Конспект урока "I’m from..."

Topic: I’m from...
Цель: введение новых слов по теме «Страны и национальности».
Ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом;
Словообразование: -ish, -ian, - ese, -er;
Расширять кругозор;
Продолжать прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;
Воспитывать умение работать в парах и индивидуально;
Развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи по теме;
Строить высказывания по образцу и самостоятельно.
Речевой материал: Im from, American, English, Russian, New Zealander, Japanese, French
Grammar: -
Оснащение урока:
Презентация «I’m from…»
Презентация для работы в оболочке интерактивной доски
Аудирование (диск № 1 speak English)
Этапы урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
I. Подготовительный этап
1. Организационный
Good morning!. I’m glad to see you here!
Take your places please.
Good morning. We are glad to see you
2. Речевая разминка
Who can tell me, what day is it today?
Ok, you are right! What date is it today?
How do you do? I hope that you are fine!
Are you ready for this lesson?
That’s great!
Today is Friday.
Today is 25
of September.
I’m …
Yes! We are ready!
3. фонетическая зарядка
4. постановка цели на
What can you do in English now? Let’s
remember our song!
I can read
I can write
I can speak English
And you? And you?
We can read
We can write
We can speak English too
We like learning English
We love it too.
Today we’ll learn how tell to our friends
where are you from. Do you understand
what we should do?
I can read
I can write
I can speak English
And you? And you?
We can read
We can write
We can speak English too
We like learning English
We love it too.
Yes, we …
II. Основной этап
Girls and boys, tell me please what countries
you know?
Ok, and how do we call people from Russia?
That’s great! And from Britain? How clever
you are!
Now let’s check your knowledge. Look at
the board and read the task (дети выполняют
1задание – соединяют линиями страну и
национальность) .
Now we are going to learn a new phrase
I’m from… what does it means?
Well done. You are right! Alina, where are
you from? Ok, next, Anna, where are you
Look at the blackboard, please, read the
sentences and translate. (РАБОТА С
Well, let’s play in teams! One team names a
country, the other names the nationality. Ok?
Look at the blackboard, please, what do you
see? This is the map of the world. Tell me
please, where gray wolf is from? where
winnie is from?(задание 2, работа с
интерактивной доской).
VERY WELL! Now, tell me please, what do
you know about Spider man? Look at the
blackboard, please, what do you see? Who
are they? (слайд №5-6 предтекстовая
Well done! Now, open your book at page37
I know Russia…
I know Britain…
Учащиеся выполняют задание № 1 на
интерактивной доске.
Учащиеся выполняют задания на
интерактивной доске.
Im from Russia.
Учащиеся отвечают по цепочке.
Winnie is from Britain…
T1 Italy
T2 Itlian…
(Работа над новыми словами и
героями текста).
Чтение, перевод.
Ex.4. let’s read this text.
Well, my dear! Tell me please, what this text
is about? (послетекстовая работа – ответы
на вопросы – слайд №7).
I checked your home task, and I noted that
the exercises are done very good! Your
marks are…
III. Заключительный этап
1. Домашнее задание.
Make a poster of your favourite
cartoon characters with his/her
name, what he/she does.
2. Подведение итогов.
Выставление оценок
Today you’ve worked very well.
Your marks:
3. Прощание
Stand up! The lesson is over. Thank you for
your work today. See you on Friday! Bye!