Конспект урока "People speak English all over the world" 7 класс
Муниципальная Старовичугская СОШ имени Г. В, Писарева
Конспект урока в 7 классе по теме
“People speak English all over the world”
( УМК М.З. Биболетова “Enjoy English”
Белова Татьяна Анатольевна,
учитель английского языка
Задачи урока:
1. Обеспечить совершенствование лексического материала
2. Обучать вести разговор в рамках изучаемой темы: учить составлять
монологические высказывания, отвечать на вопросы, задавать вопросы,
высказывать свое мнение
3. Формировать умение осуществлять поиск необходимой информации при чтении
4. Формировать умение соотносить вопросы и ответы
1. Развивать умение воспринимать интересующую информацию на слух
2. Развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся делать выводы и
3. Развивать коммуникативные умения
1. Воспитывать языковую культуру, уважение к другим народам
2. Воспитывать чувство коллективизма, умение работать в группе
Тип урока: комбинированный
Виды речевой деятельности: говорение, аудирование, чтение и письменная речь
Ход урока:
T: Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you.
2. (Актуализация знаний. )T: Do you want to know what we are going to speak about today?
Look at the board and try to predict the topic of our lesson
Slide1: First language, second language, foreign language, language of international
conferences and seminars, Internet communication language, global language
S: We are going to speak about English.
T: Yes, we are going to speak about the English language. But we have already learnt some
facts about it. Let’s remember.
In what countries do people speak English as their first or state language?
S: English is the first language in the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
T: Do you know that there are some other countries where people speak English as their first
language. Do you want to know their names? OK.
Is English your first language?
S: No, it isn’t
T: What is your first language?
S: My first language is Russian.
T: What is your second language?
S: My second language is English.
T: Do you know in how many countries people speak English as their second language?
If you want to learn more about English I suggest you organizing a conference and the
theme of our conference will be
Slide 2: People speak English all over the world
During our discussion we’ll try to find out:
• In what countries people speak English as a first language
• In how many countries people speak English as a second language
• How popular English is in Russia
• Where is English used
4.Этап осмысления
3.1. Монологическое высказывание по теме (по модели)
T: Do you agree to take part in this conference?
S: Yes, we do.
T: You will be representatives of different countries. I have prepared the cards for you.
Oh, I have prepared the cards in Russian. Will you help me to translate them into English?
But first we’ll revise the pronunciation of different languages. Repeat after the speaker.
Slide 3: Portuguese Chinese Japanese Dutch French Arabic Greek Hindi Maori
Hungarian Bulgarian Italian Armenian Norwegian Georgian Russian German English
Finnish Spanish Swedish Turkish Polish Danish Irish
T: Let’s begin our conference. Introduce yourself, please, using a model.
Slide 4: My name is….
I’m from….
People in my country speak…..
T: I’ll be the first. My name is Tatyana Belova. I’m from Russia. The capital of Russia is
People in my country speak Russian.
( Ученики представляются по образцу и прикрепляют значок на карту на доске, обозначая
то свою страну))
3.2. Ответы на вопросы, ориентированные на общие знания
T: Dear ladies and gentlemen! The first task of our conference is to discuss the following
Slide 5:
• What languages are easily understood in any part of the world?
• What languages are often spoken at international conferences and seminars?
• What languages are most often used in the Internet communication?
( Учитель помогает перевести вопросы в страдательном залоге и комментирует детские
Если у учеников возникают затруднения, учитель задает наводящие вопросы)
3.3.Работа с картой и лингвострановедческим справочником.
Now let’s work with a map and we’ll be able to find some more information about English.
Look at the questions and discuss them with your partner. You may consult LCG on p. 134
Slide 5:
• What countries are marked?
• What are their capitals?
• What main languages do people speak in these countries?
T: Now listen to the tape and check if you were right
The UK- London- English
Canada-Ottawa-English and French
Barbados- Bridgetown- English
Trinidad and Tobago- Port of Spain- English
Guyana- Georgetown- English
Jamaica-Kingston- English
Eire-Dublin- English and Gaelic
New Zealand –Wellington-English and Maori
( Ученики составляют предложения Ex: The capital of the UK is London. People in the UK
speak English.)
T: What do these countries have in common?
S: English is spoken as a first language in all these countries. (выделяется в центре карты на
3.5. Работа с текстом. Задания перекрестного выбора . Взаимоконтроль.
T: We have already found the answers to many questions but there are some which haven’t been
answered yet. Now we’ll work with documents Match the questions and the answers and fill in
the table. (p. 38 ex.20)
(Ученики читают текст и выполняют задания перекрестного выбора, Затем обмениваются
листочками и осуществляют взаимоконтроль. Слайд с правильными ответами
высвечивается на доске)
Slide 6:
4. Обобщение материала
( Работа в парах с деформированным предложением)
T: Ladies and gentlemen! We have already discussed all the questions and now we should
work out key statements and adopt a final decision. You will work in pairs and try to work out
key statements and a project of a final decision of our conference.
( Ученики работают с деформированным предложением.
Готовые предложения зачитываются и появляются на слайде в качестве основных
Slide 8: Key Statements
• English is spoken as a first language in Australia, The Bahamas, Canada, Ireland,
Guyana, the Caribbean Islands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the united
• People in 30 countries speak English as a second language.
• 70 per cent of Russian students study English as their first foreign language.
• English is a language of International conferences and seminars.
• English is most often used in the Internet communication.
( Учитель привлекает внимание учащихся к карте, которая пестрит значками)
T: Dear ladies and gentlemen! You see that English is extremely popular in the world. It is
spoken in a lot of countries, used in a lot of very important places and learnt by a lot of people.
We are not an exception. We are representatives of different countries but all of us speak
English. Let’s listen to the project of a final decision of our conference.
( Ученики зачитывают. Слайд появляется на доске)
Slide 9: Final decision
To be a worthy part of the world community we should do our best in learning English.
T: Now let’s vote by razing your hands that you adopt the final decision.
Adopted unanimously.
Now put your cards on the desks. You are Russian students again. You are those who want to be
well-educated and well-rounded people. That’s why you have come to a decision to do all your
best in learning English. Don’ forget that it’s your choice. Give a promise that you will never
break your word.
( Учитель выдает детям листочки, на которых напечатано решение конференцию Ребята
вписывают туда свое имя и хором за учителем дают обещание)
To be a worthy part of the world community, I,_______________________
Promise to do all my best in learning English at school.
(Учитель собирает листочки и комментирует)
If you forget I’ll remind you about your promise.
5. Подведение итогов урока.
6. Домашнее задание WB p. 29 ex. 1,2
Английский язык - еще материалы к урокам:
- Презентация "People speak English all over the world" 7 класс
- Конспект урока "Лицо города - визитная карточка страны" 7 класс
- Конспект урока "Communication" 7 класс
- Конспект урока "Киім кию туралы" 7 класс
- Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Хэллоуин" 8-9 класс
- Викторина по английскому языку "Поездка по стране Английского языка" 3 класс