Spotlight 2 Reading test 1

Spotlight 2 Reading test 1
1. Соотнесите слово со звуком, которое в нем есть.
Sheep, photo, show, they, thimble, dolphin, cheese, the, chick.
1. [ ]:
2. [ f ]:
3. [ ]:
4. [ ]:
5. [ ]:
2. Соотнесите слово с его значением. Два варианта – лишние.
1. Mummy A. дедушка G. Коричневый стол
2. Grandma B. сад H. Бабушка
3. Green tree C. Ванна F. зеленое дерево
4. Brown table D. мама E.белый стол
5. Bath
6. Living room
3. Подберите подходящий ответ на вопрос.
1. I ‘ m Larry. A) Hello, Larry. B) Open your books.
2. What’s your name? A) Fine, thanks. B) I’m Lulu.
3. How are you? A) I’m Nanny Shine. B) Fine, thanks.
4. Where’s Mummy? A) It is Mummy. B) She’s in the kitchen.
4. Прочитайте текст и отметьте T (true) ,если утверждение верно и F (false), если – нет.
- Grandma, Grandpa! Look at our tree house!
- Oh, a red chair. What’s this?
- It’s a brown table. It’s lovely.
- And where’s Larry?
- He is in the house. He is in his bedroom.
- And where’s Mummy? Is she in the kitchen?
- No, she isn’t.
- Is she in the living room?
- Yes, she is.
1. The chair is blue. _____
2. The table is red. _____
3. Larry is in the house. ______
4. Larry is in the bathroom. _____
5. Mummy is in the kitchen. ___