Презентация "English Surnames (Английские фамилии)"
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Работу выполнила:
Конфета Ольга Игоревна,
ученица 10 класса Муниципального общеобразовательного учреждения «Школа № 60 города Донецка»
Аникеенко Наталья Владимировна,
учитель английского языка Муниципального общеобразовательного учреждения «Школа № 60 города Донецка»
- Onomastics is a branch of lexicology which studies proper names.
- Anthroponomastics, the study of personal names (anthroponyms), is one of the principal branches of onomastics.
- Anthroponym is a personal name.
- The componential analysis is an attempt to describe the meaning of words in terms of a universal inventory of semantic components and their possible combinations.
- The aim of this paper is to examine the place of surnames (anthroponyms) in the system of proper names in the English language.
- Objectives of this study: - To show the features of the English surnames origin. - To analyse the history of the emergence of English surnames. - To consider the methods and sources of the English surnames formation. - To study and analyse the origin of the surname “Sweet” and its place in the system of language and society.
- First name /given name (also, forename, Christian name) is a name that is given at birth and stands first in a person’s full name.
- Middle name is the second name of a person. It stands between the first name and the family name.
- Last name/surname/family name is a family name used by the members of the same family.
- Population increase
- Growth of urban areas
- Improved record keeping
- Clans and families wanted to be distinguishable from neighbours
- Rise of Christianity with need of surname at baptism
- those formed from the given name of the father
- those arising from bodily or personal characteristics
- those derived from locality or place of residence
- those derived from occupation
- "son" (or the contraction "s")
- "ing“
- "kin"
- Gaelic "Mac“
- Norman "Fitz“
- Irish "0“
- Welsh "ap"
- character traits
- descriptive terms
- "atte"
- "ford“
- "ham“
- "ley“
- "ton“ Sources of peoples' surnames:
- nationalities
- cities
- villages
- architectural features
- geographical features
- suffix 'er‘ This category includes the most common of all English language surnames Smith (3 million people in the United States and more than 500,000 people in the United Kingdom).
- marriage
- to dissociate themselves from a wrongdoer
- simple spelling mistakes
- immigration (to sound more English)
- is of Anglo-Saxon origin
- was created from a nickname
- was used to denote an affable, kind person The first documented information about this name dates back to AD 970. Related and similar surnames : Sweat, Sweatt, Sweatte, Swait, Swatt, Swee, Swede, Sweed, Swatts, Sweeet, Swedt, Sweeat, Sweate, Swat, Swate, Sweatd, Sweats, Sswat, Swayt, Swaat, Sweath, Sweatts, Swaite, Swayte, Sweates, Swaitt, Scwietz, Skwat Surname Sweet is used in 44 countries.
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- 2. Записки по ономастике. Вип. 9/ Отв. ред. Ю. О. Карпенко. – Одеса, 2005. – 156с.
- 3. Леонтович О. А. В мире английских имен. – М.: АСТ, Астрель, 2002. – 160с.
- 4. Ономастическое пространство и национальная культура; Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (14 – 16 сентября 2006г.)/ Отв. ред. Л. В. Шулунова. – Улан-Удэ: Изд-во БГУ, 2006. – 298 с.
- 5. Ратникова И. Э. Имя собственное: от культурной семантики к языковой. – Минск: БГУ, 2002. – 226с.
- 6. Рыбакин А. И. Словарь английских фамилий. – М.: АСТ, Астрель, 2000 - 576с.
- 7. Суперанская А. В. Структура имени собственного. – М.: АСТ, Астрель, 1983. – 182с.
- 8. Щетинин Л. М. Слова. Имена. Вещи. – Ростов на Дону: РГУ, 1966.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/.../Category: English-lan
- www.britishsurnames.co.uk
- https://en.wiktionary.org/.../
- www.ancestory.co.uk/lear/facts