Конспект урока "Fat versus Fit"

Цели урока:
Активизирование речемыслительной деятельности учащихся.
Развитие всех видов речевой деятельности через проектную методику.
Формирование потребности практического пользования языком, в
различных сферах деятельности.
Развитие самостоятельности, способности осуществлять продуктивные
речевые действия.
Воспитание потребности выражать свое мнение и способности
понимать чужую точку зрения.
Повышение интереса учащихся к занятиям спортом, к здоровому
образу жизни.
Задачи урока:
Обобщить, закрепить и систематизировать пройденный материал по
теме «Спорт»
Развивать лексико-грамматические навыки говорения.
Ознакомить с наиболее популярными видами спорта в странах
изучаемого языка и в своем городе.
Развивать умения пользоваться дополнительной литературой при
подготовке проектов.
Составить рабочие варианты проектов.
Корректировка и редактирование проектов.
Организация презентации проектов.
На наш взгляд данный урок предназначен для общеобразовательных
школ, а также для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка для
детей 8-11 классов в зависимости от степени их подготовки.
Актуальность выбранной темы заключается в том, что у подростков
данного возраста есть внутренняя потребность заниматься спортом,
следовательно, мы имеем возможность средствами английского языка
продемонстрировать привлекательность спорта и сформировать навыки
здорового образа жизни у детей
T: -Good morning everybody! I’ m glad to see you again! How are you today? Are
you ready to begin our lesson? Then let’s go. Do you remember the theme of our
last lessons? What’s it? (“Sport in our life”) Today we continue our work. Then we
are going to spend a very interesting action «Fat versus fit». So, students, how do
you understand the word «sport». Try to name some important features of a good
sportsman? -to keep fit -to be strong -to be quick -to be adroit (ловкий) Different
people prefer different sports. We say “sport” when we mean physical activity
generally and when we mean a particular kind of sport. Can you guess what sports
and games are described here?
1. the sport of fighting with fists;
2. the sport of riding in a small boat with sails;
3. the sport of one who swims;
4. the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball;
5. a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;
6. the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails;
7. the sport of going on horseback;
8. a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field.
Keys: boxing; sailing; swimming; rugby; tennis; rowing; horseracing; icy hockey.
T: Now, please, match the pictures and the sport (Для выполнения этого
задания используются картинки с изображениями нижеследующих видов
step aerobics
ski jumping
T: Thousands of people devote their leisure time playing different games and
doing sports. What do you call a person who:
plays golf (golfer) rides a bicycle (a cyclist) plays tennis (a tennis player)
rides horses in races (a jockey) drives cars in races (a driver) does the high
jump (a high-jumper) runs fast over short distances (a sprinter) does
gymnastics (a gymnast) throws a discus (discus thrower) does windsurfing
T: Both referee and umpire are judges. What games and competition do they
Referee is used in connection with basketball, boxing, football, hockey, rugby,
lacrosse and wrestling.
Umpire is used in connection with badminton, baseball, cricket, swimming, tennis
and volleyball.
T: As you know, sports are practiced indoors and outdoors. There are some names
of special places for practicing sport and playing games. Match the sport with the
a. golf
b. boxing
с. tennis
d. swimming
e. football
f. athletics
g. ice-skating
Golf is played on a course.
Boxing is done on a ring
Tennis is played on a court.
Swimming is done in a pool.
Football is played in a field.
Athletics is done at the stadium.
Ice-skating is done on a rink.
T: Boxing, swimming, ice-skating, athletics are well-known sports. Let’s take a
look at extreme sports. They have grown rapidly in importance and the extreme
games attract growing numbers of participants.
What extreme sports do you know?
Keys: bungee jumping, ice-diving, sky surfing, snow boarding, snow rafting,
T: Do you think they are dangerous?
Keys: Some of them are very dangerous
T: What makes people risk their lives to do them? (- Speed, excitement, danger
May be it’s like a drug, the more they do them the more they want to do it again;
They want to show how strong and courageous they are; They say it’s a feeling
nothing can be compared to in a short period of time you experience so much;
They say, when they do it all their personal problems go away)
T: Read through the statements and choose the right item.
1. People do extreme sports in order to feel
a. excited
b. nervous
c. happy
2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last
a. 5 years
b. 10 years
с 20 years
3. People usually bungee jump from
a. aeroplanes
b. high buildings
c. bridges
4. In sky surfing people do mid-air
a. gymnastics
b. dancing
с swimming
5. Snowboarding has similarities with
a. skiing
b. surfing
с canoeing
6. Snowrafting is
a. quite dangerous
b. very dangerous
c. not very dangerous
7. For white-water rafting you need
a. big river
b. a warm river
c. a mountain river
8. Ice divers
a. swim under ice
b. walk on the bottom
c. walk upside down under the ice
Keys: 1a; 2b; 3c; 4a; 5b; 6b; 7c; 8c
So, students, tastes differ. You are keen on football; your friend is fond of boxing.
Today we want to spend an action in defense of all kinds of sport and to prove,
that sport is not only for slim and active.
The symbol of our arrangement is a red ball. We prepared such balloons with the
words of wisdom about sport and health on them.
-“Wealth is nothing without health”.
-“The first wealth is your health and it’s only in your hand”.
-“Exercise with pleasure, eat with measure”.
