Конспект урока "Праздники в Британии. Стратегии подготовки к устной части ВПР по английскому языку в 7 классе"

Конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе на тему: «Праздники в Британии.
Стратегии подготовки к устной части ВПР по английскому языку в 7 классе»
Цель урока: Создание условий для успешного усвоения лексического материала и
развития коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.
1. Формировать навыки свободного оперирования лексикой по теме.
2. Развивать навыки чтения, аудирования, говорения.
3. Развивать познавательные УУД: самостоятельное выделение необходимой
информации, структурирование знаний.
4. Развивать регулятивные УУД: совместное целеполагание, планирование,
саморегуляция, рефлексия.
5. Развивать коммуникативные УУД: умение работать в паре, группе, умение
строить речевое высказывание.
6. Продолжить воспитывать интерес учащихся к английскому языку.
1. Организационный момент
Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you at our lesson. You see some guests have
come to us. Turn and greet them. Well. Sit down. I see, you are ready for the lesson. I’ve aired
the classroom. I am sure we’ll work as usually and you’ll do your best.
2. Определение темы урока.
Look at the blackboard. What do you think about the theme of our lesson? Look at the
screen. I have a collage for you. Guess it and you know the theme.
Yes, you are right. Today we are talking about British holidays. We are working according to our
plan. Let’s start.
3. Фонетическая зарядка. Phonetics.
At first I want you to train your pronunciation skills and remember the poems we have learned.
Pay attention to these sounds which are not typical for the Russian language: [r], [w], [θ], [ð], [v]
Remember, remember the fifth of November.
Gunpowder, treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot. Well done
4. Warming up.
Your next task is a bit unusual. I have some answers at the blackboard and you should think
about possible questions.
1. It is celebrated on the 5
of November.
2. They decorate houses and Christmas trees.
3. Children usually eat hot cross buns and chocolate eggs.
4. They go from house to house and say “Trick or treat?”
5. The eldest child in the family buys a big cake. Very good
5. Восстанавливаем текст. Gathering the text.
a. Now we are going to work with a text about a British family holiday. Divide into 3
groups. Your first task is to put the parts of the text in the logical order.
You can also see some new words and word combinations before the text which help you to
understand the text.
public holidays- выходные дни
Boxing Day-День подарков
Good Friday-Страстная пятница
Easter Monday-Пасхальный понедельник
Spring Bank Holiday-праздник Весны
Summer Bank Holiday-праздник Лета
hold a carol service-проводят торжественные службы
A) Before Christmas, groups of singers go from house to house. They collect money for charity
and sing carols, traditional Christmas songs. Many churches hold a carol service on the Sunday
before Christmas.
B) The most popular holiday is Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of
London a present. It's a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Central streets are
beautifully decorated.
C) There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries. They are:
Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring
Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday. Public holidays in Britain are called bank holidays,
because the banks as well as most of the offices and shops are closed.
D) Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. And
everyone gives and receives presents. The 26th of December, Boxing Day, is an extra holiday
after Christmas Day. This is the time to visit friends and relatives or perhaps sit at home and
watch football.
E) The fun starts the night before, on the 24th of December. Traditionally this is the day when
people decorate their trees. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father
Christmas will come down the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets.
Christmas is a family holiday. Well done.
6. Физминутка.Time to relax.
Stand up, please. Do some exercises with me….
7. Говорение. Описание фотографии. Speaking.
Ребята через месяц-другой вас ждут ВПР, в том числе по английскому языку тоже.
Давайте поучимся описывать фотографии по заданному плану
Your task is describing these pictures. Look at them; your task is to describe one of them. You
are working in groups. Use the plan.
the place
the action
the appearance of the person
whether you like the picture or not
Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”
-I’d like to describe picture №1/№2/№3.
-The picture shows us a girl/boy/man/woman.
-The photo was probably taken outside/inside.
-In this picture the action is taking place in the park/ in the supermarket/ in the classroom/ in the
-Looking at this girl/ boy/man/woman I get the impression that she/he is reading a book/ drawing
a picture/buying products/playing some game.
-The girl/boy/man/woman looks like she/he is about 10/15/40 years old.
-She/he is wearing casual clothes/ beautiful clothes /a special uniform.
-I guess she/he is calm/serious and kind, because she/he has a beautiful smile/face.
-I like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful/ceremonial.
-It makes me think of my sister/ brother/ mother/ father.
8. Рефлексия деятельности
Let’s make a conclusion. What have you learnt today?
Was the lesson interesting for you?
What moments did you like best of all?
9. Оценки.Marks
Boys and girls, you are the best pupils I’ve ever had. Your marks for today…
10. Домашнее задание. Homework
Найдите и опишите любые 2 фотографии по плану, с помощью клише, изученных на