Разработка урока "Popular English and American Singers" 8 класс

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 4 г. Сафоново Смоленской области
Разработка урока
по английскому языку
“Popular English and American Singers”
8-9 класс
Жила Людмила Ивановна
учитель английского языка
первой категории
2014 г.
- познакомить учащихся с популярными певцами и музыкантами Америки и
обобщить и проконтролировать знание пройденного материала по теме
развивать и совершенствовать навыки монологической речи учащихся;
учить извлекать полную основную и необходимую информацию из
прочитанного текста;
совершенствовать английское произношение, развивать интерес к изучаемому
воспитывать музыкальный вкус.
повышать уровень лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся, развивать
интерес к стране изучаемого языка, его культуре; развивать мышление, память
улучшать все уровни речевых способностей ученика (слуховых, зрительных,
воспитание культуры общения, умения слушать собеседника.
Материалы и оборудование: записи на доске; проектор; компьютер;
презентация в Power Point; видеоролики с исполнением песен, карточки для работы
в парах, плакаты с изображением исполнителей, аудиозаписи разных музыкальных
групп, направлений, тексты песни «Улыбка» Мадонны.
1. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good morning! Take your seats, please.
2. Речевая подготовка.
1. What is your favorite hobby?
2. What is the main hobby of the teenagers?
I think that the main hobby of many teenagers is listening to music. (Слайд 1)
3. Do you like to listen to the music?
Dear boys and girls today we will speak about music. Many people say that music is
a waste of time. But some of them think that it is difficult to live without it.
(Слайд2)We hear music everywhere: in the street, at home, over the radio, on TV,
in the shops, sometimes in the forest.
There are different kinds of music. (Слайд 3)
What kind of music do you know? Lets remember them.
Classical music (Слайд 4)
Country music (Слайд 5)
Folk music (Слайд 6)
Blues (Слайд 7)
Jazz (Слайд8)
Reggae (Слайд 9)
Rock-n-roll (Слайд 10)
Rap (Слайд 11)
Pop music (Слайд 12)
Electronic (Слайд 13)
What kind of music do you prefer to listen to? (Слайд 14)
3. Практика в говорении и аудировании.
Выступления учащихся, подготовившихся с монологическими
высказываниями по теме.
Pupil 1: The text “Elton John”
Listen the text about Elton John and answer the questions to this text. (Cлайды 15-
What was Elton John?
What was his real name?
When could he play the piano?
What was the name of his first band?
Listen to a very lovely song of Elton John .
Pupil 2: The text “Elvis Presley”
Listen the text about Elvis Presley and answer the questions to it.(Слайды19-21)
What was Elvis Presley called?
When and where did he record his first song?
Did he serve in the army?
Where did he move?
How many films did he appear in?
What was his first hit?
And now listen to one of E. Presley’s songs.
Pupil 3:The text “The Beatles”
Listen the text about The Beatles and answer the questions to it (Слайд 22-
Who were the four members of the Beatles?
What does it mean “beatles” ?
Where were they born?
What was their first record?
When did they give their last performance?
Pupil 4: The text “Madonna (Слайды 26-28)
And now listen one of their most famous songs .
Pupil 5: The text “Britney Spears”
Listen the text about Britney Spears and answer the questions to this text. ( Слайды
Where was Britney born?
Where did she study drama and singing?
Name her albums.
Listen the song of B. Spears.
Pupil 6: The text «Djenifer Lopes” (Слайды 34-36)
Teacher: Try to guess who is he? (Слайды 37-39)
Pupil 4 : Работа в парах:
You have learned some information about famous performers. Now work in pairs and
choose the correct answer. (задание на карточках)
He was called Reginald Kenneth Dwight:
a) Elvis Presley; b) John Lennon; c) Elton John.
This singer recorded album "Oops! I did it again":
a) Britney Spears; b) Madonna; c) Sher.
He died in 1980:
a) Elvis Presley; b) John Lennon; c) Elton John.
He is one of the richest singer in the world:
a) Elton John; b) Elvis Presley; c) Paul McCartney.
He appeared in 33 films:
a) Ringo Starr; b) Elton John; c) Elvis Presley.
Everywhere they went, thousands of fans - boys and girls - followed them:
a) Pink Floyd; b) The Beatles; c) Britney Spears and her group.
5. Работа с песней.
Чтение текста песни Мадонны «Улыбка» на английском языке и перевода на
русском языке .
6. Подведение итогов. (Слайд40 )
Music plays a very important role in our life. We cannot live without it. We enjoy
listening to music. It helps us in every moment of our life. To my mind, music is
great power and the best thing in our life.