-“Open your life to any kind of sport”.
-“Never put off sport till tomorrow if you can do it today”.
- “Lost health is never found again, do exercises every day”
-“Better late then never choose sport forever”.
-“A good sport beginning makes a good health ending”.
-“Morning exercise a day keeps a doctor away”.
On one of our balloon we have such words as: “Exercise with pleasure, eat with
measure”. Is it necessary for all sportsmen to be slim and to follow a diet?
Now students let`s put on our invisible helmets and imagine ourselves in a
What can you see students? Let`s describe the wrestlers which you can see. Look
at the screen.
-Oh, I see a sumo wrestler. He is in a loincloth. He is very fat and awkward.
-But is he a ridiculous one? Can you see the reaction of the audience?
- There are many people there and they don`t laugh. They support their favorite
- You know that all people are crazy about him. Can you imagine David Beckham
in a loincloth? But what would be their reaction?
-They will laugh at him.
-More over he will be a bad wrestler because of the lack of his weight. Do you
- Yes we do.
-Let`s try to enumerate some kinds of sport, in which sheer size and mass are
greater attributes than stamina and speed.
-They are wrestling, boxing, drafts…
- Today we have a guest. His name is (applause, please)…the American boxer
Eric Esch! We are so glad to see you at our party. Now some words concerning our
problem “Fat versus fit”.
Many people know me as “Butterbean”. I topped the scales at a colossal 25 stones.
Prior to my visit to the U.K., many in Britain thought I was debasing the art of
boxing and merely turning the sport into a farce. One British newspaper labeled me
The Raging Blancmange.
-Despite such criticism he drew a considerable cult following in the US, at one
point claiming 67 victories from his 70 contests, with 49 stoppages, one defeat and
two draws.
-Now we have an opportunity to see another “hero of sport” “Big Daddy”.
Hello, I am 300 pounds plus. It wasn`t a disaster! I splatted, squashed and bounced
my opponents around the room to an adoring, hysterical crowd. They chanted
“easy easy”.
-You know that he was very popular and was on chat shows and in advertisements.
Thank you our guests.
-You see that it is not important to be slim and quick for being a good sportsman.
Now I want to know how attentive and cute you are, because such features are also
very important for a good sportsman.
You should put all words in a right order.
1. Britain in the in seventies afternoon wrestling Saturday darts and popular
became. 2. Darts closely is connected pubs with and alcohol.
However, the fact, in which alcohol add to the tension of the contest is not good.
Real sport should be healthy.
Now I want you to divide into two groups to discuss advantages and disadvantages
of being famous sportsmen. Now it`s not important for us if they fat or slim are.
You have language support on your desks.
Language support
As I see it…In my opinion,…As far I’m concerned…I would say that…I feel
strongly that…I feel the same way as you. I agree with you about that. That’s
absolutely right. I see what you mean, but…You’ve got a point, but what about the
fact that…? But don’t you think that…? What do you? /What are your views?
Professional sport
It educates a strong will, discipline, ability to overcome difficulties. It gives a
chance to acquire a lot of friends.
It helps to increase self-esteem and self-confidence. It is a possibility to become
famous. They are recognized wherever they go. People want your autograph. It is
always fun and excitement. They meet a lot of famous people. It gives a chance to
see the whole world. It helps athletes earn a lot of money. They can buy whatever
they want. It develops the feeling of patriotism.
It is associated with hard work. It is associated with injures and tiredness. It is
often unfair. It often makes athletes selfish and too ambitious. Athletes are forced
to keep to a diet. Athletes have no possibility to make a decision of their own.
They have no privacy. Athletes are forced to sacrifice a lot of things. Often athletes
don’t have a profession and are forced to retire young. They have problems finding
real friends who are interested in them not in their glamorous lifestyle. Journalists
and photographers follow them around.
You know that every person should know the English language, because it` s an
international one but famous sportsmen should travel a lot.
Read this text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word
that fits the space in the same line. Why is Lauren Jackson the best?
The best basketball player in the world.
If you haven’t heard of Lauren Jackson, you can be (1) __________ FORGIVE
But she is quite (2) ________ the most talented basketball player in POSSIBLE
the world. In 1998, at the age of 17, she became the top (3) _______ SCORE
in Australia and helped her team to win the (4) _______. Her coach, CHAMPION
Tom Maher, says she is one of the most (5)________players he has ATHLETE
ever seen. More impressive than her physical (6)_______, however, ABLE
is her mental approach. She is, says Maher, a fantastic (7) ________ LEARN
and a great team person. The Australian team is (8)________ based TOTAL
around her and it is only a matter of time before she is (9)________ FAME
internationally. Her physical (10) _________ is not complete yet, so DEVELOP
her potential is still not (11)___________ realized. With a few more FULL
years of (12)__________ she will become one of the all-time greats. GROW
Заключительный этап: ОК, you’ve proved your knowledge of English. So, one
more task for you. Our action Fat versus Fit is coming to an end and there are no
winners. Besides, we can easily turn FAT into FIT. Let’s divide into 2 groups and
do transformations in 3 steps.
Fat mat bat bit fit
Fit bit bat mat - fat
Mat is a piece of material used for a floor covering.
Bat is a shaped wooden implement for striking the ball in games.
Bit is a small piece of anything.
T: That’s all for today. Thank you for your good work. See you next lesson.