Урок-обобщение "Hobbies and Pastimes" 7 класс

Урок –обобщение по теме: “Hobbies and Pastimes”. (7 класс)
1. Read the poem. What is it about?
Dancing, shopping, walking her collie-
These are the hobbies of my sister Polly.
Cycling, swimming, playing computer-
The favorite activities of my brother Peter.
2. Answer the questions.
a) What do you like to do in your free time?
b) How did you spend last weekend?
c) Do you like to go out with friends?
d) How often do you go to the cinema (theatre, concert hall, bowling, circus)?
e) Have you got any hobbies? Why or why not?
f) What do you prefer: going in for sport or playing board games? Why?
g) Is it necessary to have any hobbies, to your mind?
3. What kind of hobbies do you know? Study the diagram.
for boys
for girls
for young
for middle-
for elderly
4. What kind of hobbies do you know? Complete the diagram.
5.Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.
1) watching TV
a) играть в футбол
2) reading
b) садоводство
3) playing musical instrument
c) играть в теннис
4) playing video games
d) ходить пешком
5) listening to music
e) ходить в кино
6) playing computer games
f) бегать трусцой
7) playing football
g) играть в компьютерные игры
8) walking
h) кататься на лошади
9) going to the cinema
i) путешествовать
10) jogging
j) читать
11) travelling
k) танцевать
12) gardening
l) играть в видео игры
13) playing tennis
m) слушать музыку
14) horseriding
n) смотреть телевизор
15) dancing
o) играть на музыкальном инструменте
Keys: 1n, 2j, 3o, 4l, 5m, 6g, 7a, 8d, 9e, 10 f, 11i, 12 b, 13 c, 14 h, 15 k
6. Unscramble the words.
a) deninggar
b) paingint
c) ingvelltra
d) tsorsp
e) rahoringsec
f) miwmings
g) tingleccol
h) cingdan
i) csimu
j) shfining
k) ginjgog
l) ertaeht
m) enicma
n) putmocer
o) adingre
Keys: a) gardening, b) painting, c) travelling, d) sports, e) horseracing, f)
swimming, g) collecting, h) dancing, i) music, j) fishing, k) jogging, l) theatre,
m) cinema, n) computer, o) reading.
7. Read short texts and guess what hobby it is.
1) Such people like to visit different cities, towns and historical places. Some
people even visit other countries. They can travel by car, by plane, by train, by bus or on
foot. This hobby helps them to learn history, geography and traditions of different people
and countries.
2) People like to spend their free time near the rivers or lakes. They often go there
with their friends or relatives. They can have a picnic there. They go usually there in
summer but some people like to go there in winter too. Also they can boil fish broth
(soup) after going there.
3) This hobby is interesting and useful. People try to find or buy different things
such as stamps, badges, coins, pictures and dolls. Their collection can be thematic. This
hobby helps people to make new friends and to learn some new things about countries
and lands, animals and birds, famous people and historical events.
4) This hobby is popular with the people of all ages. People like to go to the
stadium or to the sports ground. They are strong and healthy. Their hobby helps to
develop their mind and body and teaches them to plan their time.
5) People like to go to the library. Some of them have a good collection of books at
home. And they are really proud of it. They can have different books: fiction, historical
novels, books about animals and birds, books about different countries. Their hobby
helps them to relax, to learn the world and understand people better.
Keys: 1) travelling, 2) fishing, 3) collecting, 4) doing/playing sport, 5) reading.
8. Complete the poem with the words from the box.
hobby, slim, bring, life, train, lots, world, waste, clever, make, soul, will, show, always
Never (1)_____ your time in vain
Train your body, (2)______ your brain,
Sport will keep you (3)_____ fit
Try to (4)______ the best of it.
Dancing makes your figure (5)______,
Films will (6)______ lands of dream,
Traveling presents the (7)______,
Music will enrich your (8)________.
Gardening will (9)______ your health,
Sewing (10)_____ develop taste,
Cooking brings you (11)______ of guests,
TV broadens outlook.
Just the same does (12)_______ book,
Find a (13)_____ and enjoy
May your (14)______be full of joy.
Keys: 1) waste, 2) train ,3) always, 4) make ,5) slim ,6) show,7) world,8) soul,
9) bring, 10) will ,11) lots ,12) clever, 13) hobby, 14) life.
9. Read, translate and dramatize the dialogues.
Dialogue 1
A: What is your hobby, Peter?
B: I collect books published in the 17ht century.
A: It is very interesting! Have you got many in your collection?
B: There are almost eight hundred of them.
A: Quite a number, I should say! I wonder whether you manage to read them all.
B: In a way yes, but reading is not essential. It’s the process of collecting itself that
matters (that interest me).
