель комментирует просмотр
Во время просмотра слайдов
учитель задает вопросы,
связанные с
Заполняют таблицу.
Отвечают на вопросы
учителя, сообщая
известные им факты
Слайды № 5
- 14
5. Контроль
ый этап)
Учитель предлагает учащимся
различные ситуации для
проверки понимания
Учащиеся дают
развернутый ответ,
используя свои записи.
Карточки с
6. Рефлексия
Учитель предлагает учащимся
вопросы, касающиеся лично их.
Учащиеся отвечают
Слайд № 15
7. Итог
Учитель выставляет оценки
Домашнее задание
Конспект урока
1. Good morning everybody! How are you? It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? Today we shall
not read texts or learn dialogues. We were busy doing all that at the previous lessons. Today we
shall travel. So imagine that you’re a group of Russian school children going to the USA. Look
at the screen and read the topic of our lesson “What would you like to see in the USA?” Today
we’ll go to the USA. Our journey will be interesting, I hope. We’ll make acquaintance with some
sights in the USA and you will have to choose one of them for your travelling. Now let’s begin.
2. On your desks there are sheets of paper with some names from the USA. Lets read them.
(Чтение названий после учителя хором и индивидуально)
3. Now think a little and answer my questions.
T: Where do people get information about the country they are going to visit from?
They get information from travel leaflets.
They get information from books and encyclopedias.
They get information from films and TV programs.
They get information from personal letters.
T: Why should people go to the USA?
People go to the USA to learn a new culture.
They go to the USA to practice their English.
People can see new places of interest.
People go to the USA make new friends.
T: Now look at the second slide and check your suggestions. (Слайд 2) You are quite right;
people go to the USA for different reasons. And one of them is watching attractions. Remember
and say what kinds of attractions there are.
P: There are nature, man-made and event attractions.
T: Yes, you are right. (Cлайд 3)
And now look at the map of the USA and say what people can see in different places of the
USA. (Слайд 4) There are very many attractions in the USA and we can’t speak about all of
them. We’ll try to learn some facts about the most interesting attractions of this big country. And
we’ll begin our trip from Washington. Why do you think we’ll go to Washington first?
P: We’ll begin from Washington because Washington is the capital of the USA.
T: Yes, you are right. Let’s begin. You have the tables on your desks. While listening you should
fill in this table.
4. Аудирование с показом слайдов с достопримечательностями США.
5. Now take your activity sheets and let’s work with them. The first task is to answer the
Can you say…
…where the first skyscraper is?
…what shape the boats in the Public Garden in Boston have?
…what can we see in Washington?
…where the President of the USA lives and works?
…where Disneyland is?
The first skyscraper is in New York. It is called Empire State Building.
The boats in the Public Garden in Boston have the shape of the swans.
We can see the White House in Washington.
We can see many monuments in Washington.
We can see the Capitol in Washington.
The President of the USA lives and works in the White House.
Disneyland is near Los-Angeles.
T: The next task is to match the situation and the place in the USA. So, answer the questions:
Where would this people go? Why?
1. Jane loves watching films and she dreams to meet a film star.
2. James is interested in history of the USA.
3. Robert wants to become an astronaut.
4. Rachel is keen on entertainment.
5. Phil and John are fond of cars.
6. Ann wants to be a naturalist and work in a national park.
Jane loves watching films and she dreams to meet a film star. I think she will go to
Hollywood because many famous film stars live and work there.
James is interested in history of the USA. I think he will go to Boston because Boston is
famous for Boston’s Tea Party. James can see many places connected with this event
Robert wants to become an astronaut. He would go to Houston because there is Manned
Spacecraft Centre there.
Rachel is keen on entertainment. She can go to different places. One of them is
Disneyland. She can see characters from Disney’s cartoons there.
And I think Rachel can go to Orlando because there is Island of Adventures there. And
she likes entertainments very much. I think it would be interesting for her.
Phil and John are fond of cars. I think they should go to Houston because the oldest and
largest art car festival takes place there. They can see different cars there.
Ann wants to be a naturalist and work in a national park. She should go to Yellowstone
because she can learn more about her future profession there.
6. T: And now look at the last slide of our presentation and answer the questions.
Did you like our trip to the USA?
Would you like to go there?
What would you like to see in the USA?
Why would you like to see it?
I liked our trip because I learnt many interesting facts. I would like to go there because I
want to see Manned Spacecraft Centre. I want to visit the Museum of this Centre and
watch the clothes of American astronauts.
I would like to go to Disneyland or to Disney World because I like Walt Disney’s
cartoons very much.
I would like to go to New York because it is the largest city of the USA and there many
attractions there. I would like to visit Children’s Zoo in Central park because I like
animals very much.
7. Teacher: Now, I’d like to say a few words in conclusion. We’ve travelled through the USA.
And I see you enjoyed a lot. I’m glad that we learnt a lot about the USA and its attractions. It’s
great when people have an opportunity to travel and expand their outlook. Our travelling is over.
You worked well and your marks are…. Your home task is to summarize the facts from your
tables and write a short essay about the USA. Good luck! See you tomorrow.