What other famous musicians and singers do you know? Name them.
Who is your favorite musician and singer?
Can you play a musical instrument?
7. Домашнее задание.
Домашнее задание: find information about your favorite musician or singer:
Name musician or singer.
Type of music.
Why do you like them/him/her?
Write a short article about your favorite musician or singer.
Task 1
Choose the correct answer
1) He was called Reginald Kenneth Dwight:
a)Elvis Presley b) John Lennon c) Elton John
2) This singer recorded album “Oops! I did it again”:
a) Britney Spears b) Madonna с) Sher
3) He died in 1980:
a) Elvis Presley b) John Lennon с) Elton John
4) He is one of the richest singers of the world:
a) Elton John b) Elvis Presley с) Paul McCartney
5) Everywhere they went, thousands of fans boys and girls
followed them:
a) Pink Floyd b) the Beatles с) Britney Spears and her
Task 2
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate name
1) _____________________ was known as “the King of rock-n-roll
2) ______________________was born in Kentwood? Lousiana, the
Приложение 2
3) ______________________ were famous all over the world.
4) ______________________ changed his name in 1966.
5) _______________________ could play the piano when he was
6) _______________________ brought together the musical sounds
of the blacks in America and of country people.
7) _____________________ acted in the film “Crossroads” and
recorded her third album.
8) _______________________ is famous for the colourful costumes
he wears on stage.
9) _______________________ became legends in the end.
10) _______________________ started working in her first album
Baby One More Time” after high school.
Приложение 3
1. Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley was known as “The King” of rock-n- roll. He was born in Mississippi in
1935. His first song Elvis recorded in 1954. He sold millions of records, served in the
army, moved to Hollywood and appeared in 33 films. He had his first hit, “Heartbreak
Hotel” in 1956. Elvis brought together the musical sounds of the blacks in America and of
country people. His songs started a new period in American music. He was the most
popular performer of his days. At the news of his death in 1977, thousands of people
gathered outside his home in Memphis. He was only 42 years old. Elvis became one of the
richest singers in history.
2. The Beatles
The Beatles were the most popular band of the 60’s. The four members, John Lennon,
Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were all born in Liverpool, England.
Their first record, “Love Me Do”, came out on 5
October, 1962. By 1964, The Beatles
were famous all over the world. Everywhere they went, thousands of fans boys and girls
followed them. The Beatles have their last performance on 30
January, 1969, on top of
Apple building in London. John Lennon died in 1980. In the end, The Beatles became
3. Britney Spears
Britney Spears is one of the world’s famous pop princesses. She was born in Kentwood,
Louisiana, the USA. Even when she was very young, she loved music and singing. The
first person who asked Britney to sing for other people was her mum. For a year she lived
in New York. She studied drama and singing at a school for talented children. After high
school, Britney started working in her first album “Baby One More Time” when she was
sixteen. It became popular all over the world and in 2000 Britney recorded her second
album “Oops! I Did It Again”. In 2001 Britney acted in the film Crossroads” and
recorded her third album.
4. Elton John
Elton John was one of the biggest pop superstars of the 70’s. He was born in 1947 and
was called Reginald Kenneth Dwight. He changed his name to Elton John in 1966. He
could play the piano when he was four. When he was eleven, he went to the Royal
Academy of Music. He joined his first band “Bluesology in 1961. He gave his first
American concert in August 1970, in Los Angeles. He wrote Candle in the Wind” in
1973 and rewrote it in 1997 when Princess Diana died. Elton John also wrote the songs for
“ The Lion King” in 1994. Elton John’s songs are still very popular today. He is one of the
richest singers in the world and he is famous for the colourful costumes he wears on stage.
Список литературы и Интернет-ресурсов
1. В.М. Фадеев «Домашнее чтение , его организация и способы контроля», ИЯШ,
№ 6, 1979, стр. 30
2. Н. А. Селиванов. «Литературно- страноведческий подход к отбору текстов для
домашнего чтения», ИЯШ, №1, 1991, стр. 60-64
3. Чарекова, Баграмов «Практика английского языка (сборник рассказов и
упражнений для домашнего чтения
4. http://www.yandex.ru/ , yourmp3.net/
5. http://english-4life.com.ua/biografia/pefti/pefti.html
6. http://www.comenglish.ru/dlya-nachinayuschih/teksty-dlya-nachinayuschih-izuchat-
7. http://www.study.ru/songs/pino_daniele/
8. http://like2teach.tmweb.ru/video/video_002.html
9. http://www.dreammedia.ru/show/music/