Тест "Учимся задавать вопросы к тексту"

1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:
It was a dull and rainy day. The house (be)___________ as melancholy as the
weather. Everything (be)______________ gloomy around and I had a feeling that
something terrible (happen)
In the evening I decided to go for a walk on the moor. I wanted to see the rock
where the stranger (stand) ___________ the night before. When I (go out)
_______________ it (rain)
___________, so I was glad I (put on)_______________ my raincoat. All was
silent there and I
could not find any trace of the unknown man.
As I (walk)____________back I was overtaken by Dr Mortimer. He
from one of the distant farms. He (tell)____________me that he
(be)_____________ very much
troubled, for his little spaniel (disappear)_____________ on the moor. I
remembered the pony on
the Grimpen Mire and (say)_____________nothing.
moor - открытое пространство пустынной необработанной земли,
болотистой или поросшей
вереском rock - скала
the Grimpen Mire - Гримпенская трясина
2. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту "An extract from Dr Watson's Diary":
___________________1WHAT IS THIS TEXT ABOUT ?
____2_What can you say about the main idea of the story?
___3 Who are the main heroes of the story? __4Where did the events take place?
___5.What impressed the hero most of all ?
3. Из четырех вариантов (А), (В), (С), (D) выберите единственно
1. When I arrived home my parents ___________.
(A) were sleeping (C) have slept already
(B) slept (D) have been sleeping
2.___________Gone with the Wind before?
(A) Did you see (C) Have you seen
(B) Did you saw (D) Had you seen
3. St Petersburg____________in 1703 by Peter the Great.
(A) founded (C) was found
(B) is founded (D) was founded
4. I'd like to buy this dictionary, but I haven't got ____________money.
(A) many (C) no
(B) some (D) enough
5. I am fond___________ Oscar Wilde's books.
(A) to read (C) of reading
(B) reading (D) about reading
6.1 think that he speaks Anguish _______than Ann.
(A) bad (C) badly
(B) worst (D) worse
7. You have never been to the Crimea, ________?
(A) isn't it (C) haven't you
(B) is it (D) have you
8. It's the restaurant________ serves Chinese food.
(A) who (C) that
(B) what (D) is
9. We'll be late if the bus___________.
(A) doesn't arrive (C) hasn't arrived
(B) won't arrive (D) don't arrive
10. Mozart___________ playing the piano at the age of four.
(A) began (С) had begun
(B) has begun (D) begun
11. Many Scottish people___________ use some Scottish words when they speak
(A) yet (C) still
(B) already (D) else
12. I'm not sure________________ .
(A) who'll be elected president (C) who elect president
(B) who'll be elect president (D) president who'll
be elected
13. Hamlet___________, "To be or not to be, that is the question."
(A) told (C) said
(B) talked (D) spoke
14. Where does he want_______________ after classes?
(A) to go (C) going
(B) go (D) goes
15. It was________ a nice day that we decided to go to the country.
(A) so (C) such
(B) very (D) too
16. Mary___________ her music lesson now.
(A) has (C) has had
(B) having (D) is having
17. Our teacher______________ the text again.
(A) made us to read (С) made us
(B) make us read (D) made us read
18. My left arm is___________ ,than my right one.
(A) stronger (C) more strong
(B) more stronger (D) strongest
19.___________, this painting is more impressive than that one.
(A) By my opinion (С) For my opinion
(B) In my opinion (D) To my opinion
20.1 find it difficult to talk to Derek because we have so_______ in common.
(A) few (C) little
(B) small (D)less
21. My father gave up_________________ three weeks ago.
(A) to smoke (C) smoking
(B) smoke (D) smokes
22. Parents want their children.
(A) to be kind
(B) be kind
(C) being
(D) kind
23. My father alwavs gives me
(A) good advices
(С) a good
(B) the good advice
(D) good
74. Millions of people study English
a foreign language.
(A) for
(C) as
(D) because
25. If I were you, _____________ at home.
(A) I would stay
(С) I stayed
(В) I will stay
(D) I stay
4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:
1. Я не видел ее целую вечность. Она сильно изменилась?
2. Это известная картина. Она была написана Тернером (Turner).
3. Я не смогу поехать завтра за город. — Я тоже.
4. Эти деньга не мои. Я не могу их взять.
5. Майкл сказал, что он уже просмотрел утренние газеты.
6. Он попросил меня никому об этом не рассказывать.
7. Текст совсем не трудный, правда? — Да, он очень легкий.
8. Мы не ожидали, что он вернется так поздно.
9. Сколько комнат в вашей квартире? — В нашей квартире 3 комнаты. — У
вас есть телефон?—Да.
10. Вы знаете, сколько пьес написал Шекспир?— Около 30.