Контрольная работа по английскому языку за I полугодие 9 класс

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за I полугодие
9 класс
Вариант I
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. My friend ____________ the book of this author yesterday. will recommend / recommended
2. That musical composition was a ________. success / successes
3. Helen said that she ________ educational programs. likes / liked
4. There are few TV shows ______ give us true information. which / who
5. The teacher _______ that there was no homework for Friday. add / added
Задание 2. Образуйте форму слова так, чтобы она лексически соответствовала предложению.
1. Pupils always use the Internet in search for useful _________. inform
2. My favourite TV show is very __________. education
3. He is a popular Russian _________. compose
4. This ______ show is broadcast at 10 o`clock. real
5. I`d like to____________ you modern science fiction novels. recommendation
Задание 3. Подберите заголовки к абзацам. Один заголовок лишний.
A. Back to real-life communication.
B. A mobile for grandma.
C. The latest fashion.
D. A law against mobiles.
Mobile phones
1) Young people often worry about the style and functions of mobile phones. However, today companies present more
models for people who are over 50 or 60 years old. They need a mobile phone with large buttons, so that they can dial
numbers without glasses. The menu is also simple. It really doesn’t matter if the phone has a camera or the Internet. For
them, less is more.
2) Today, when friends meet in a café, they put their mobile phones in the middle of the table. They aren't allowed to touch
them at all. If someone does it and answers the phone, they have to pay for everybody. Sounds fun, right? The idea is to
make people concentrate on a real conversation with each other instead of using their mobiles all the time.
3) Visitors of theatres and cinemas often complain that mobile phones ring during performances. The city government of
New York passed a new act. It is now forbidden to use mobile phones in places, like theaters, libraries, museums, galleries,
and cinemas. Those who don’t switch off their mobiles will have to pay.
Задание 4. Прочитайте текст и определите истинность утверждений 1-3 после него (true, false, notstated).
1) At school Shakira was more successful in dancing than in singing._____
2) Shakira was upset when she learnt about the family's financial problems._______
3) The meeting with Sony managers went successfully.______
Shakira Ripoll was born on February 2, 1977, in Colombia. She was the only daughter of a well-respected
businessman and his wife. When Shakira was a child, her mother discovered that the girl had a gift for writing. Shakira
knew the alphabet by the age of eighteen months, and at three she knew how to read. By the time she was four, she was
ready for school. School was not just a place where little Shakira learnt her arithmetic and geography. There she began to
understand such great things as kindness, love, trust, and other human ideals. She realized what real friendship was and
how much her family meant to her. Later it helped her to decide what to do with the big money she earned.
Shakira loved attention and wished to find a way to get it. She sang a lot for her schoolmates and teachers. However,
the music teacher told her that she sounded “like a goat”. Shakira wasn’t too upset about it and soon found a more original
way to become the centre of attention. It was dancing. It helped her to express herself and become famous in school. What
is interesting is that no one had ever taught her to dance.
As soon as the bell rang after class, Shakira was the first one to run and get in line for the cafeteria. She usually
bought a pepsi, a hamburger and something sweet, like a muffin or a piece of cake. She seldom took a packed lunch from
home. Though Shakira was a lover of fast food, she had no weight problems, as she loved dancing.
When she was eight, Shakira's father lost all his money because his business went bankrupt. For a while Shakira
had to stay with her relatives in Los Angeles. When the girl returned, she was shocked to see almost everything that her
family had, had been sold. She later said: “In my childish head, this was the end of the world.”
To show her that things could be worse, her father took her to a local park to see the homeless children. What she
saw shocked her deeply and she said to herself: “One day I’m going to help these poor kids when I become a famous singer
or dancer”.
