Конспект урока по профессиональному английскому языку "Народные сказки. Герундий"

Саранский гуманитарно-технический колледж им.Абая Кунанбаева
Конспект урока
по профессиональному языку
на тему: “Народные сказки. Герундий”
учитель английского языка
Карташова Галина Александровна
г. Сарань
Plan of the lesson № 25
Date: 05.02.18
Course: 3
Subject: Professional English language
Teacher’s name: Kartashova G.A.
Theme of the lesson Folk fairy tales. Gerund
2. Type and kind of the lesson: combined, practical lesson;
3.Aim of the lesson: generation of knowledge about fairy-tale, it`s basic elements and rules of
writing fairy-tales; revision and consolidation of knowledge about gerund;
4. Objectives:
4.1Educational: to provide learning the term “fairy-tale”, its basic elements, rules of writing a
fairy-tale; revision of a gerund, and using it in written and oral speech;
4.2. Educative: to bring up activity in work, to promote interest to a subject, oral folk art and future
4.3. Developing: to develop listening skills, skills of control of groupmates, creative skills, fantasy,
skills of individual and group work;
5. Expected results:
5.1. Students should understand: the meaning of the term “fairy tale”, its basic elements, how to
write a fairy-tale;
5.2.Students should have value orientations: activeness in work, interest to a subject, to oral folk
5.3.Students should be able: to understand English speech through listening, to control
groupmates, to give definition to fairy-tale, to name important elements of a fairy-tale, to write
and present fairy-tale (using fantasy, creativity), to find gerund in the text, to use gerund in a fairy-
6.Intersubject connection: home-reading, grammar, practice of speech.
The course of the lesson
1. Org.moment
-Teacher greets s-s, asks questions: “Who is absent today?”, “What date is it today?”, “What`s
the weather like?”, “What`s the temperature?”, etc.
2. Warm-up
Teacher asks s-s to read the quote.
Fairy-tales, though far from true,
Teach good fellows thing or two
Pushkin A.S.
Then asks to find Russian equivalent and to tell their opinion upon this quote.
3.Checking-up a home task
-Orally (definition of a legend and examples). Participle 1,2 exercise.
Divide these sentences into groups:
Present Participle
Present Participle
Past participle
1. The garden was full of children, laughing and shouting.
2. Could you pick up the broken glass?
3. The woman sitting by the window stood up and left.
4. I walked between the shelves loaded with books.
5. Having driven 200 kilometers he decided to have a rest.
6. I felt much better having said the truth.
7. He looked at me smiling.
8. She had her hair cut.
9. Built by the best architect in town, the building was a masterpiece.
10. Not having seen each other for ages, they had much to talk about.
4. Introduction of a theme
-Teacher shows a picture from a fairy-tale (by its parts). S-s should guess the theme of the
5. Actualization of knowledge
Method “1/ min paper or free writing”.
S-s should write everything they now about folk fairy tales. (definition, heroes, elements, titles,
the most famous fairy-tales, etc.)
6. Introduction of a new material
Definition of a fairy-tale, its basic elements and rules for writing a fairy-tale.
A folk fairy tale is a fictional short story that has folkloric fantasy characters (kings, queens,
witches, giants, talking animals, etc.)
Important elements:
-creatures with supernatural power;
-magic things;
-magic words;
-good and bad characters;
-usually contains a moral;
-chronological composition.
What to include when you write a fairy tale:
-begin with the words: “once upon a time…”;
-Then you write where it takes place;
-then introduce main characters;
-there must be some helpers in the fairy tale;
-the end: “…and they lived happily ever after”
Almost all fairy tales have gerund. Let`s try to remember, what is it?
The gerund (the Gerund) is a non-personal form of the verb that expresses the action title has
both the properties of noun and verb properties. The gerund in English is formed from the base
verb with the suffix ing, e.g. to speak speaking, to run running.
I like reading newspapers. Мне нравится читать газеты.
I’m fond of reading detectives. Я люблю читать детективы.
7. Consolidation of new material
a) Individual task: listening. S-s will hear five records, they should guess and write down the
name of a fairy-tale. Then they change their sheets of paper with the neighbor and check it up.
b)Group work. Division into groups with the help of pictures from the fairy-tales.
Task 1. “Make a fairy-tale”
S-s will get something for writing a short fairy - tale (set of pictures, words, pictures and words).
They should write a fairy-tale according to the following criteria:
1) They should use all the given material;
2) Use gerund in a fairy tale;
3) Creativity;
4) Use the instructions (important elements, rules);
5) Give the title to a fairy-tale;
6) Interesting presentation;
7) Participation of all members of a group in presentation.
8) Define the moral of a fairy tale.
Task 2. “Prove the information” (if we have enough time for this exercise)
S-s will get a fairy tale. Each team will get an individual task (1. to find gerund; 2. to find
evidence; 3) to understand the moral.)
8. Giving-up the home task
S-s should learn all the new information write down their own fairy-tales at home.
9. Reflection
“Magic knot”
Teacher gives s-s a knot and ask question, s-s answer the question and give to the next s-t.
Questions: “What was difficult at the lesson?”, “What task was easy?”, “Did you understand
everything?”, “What methods can you use in your practice?”, “Describe the lesson with one
adjective”, “Were you active at the lesson?”, “How did you work at the lesson?”, “Were you
active or passive during the lesson?”, “Did you like group work?”, “Did you like group work or
individual work?”, “Name three things you remember after the lesson”, “What task was the most
interesting for you?”.
Список использованной литературы
1. Пушкин А.С. "Сказка о золотом петушке", 1834 г.
2. Ю. Голицынский ,Н. Голицынская Грамматика. Сборник упражнений издание пятое
исправленное и дополненное. Изд. «КАРО», Санкт-Петербург, 2006
Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы
1. https://znanija.com/task/22676074
2. https://infourok.ru/issledovatelskaya-rabota-po-angliyskomu-yaziku-sravnitelniy-analiz-
3. http://englishstandarts.blogspot.com/2013/04/gerund.html