План-конспект урока "Talk Show "Behind the Mask"" 7 класс

План-конспект урока по теме “ Talk Show Behind the Mask в
7 классе
Дата проведения 11.02.2015
Класс: 7.
Учебник New Millennium English 7: Учебник для 7 кл. общеобразоват. учрежд./ Н.Н.
Деревянко, Л.В. Клзятинская и др. – 3-е изд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2012
Тип урока : обобщающий урок-презентация. Проектное занятие.
Цель урока: обобщение полученных знаний, отработка умений и навыков на практике,
использование полученных ранее знаний лексики
1. образовательная: обобщить полученные знания -употребление грамматических
конструкций, развитие умения обобщения материала, выполнение упражнения по
использованию лексики, умение излагать свою точку зрения;
2. развивающая: создать условия для развития мышления и речи учащихся для развития
навыка поиска ответа на поставленную задачу. Развитие личностной активности.
3. воспитательная: создать условия для воспитания коммуникативной культуры, развивать
умения работать в группах, выслушивать и уважать мнения, стараться понять других,
давать совет.
Оборудование: наглядность, компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал,
Ход урока
1. Разминка
Teacher: Good afternoon, children! I think that everybody has problems in life that he or she
doesn’t want to tell about. Do you have any such problems?
Students` answers
Teacher: Today we will try to solve some your problems. So the topic of our today`s lesson is
“Talk Show “Behind the Mask”
Слайд 1
Teacher: Who can guess what the talk show “Behind the mask” is about?
Слайд 2
Students’ answers: It is the show where you can put on the mask and tell about your problems to
other people who will give you an advice.
2. Постановка целей урока
Teacher: You are right. So today we will try to talk about your problems and solve them. By the
end of the lesson you will be able to discuss different kinds of problems and you will get answer
to your questions.
3. Основной этап
Teacher: Before we start out talk show let`s remember the ways to express an advice.
Student`s answers: We can express an advice with the help of should; should not; if I were you, I
Слайд 3.
Teacher: Now let`s remember some words that can help you during the lesson and do an
Teacher: In this exercise you need to fill in the gaps with the words that you can see below. But
at first let`s translate them.
Students translate the words from the exercise
Слайд 4.
Teacher: Now let`s do this exercise.
Students fill in the gaps in the exercise.
Teacher: Let`s start our talk show. Take a piece of paper and write about your problem. Exercise
1 p, 87 may give you an idea. Do not write your name. You can change your handwriting. When
you are ready, fold the paper and put it in the box.
Слайд 5
Teacher: Let`s choose our Mr. or Ms. X who will put on the mask, take one piece of paper from
the box and read aloud the problem that is written on it. After that we will try to help our Mr. X
solve his problem.
Student choose Mr. or Ms. X who read the problem and all students discuss it and try to give
Teacher: Good job. What holiday will we celebrate soon
Students: St. Valentine`s Day
Teacher: Right. I think you all love your classmates, don`t you? So I suggest you to write an
advice for your classmates on the cards that I will give to you.
Слайд 6
4. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок
Teacher: Was this lesson helpful for you? Did it help you to solve your problem?
5. Постановка и комментарий домашнего задания
Teacher: On your desk you can see a sheet of paper with your hometask. This is a part of letter
published in magazine. You need to read it and write your advice.