Between the ages of ten and thirteen Shakira was invited to various dance events and became very popular in the
area. It was at this time that Shakira met a local theatre producer, who was impressed with her performance and as a result
tried to help her career. This woman organized a meeting with the managers of the Sony company. After Shakira sang, they
decided to sign a contract for three albums with the talented girl.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку за I полугодие
9 класс
Вариант II
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. Mike said that he ______ that film 2 weeks before. watch / watched
2. The musical performance is ___________ to be a success. going / will
3. A. S. Pushkin is an outstanding Russian ______. writers / writer
4. My brother prefers music____ is rather tuneless. which / who
5. The newspaper _________ that there were a lot of wounded in the accident. report / reported
Задание 2. Образуйте форму слова так, чтобы она лексически соответствовала предложению.
1. He is a popular Russian ________. conduct
2. The author always makes the reader think. His stories are ________. intellect
3. My job is to____________ the audience about the news. informative
4. I use my _________ reading science fiction. imagine
5. This newspaper is ________. day
Задание 3. Подберите заголовки к абзацам. Один заголовок лишний.
A. Digital personal assistants.
B. Phone addiction.
C. Back to real-life communication.
D. A new music instrument.
Mobile phones
1) With mobile phones we can contact anyone, anywhere, any time. Scientists say that some people are so used to mobiles
that they can’t go to the kitchen without them. They are in panic if they leave them at home or lose. It has become a habit
to have a mobile everywhere. People depend on mobile phones so much that doctors have started worrying. They say it
may be a thing similar to drugs.
2) In 2010, a young girl from China made a song using only her mobile phone. She wrote it without any guitars, pianos,
drums. She used different functions of her mobile. It took her several days to record the song. Later she made a video of it
and put the video on the Internet, where over a million people watched it. She sent the song to the Apple company and
suggested using it in their advertisements.
3) Today's mobile phones can already send e-mails, surf the Internet, and keep you in touch with friends. Tomorrow's
phones are like helpful secretaries. In a few years you’ll see that they know your habits and can advise you what to cook
for dinner. They will remind you where to go and what gift to buy.
Задание 4. Прочитайте текст и определите истинность утверждений 1 - 3 после него (true, false, notstated).
1) Shakira went to one of the most well-known schools in Columbia._____
2) At school Shakira was careful to eat only healthy food.____
3) When Shakira became famous, she set up a charity fund to help homeless children.____
Shakira Ripoll was born on February 2, 1977, in Colombia. She was the only daughter of a well-respected
businessman and his wife. When Shakira was a child, her mother discovered that the girl had a gift for writing. Shakira
knew the alphabet by the age of eighteen months, and at three she knew how to read. By the time she was four, she was
ready for school. School was not just a place where little Shakira learnt her arithmetic and geography. There she began to
understand such great things as kindness, love, trust, and other human ideals. She realized what real friendship was and
how much her family meant to her. Later it helped her to decide what to do with the big money she earned.
Shakira loved attention and wished to find a way to get it. She sang a lot for her schoolmates and teachers. However,
the music teacher told her that she sounded “like a goat”. Shakira wasn’t too upset about it and soon found a more original
way to become the centre of attention. It was dancing. It helped her to express herself and become famous in school. What
is interesting is that no one had ever taught her to dance.
As soon as the bell rang after class, Shakira was the first one to run and get in line for the cafeteria. She usually
bought a pepsi, a hamburger and something sweet, like a muffin or a piece of cake. She seldom took a packed lunch from
home. Though Shakira was a lover of fast food, she had no weight problems, as she loved dancing.
When she was eight, Shakira's father lost all his money because his business went bankrupt. For a while Shakira
had to stay with her relatives in Los Angeles. When the girl returned, she was shocked to see almost everything that her
family had, had been sold. She later said: “In my childish head, this was the end of the world.”
To show her that things could be worse, her father took her to a local park to see the homeless children. What she
saw shocked her deeply and she said to herself: “One day I’m going to help these poor kids when I become a famous singer
or dancer”.
Between the ages of ten and thirteen Shakira was invited to various dance events and became very popular in the
area. It was at this time that Shakira met a local theatre producer, who was impressed with her performance and as a result
tried to help her career. This woman organized a meeting with the managers of the Sony company. After Shakira sang, they
decided to sign a contract for three albums with the talented girl.