Проверочная работа "Conditionals" 7-11 класс

Name____________________ Surname____________________ Class________ Date ________
1. Match the types of Conditionals to their use.
2. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If she weren’t so lazy, she _____________ (become) a brilliant student.
2. I am not sure what I am doing tonight, but if I go out, I _____________ (phone) you.
3. If Steve hadn’t bought a lottery ticket, he _____________ (not/win) $1 million.
4. We usually_____________ (walk) home together if we both _____________ (finish) at the same time.
5. If the police question you, _____________ (tell) them the truth.
6. Dairy products keep longer if you _____________ (put) them into the fridge.
7. She would not have stolen the food if her child_________________ (not/be) hungry.
8. If you _____________ (leave) ice in the sun, it _____________ (melt).
9. If Jack had planned it carefully, he _________________ (not/have) so many problems.
10. He is a very wise person. I __________________ (speak) to him if I were you.
3. A) Put the words into the correct order.
1. gone / visit/ known / you / were / hospital / if / I’d / have / I’d / to/ in / you
2. have / we / find / had / been / compass / wouldn’t / if / a / able / to / our / way / hadn’t / we
3. it / window / stopped / have / ball / if / wouldn’t / broken / the / the / you’d
4. would / by bugs / bought / stung / we / if / have / got / I / insect / hadn’t / repellent
5. I / casino / money / in / hadn’t / if / have / lost / paid / my / I’d / bills
6. I’d / my / race / broken / I / won / if / have / leg / that / hadn’t
7. loudly / let / hadn’t / in / if / have / us / the / you / there / spoken / she’d / stay / library
8. we’d / have / caught / earlier / our / if / we’d / arrived / train
B) Read the statements for each sentence from part A). Mark them T (TRUE) or F (FALSE).
a) Advice
b) A general truth
c) An imaginary situation contrary to facts in the present
d) A real or very probable situation in the present/future
e) Regrets or criticism
f) Something that always happens as a result of something else
g) An imaginary situation contrary to facts in the past
1) Conditional Type 0 expresses
2) Conditional Type 1 expresses
3) Conditional Type 2 expresses
4) Conditional Type 3 expresses
1. The speaker feels sorry. ____ 5. The speaker didn’t run out of money. ____
2. The speaker is happy they took their compass ____ 6. The speaker is happy he isn’t in the race.____
3. The speaker thinks the broken window is his fault. ____ 7.The speaker is happy to be with her friend. ____
4. The speaker doesn’t have problems with insects. ____ 8. The speaker is annoyed that they left late. ____
4. Read the dialogue. Complete it using the phrases from the table.
5. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.
1) If she doesn’t do her homework, ______________________________________________________
2) I’d feel very angry if _______________________________________________________________
3) They wouldn’t have missed their flight if _______________________________________________
4) Would Ted mind if I _______________________________________________without asking him?
5) If this student were good at English, ___________________________________________________
6. Listen to the song “If I had a million dollars” and put a tick ( ) next to the things the
person would do if he had this money.
1. make furniture for the house
2. buy a real fur coat
3. build a tree fort in the yard
4. spend a week in the castle
5. buy an ordinary pet
6. walk to the store
7. go on a cruise
8. drive a limousine
9. eat more Kraft dinner
10. buy really expensive ketchup
*Answer the question. What would you do if you had $1 million dollars?
A) if she hadn’t had an
allergy to both of them
B) if you think a bit
C) if you had been more
D) if you go there
E) if I were you
F) if you had told me that
she was a vegetarian
Jack: Hey, Steve! You look upset. What’s happened?
Steve: It’s our anniversary with Jessica today. But I have no idea what to
Jack: Calm down, buddy! I’m sure1) _________________________, you’ll
find something. How about chocolates and flowers? Girls love them very
Steve: Ha, nice try. 2)___________________________, I would have
bought them immediately.
Jack: Invite her to the restaurant. Just think - candles, sounds of violins and
delicacies. 3)__________________________, you will enjoy the romantic
atmosphere and tasty dinner at the same time.
Steve: I did it last year and our evening was ruined. By the way, it was your
Jack: My fault? Why? What did I do?
Steve: It’s more you what you didn’t do. Jessica is your sister.4)
_____________________________________, I wouldn’t have taken her to
the ‘Steak House’. And now she thinks I’m a cruel guy eating little cows.
Tsss. Here she’s coming. Hi, Jess! Darling … What? She has just walked
right past me. What have I done?
Jack: Umm…Steve, I guess I know what seems to be the problem. What is
the exact date of your anniversary?
Steve: The 27
of July.
Jack: Steve, it’s the 28
of July today. 5) ______________________
______________, you wouldn’t have mixed up the days. She looks furious!
6) __________________________, I’d stay away from her for a while.
1. Match the types of Conditionals to their use.
1 B, F
2 D
3 A, C
4 E, G
2. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
3. A) Put the words into the correct order.
1 If I’d known you were in hospital, I’d have gone to visit you.
2 If we hadn’t had a compass, we wouldn’t have been able to find our way.
3 If you’d stopped the ball, it wouldn’t have broken the window.
4 If I hadn’t bought insect repellent, we would have got stung by bugs.
5 If I hadn’t lost money in casino, I’d have paid my bills.
6 If I hadn’t broken my leg, I’d have won that race.
7 If you hadn’t spoken loudly in the library, she’d have let us stay there.
8 If we’d arrived earlier, we’d have caught our train.
B) Read the statements. Mark them T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)
1 T (TRUE)
2 T (TRUE)
4 T (TRUE)
8 T (TRUE)
4. Read the dialogue. Complete it using the phrases from the table.
1 B - if you think a bit
2 A - if she hadn’t had an allergy to both of them
3 D - if you go there
4 F - if you had told me that she was a vegetarian
5 C - if you had been more attentive
6 E - if I were you
5. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.
Your students’ own ideas.
6. Listen to the song “If I had a million dollars” and put a tick ( ) next to the things the
person would do if he had this money.
3.build a tree fort in the yard
8. drive a limousine
9. eat more Kraft dinner
10. buy really expensive ketchup
* If I had $1 million dollars, I would …
Ресурсы, которые были использованы для подготовки данной работы:
1. Song “If I had a million dollars” by Barenaked Ladies.