Итоговый контроль по английскому языку 8 класс

Итоговый контроль 8 класс.
Лексико-грамматический тест.
I. Fill in the missing words.
1.The British Isles is the name of two islands _______________and ____________.
2.In the British Isles there are two states
3.Great Britain is divided into ______________,________________ and
4. The UK is the political name for the country , which is made up of
__________,_______________,____________ and ________________.
( England, Wales, Great Britain, Scotland, Ireland, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland)
II. Complete the sentences.
1. Many people can_____________foreign holidays_________________.
2. Trips to different countries _______________a lot of tourists.
3. Some of them prefer _____________holidays.
4. Another people like to travel___________________.
5. Many tourists choose hotel as holiday _________________.
6. 80% of________________spend their holidays at
on their own, holidaymakers, package, accommodation, afford, seaside resorts,
nowadays, attract
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets (past Simple or
1. If my dad ( to want) ____________to buy a souvenir, he (to choose )___________ a top
hat for me.
2. My sister (to be )_________happy , if she (to dress)_____________in trendy blouse.
3. If my friend (to come ) __________to school in ripped jeans, the teacher (to
make)_______ him a comment.
4. My mum (to think) ____________of buying glengarry if she (to be ) ______________in
Britain now.