Конспект урока "In my house"

In my house
Ход урока:
1. Приветствие: “Hello, children! I’m glad to see you .Sit down, please! ”
2. Организационный момент Are you ready to start our lesson? Let’s do it!
3. Ход урока:
Фонетическая зарядка:
- So, my dear, look at the screen, you see a little poem about about what
you will read and tell us. So, please read all together.
So children, let’s guess what’s the theme of our lesson? That’s right, we are
going to speak about our house.
Ok my dear, now I want you to remember the words about our house, we are
going to solve a crossword puzzle. You can see the poster on the board. And
you can see the questions on the screen. Let’s solve it!
Повторение грамматического материала:
- Very good my dear, I see that you know the words and now let’s revise the
demonstrative pronouns. Look at the blackboard and tell me the rule, when
we use this these and when we use that those .
Now I ask you to open your workbooks , page 15 ex 3. Do it right now and
then we’ll check it.
Физкультурная минутка:
Now I see that you are tired, and now I offer to have a little break, to sing
and to dance. Stand up, everyone. Prepare to shake your body.
Проверка домашнего задания:
Sit down please everybody. So let’s check your homework. Who wants to
tell us about your favourite room?
Perfect! So answer my questions! What’s your favourite room? How many
rooms are there in your house? What are there in your house/room? Ask
each other about the questions that you are interested in.
Now we have got some time and I want to play a game that’s called: “A man
in the middle.
Choose the cards and tell everybody your word. Let’s play!
Рефлексия :
So, did you like our lesson? Was it useful and important for you? Now you
see questions on the screen and on your papers, answer them please.
So if you answered all the questions yes- look at the 1 st smile
1or 2 no the 2
3-4 no the 3
Результаты урока и объяснение домашнего задания:
Now I am going to give you marks for the lesson
Look at the screen, write down the home work
Thank you for the lesson