Контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс (4 четверть)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе (4 четверть)
1. Read the text and match its paragraphs (17) with their titles (ah). There is one title
you don't have to use.
a) A Cheaper Choice
b) The Great Cure
c) A special Celebration
d) The Revolution in Transportation
e) The Revolution in Communication
f) The Creator of the Electronic Machine
g) The Best Engine
h) Lots of Attempts, One Winner
The Inventions that Changed the World Forever
1. Inventor’s Day is celebrated on 29 September by several countries, as it is the birthday of
Laszlo Jozsef Biro, the inventor of the ball-point pen. From the discovery of the wheel to the
launch of the World Wide Web, several key inventions have changed the way the human beings
live. Here are some inventions that made the world different for ever.
2. Paper was invented in ancient China during the Han dynasty (206 BC220 AD) and spread
slowly to the West via1 the Silk Road. Earlier materials used instead of paper, such as papyrus or
palm leaves, were expensive and in short supply. But paper, made from wood and rags3 which
could be found everywhere provided that the production of paper is not so expensive.
3. Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer, invented the concept of a computer.
Considered the “father of the computer”, he made the first mechanical computer in the early 19th
century. The principle of the modern computer was first described by computer scientist Alan
Turing in 1936.
4. Penicillin is a group of antibiotics derived from Penicillium fungi. The discovery of penicillin
is attributed to Scottish scientist and Nobel laureate Alexander Fleming in 1928. Chemists
further developed the drug penicillin, which fights a great number of bacterial infections in
humans without harming the humans themselves. It was mass produced and advertised as early
as in 1944.
5. The wheel was invented in about 3500 BC and facilitated agriculture and commerce by
enabling the transportation of goods to and from markets. Wheels have transformed our lives and
are used in everything from clocks to vehicles.
6. According to historians, two dozen people tried to invent lamps throughout the 1800s. Thomas
Edison is credited as the primary inventor because he created a completely functional lighting
object, including a generator and wiring as well as a bulb.
7. Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be awarded a patent for the electric telephone in 1876.
The first successful transmission of clear speech by Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson was
made in March 1876. The invention quickly took off, and people got the ability to speak being
thousands kilometers from each other.
Variant 1
2. Use the prepositions from the box to complete the sentences.
to in about for from
Prevent her _________ getting there on time.
Have you ever dreamt _________ going to the USA?
Dolly was used _________ leaving the house rather early as she lived far from the office and
hated to be late.
Sally is succeed _________ learning German.
I really apologize _________ coming late to your party.
3. Use the function words from the box to complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences.
down, in, into, out, through
1. "It happened on Thursday, not on Friday," Kelly broke _________ my talk with Margaret.
2. We can't move further. Our car has broken _________.
3. World War II broke _________ in Europe in 1939.
4. The joke was so funny that Mrs Finch broke _________ laughter.
5. The sun managed to break _________ the clouds for a while in the afternoon.
4. Open the brackets using the appropriate infinitive or gerund forms of the verbs to
complete the sentences.
1. Angela is looking forward to (see) _________ her aunt and uncle.
2. Nigel agrees (stay) _________ with us for another week.
3. I can't afford (buy) _________ this expensive gadget.
4. We all got used to (work) _________ a lot.
5. Clive Wood succeeded in (decorate) _________ the assembly hall.
5. Use a, the or zero article to complete the sentences.
1. __________ Sun gives light, it is a star.
2. Who was the first man in __________ space?
3. The birds were flying in __________ clear blue sky.
4. The Moon is the body which moves round __________ Earth once every 28 days.
5. A strange light appeared in __________ north.
Variant 2
2. Use the prepositions from the box to complete the sentences.
in to from of for
Thank you _________ helping me with my homework.
Mark wanted to participate _________ the discussion very much as it was his project.
Nobody could stop her _________ buying this fashionable dress.
Dad objected _________ constructing a new barn as we didn’t have enough money.
I am really guilty _________ lying about what happened on July 4th.
3. Use the function words from the box to complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences.
down, in, into, out, through
1. A fire broke _________ in the forest when we were there.
2. Max's rude words offended Joyce and she broke _________ tears.
3. Some of the people tried to break _________ the police cordons.
4. My car has broken _________, so I came by taxi.
5. The police say the criminal broke _________ through the window.
4. Open the brackets using the appropriate infinitive or gerund forms of the verbs to
complete the sentences.
1. We strongly object to your (participate) _________ in this dangerous voyage.
2. The Bennets felt guilty of (come) _________ to the party too late.
3. He has an American accent, that's why he is difficult (understand) _________.
4. It was the best gift (buy) _________ for the kid.
5. They managed (continue) __________ their experiments even in such difficult times.
5. Use a, the or zero article to complete the sentences.
1. Who was the first explorer to sail round __________ world?
2. The crew have been living in __________ space for about three months.
3. __________ Moon seems to shine because it reflects light from the Sun.
4. On clear days __________ sky has a light blue colour.
5. We all want to live in __________ better world.