Сценарий "День рождения Карлсона" 2 класс

День рождения Карлсона.
Сценарий рассчитан для учащихся 2го класса школы с углубленным изучением
английского языка.
Персонажи сценки: Малыш - Malish (Kid), Карлсон - Carlson, Крокодил Гена -
Crocodile Guena, Чебурашка - Cheburashka, Буратино - Pinocchio, Мальвина -
Malvina, Незнайка - Dunno, Гусля - Guslya, Продавец шаров - Balloon Man (если
группа большая, можно добавить других героев – Пеппи - Длинный Чулок,
Красную Шапочку, которые будут дарить подарки ( мяч, машину, самолет) и
рассказывать стихотворение об этом предмете.
Сцена 1.
Kid: Hello! Do you know me? I am Malish. In English I am a kid. You know, I have
a friend Carlson who lives on the roof. It is his birthday today. I’ve invited a lot of
guests to his birthday party. I want him to be happy.
Kid: Carlson, why are you sleeping? It’s time to get up. Get up! Get up! It’s your
birthday today. The guests are coming soon!
Carlson: Guests? Then I must be handsome.
(Смотрится в зеркало) I look great! I’m young, I’m strong, I can fly very well.
It’s my birthday today. I’m the best man in the world.
Where are the guests?
Kid: Here they are!
Сцена 2.
Carlson: Hello, Crocodile Guena!
Crocodile Guena: Hello!
Carlson: Glad to see you, dear Cheburashka!
Cheburashka: Glad to see you too.
Crocodile Guena, Cheburashka (вместе): Happy Birthday to you! Here is our musical
present to you, Carlson.
Исполняют песню на мотив «Голубой вагон бежит, качается…»
Birthday is a happy holiday for us
And we celebrate it every year.
Cakes, balloons and presents that we like so much-
We wish we had them every day!
Birthdays are happy days,
Tasty cakes, funny games!
Presents are nice to get
Happy holidays!
Carlson: Thank you very much what a nice start for my Birthday party!
Сцена 3.
(Мальвина и Буратино покупают воздушные шары для Карлсона)
Balloon Man: I stand here every afternoon,
Waiting for someone to buy a balloon.
Look at the colours bright and gay.
Just one penny is all you pay.
Plenty for all who come, have I.
Come and buy! Come and buy!
Pinocchio : I would like the one that’s green,
It is the best that I have seen.
Malvina: Lucky am I, please give me two,
One that’s yellow, and one that’s blue.
Malvina: I think Сarlson will like the balloons. They are so nice!
Don’t forget to say “Thank you”, Pinocchio.
Pinocchio : Thank you.
Сцена 4.
Malvina and Pinocchio : Happy Birthday to you, Carlson! Here is a present for you!
Carlson : Oh, thank you. I love green, yellow and blue.
Pinocchio : How old are you, Carlson?
Carlson : I am… I am… I am very young.
Сцена 5.
Carlson : Hello! How are you?
Dunno and Guslya: We are fine, thanks. Happy Birthday to you, Carlson!
Here is a present for you a cake. We know that you like cakes very much.
Thank you, Dunno and Guslya.
Сцена 6.
Carlson : Dear guests, let us have tea with the cake. Help yourselves, please.
(Гости подходят к Карлсону, «угощаются» тортом и становятся в хоровод и
Come, my friend, and dance with me.
It is easy, you can see.
One step back, one step out.
Then you turn yourself about.
It is fun to dance with you.
And it isn’t hard to do.
One step back, one step out.
Then you turn yourself about.