Конспект урока "Is Russian an International Language" 7 класс
Is Russian an
International Language
Урок английского языка в 7 классе
Абаева Л. А.
Тема : Is Russian an International Language?
Цели: ввести новую лексику, расширять активный лексический запас;
формировать умение детального понимания прочитанного;
формировать умение участвовать в дискуссии, доказывая свою точку
совершенствовать навыки и умения понимания речи на слух
Класс: 7
Оборудование: УМК «Enjoy English» 7 кл Биболетова М.З., Трубанева
Н.М., проектор, презентация «Is Russian an International Language?»
Ход урока:
Teacher: Good morning! I’m glad to see you. How are you?
Ответы учащихся
Teacher: O'K. It is a time for warming- up.
Фонетическая зарядка (звуки)
Teacher: Well. Let's hold a conference. I’m sure you will like the subject for
discussing. It will be a question - Is Russian an international language?
Ответы учащихся
Teacher: I think it’ll be better to begin from working with new words and
Look at the new words:
to be awarded a prize (быть награжденным)
the award ceremony (церемония награждения)
the award for smth goes to (награда за что-либо достается кому-то)
to collect stamps / postcards / coins (собирать марки...)
to collect oneself to do smth (собраться, чтобы сделать что-то)
to collect your thoughts (собраться с мыслями)
to collect tickets from the teacher (забрать у учителя билеты)
Teacher: What do you think how to remember these words?
Предложения учащихся записать, выучить наизусть и т. д.
Teacher: O'K'. Let's copy out them to remember.
Учащиеся записывают новые слова и выражения.
Teacher: I’ m sorry but one of the speakers has a problem with his speech. It turned
out text had been printed in a hurry, that’s why it’s necessary to put the passages in
the right order.
1) "I wanted to study an exotic language,” Tylo Dirksmeyer said after the award
ceremony. He speaks German, French and has been learning Russian for three
years. He said he had plans to continue studying Russian. The best way to do it is by
staying in Russia.
2) Teenagers from 28 countries had the opportunity to communicate with people in
Russian during the 10-day Olympiad. It was the Ninth International Olympiad for
the Russian language and Literature for schoolchildren. It brought to Moscow 215
young people aged 8 to 19 who studied Russian as a foreign language. The first
competition took place in 1974.
3)The German teenager Tylo Dirksmeyer was one of the winners of the
Olympiad. When a Russian professor called his name, he jumped up and ran to the
stage of the Moscow pushkin Institute to collect a gold medal for his excellent
Russian language skills.
4) Some of the most talented older participants of the Olympiad '—' will be given
stipends and the opportunity to study anything -not necessarily Russian language -
at any Russian college.
5) Participants had to show their reading and conversational skills, their knowledge
of Russian culture, and write an essay. A special textbook was put together by the
Pushkin Institute for the Olympiad. There were passages from classic and modern
Russian writers in the textbook.
Teacher: Thank you very much. You are the best students. I’m sure I can always rely
on you. And now it’s the most interesting moment of our conference. Let’s discuss
the following topics:
Is Russian an international language?
Why is it important for teenagers from other countries to learn Russian?
Is your own Russian good? What would you like to do at Russian lessons?
How does good knowledge of Russian help you to study English?
Teacher: Well. I suppose you have a conclusion. Is Russian an International Language?
Вывод учащихся.
Our conference is finishing his work. I’m very thankful to all the participants of
conference. Let’s have a rest! Enjoy listenig the A. Pushkin's poem.