Внеклассное мероприятие "Формы глагола TO BE" 4 класс

Внеклассное мероприятие по
английскому языку в 4 классе
«Формы глагола TO BE»
Подготовила: Е.В.Яшкина
- Формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции
средствами изучаемого языка: отработка произносительных
навыков; развитие речевых способностей; отработка употребления
пройденных лексических единиц; закрепление пройденного
грамматического материала;
- Развитие интереса к изучению английского языка;
Оборудование: компьютеры, проектор, экран для проецирования.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
- Good afternoon, dear children. I’m very glad to see you again. Take your
seats, please and let’s begin our lesson.
2. Фонетическая зарядка. (слайд 1)
- But before we begin our lesson we should prepare our tongues and
mouths for English speech. Let’s read this poem. Repeat after me all
together, please.
It is a fox.
It is a box.
It is a mouse.
It is a house.
It is a ball.
It is a doll.
It is a bear.
It is a chair.
Where is my doll?
Near the ball.
Where is my bear?
It is on the chair.
3. Повторение пройденного грамматического материала.
- Well. Now we are ready to continue our work. Today we are going to talk
about the verb to BE”. And now with the help of Mrs. Grammar we’ll
check up your hometask. This is our Mrs. Grammar. And this is her
Kingdom. In this Kingdom we are meeting with the verb to be. (слайд 2).
- Once upon a time there was a small town with 3 houses. Mrs. Grammar
operated the town.
( слайд 3)
“I” lived in the 1
house, “he”, “she” with their puppy “it” lived in the 2d
house,”we”,”you”, “they” lived in the 3d house.
(слайд 4)
One day the verb “be” has come to this town and wanted to make friends
with inhabitants of this town. “Be” gave a knock on the small house where I
lived and told: “Hello, my name is Be, let’s be friends”.
(слайд 5)
But “I” has answered:” Go away. I don’t like you”.
(слайд 6)
“Be” was unkindly accepted in two other houses.
(слайд 7, 8)
But “Be” didn’t want to be alone. And in tears “be” has come to Mrs.
Grammar and told the trouble.
(слайд 9)
Mrs. Grammar was very kind and decided to help “be” and she told: “Let’s
play them a trick”. Have a look. There is a snack full of masks and clothes!
Change clothes!”
(слайд 10)
“Be” has changed the clothes and in such kind “be” has come to “I” and with
pleasure was accepted.
(слайд 11)
In a similar way “be” has changed clothes 2 times and ”Be” has made friends
with all inhabitants of this town.
(слайд 12)
In a similar way “be” has changed clothes 2 times and ”Be” has made
friends with all inhabitants of this house.
(слайд 13)
So, am, is, are is the same verb to be, but he changes clothes (слайд 14)
- Let’s do this task (слайд 15)
4. Физкультминутка.
I think, you are tired. Let’have a rest/
Hands up,
Hands down,
Hands on hips,
Sit down.
Stand up,
Hands to the sides,
Bend left,
Bend right.
5. Повторение вопросительной и отрицательной формы.
Let’s remember how we make questions.
- (слайд 16)
Let’s remember how we make negative sentences.
6. Закрепление пройденного материала.
- And now let’s do an exercise. (слайд 17)
1) He is a student.
2) She is from America.
3) I am English.
4) He is brave.
5) They are popular.
6) You are beautiful.
7) Linda is clever.
8) It is great.
9) They are from England.
10) I am a poet.
11) He is Sam.
12) They are famous.
7. Подведение итогов. (слайд 18)