Dialogue 2
Kevin: What are you doing after work?
Jess: Some girls and I are going karaoke singing.
Kevin: Why? You can’t even sing.
Jess: I know, but it’s a great way to let off steam.
Kevin: Can I join you?
Jess: No, it’s a ladies-only night.
Kevin: I guess I’ll be along on a Friday night.
Jess: Poor Kevin. Rent a movie and order a pizza. Youll be fine.
10. Track №24 “Leisure. Theatre. Cinema. Concerts.
Listen to the conversations and put the lines into the right order.
1) - I’m going to a concert next week. Let’s go together.
- Well, I am fond of different types of music.
-You have to come, the sound will be wonderful, the singer is perfect.
-Wednesday evening.
-Yes. May be. When?
-I would like to hear a jazz concert.
-At 7 p. m.
-But I’ll be there.
-I’d love to. It’s my favorite jazz band.
-That’s a pity. I can’t. I must work. When does the concert begin?
-Well, I saw some posters. On the 20
there will be a jazz band at the music
-Really? Let’s go together.
-I didn’t know you love jazz.
2) - Have you got anything special on tomorrow night?
-I think so. The premiere was 2 months ago.
-Tom Cruise. I don’t remember who produced the film.
-I suggest we go to the cinema.
-Not really, why?
-I’d love to. Have you got tickets?
-What’s being shown today? I would like to see a spy thriller.
-No, we can buy the tickets in the cinema before the film begins.
-Well, “Mission is impossible” is on every night in “Aurora”.
-Who is in the cast?
-Do you think there are tickets available for this film?
3) - Today we’re going to the theatre.
- No, I can’t. I have classes at 8 p.m.
- Really, what performance?
-I’ve heard that the play is worth seeing. The cast of actors is tremendous.
- Oh, you’re very lucky.
-You can come with us if you want. I can ask my mum to set a free pass for
- At 7 p. m.
-I’ve got tickets for the “Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov. Today is the first
-Yes, and we have seats close the stage in the stalls.
- Thank you, but I can’t go today. I have English classes. When does the
performance begin?
Keys: Typescript. Track 24.
1) I’m going to a concert next week. Let’s go together.
-Yes. May be. When?
-Wednesday evening.
-That’s a pity. I can’t. I must work. When does the concert begin?
-At 7 p. m.
-But I’ll be there.
-You have to come, the sound will be wonderful, the singer is perfect.
-I would like to hear a jazz concert.
-Well, I saw some posters. On the 20
there will be a jazz band at the music
-Really? Let’s go together.
-I’d love to. It’s my favorite jazz band.
-I didn’t know you love jazz.
- Well, I am fond of different types of music.
2) - Have you got anything special on tomorrow night?
-Not really, why?
-I suggest we go to the cinema.
-I’d love to. Have you got tickets?
-No, we can buy the tickets in the cinema before the film begins.
-What’s being shown today? I would like to see a spy thriller.
-Well, “Mission is impossible” is on every night in “Aurora”.
-Who is in the cast?
-Tom Cruise. I don’t remember who produced the film.
-Do you think there are tickets available for this film?
-I think so. The premiere was 2 months ago.
3) - Today we’re going to the theatre.
- Really, what performance?
-I’ve got tickets for the “Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov. Today is the first
-I’ve heard that the play is worth seeing. The cast of actors is tremendous.
-Yes, and we have seats close the stage in the stalls.
- Oh, you’re very lucky.
-You can come with us if you want. I can ask my mum to set a free pass for
- Thank you, but I can’t go today. I have English classes. When does the
performance begin?
- At 7 p. m.
- No, I can’t. I have classes at 8 p.m.
11. Home task: учить вокабуляр из глоссария к уроку №1, составить мини-диалог о
любых хобби (см. образец в задании 9).
1. Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж., Поспелова Н.Д. М.УМК Английский в фокусе
(Spotlight). Учебник 7 класс., Просвещение, 2014 г. (module 3a)
2. Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж., Поспелова Н.Д. Сборник упражнений для
самостоятельной работы учащихся .7 класс М., Просвещение, 2014г
3. Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж., Поспелова Н.Д. Книга для учителя 7 класс. М.,
Просвещение, 2014г
4. Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж., Поспелова Н.Д. Test book 7 класс. М.,
Просвещение, 2014г
5. www.spotlightonrussia.ru
6. Ширяева И. В. «Разговорный английский в диалогах» CD, издательство
«Каро», 2007
7. http://prosv.ru/umk/spotlight
8. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/644063/
9. http://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-
10. https://videouroki.net/razrabotki/urok-angliyskogo-yazyka-po-teme-khobbi.html