Конспект урока "Мой любимый учебный предмет" 5 класс

Класс - 5
Тема урока: «Мой любимый учебный предмет»
Цель урока: отрабатывают лексический запас слов; практикуют диалогическую и
монологическую речь; работаю над правильным произношением и написанием слов;
составляют предложения с изученной структурой – I'm good at
Результат урока: запомнили слова; понимают речь учителя и одноклассников; могут
правильно составить предложения и задать вопрос другу
Ключевые идеи, значимые для занятия: My favourite school subject is…
Последующее задание кроссворд
Источники, оснащение, оборудование учебник, рабочая книга, презентация,
клубочек нитей, раздаточный материал, дидактический материал
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
P: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!
Good morning, our teacher. We are glad to see you!
2. Эмоциональный настрой на урок (ИКТ)
(учитель передает клубочек нитей, высказывая пожелание; учащиеся передают
клубок друг другу с пожеланиями)
- Have a good day!
-Have many friends!
- Be polite!
- Be kind to people! and so on…
3. Фонетическая разминка (ИКТ)
T: Now listen to me and repeat after me
English Russian Maths Mathematics Art Literature History Geography Biology
Games Music Technology
4. Введение в новую тему
T: What can you say about these words?
P: They are school subjects
T: As for me I like English and History. They are my favourite school subjects.
Now look at the blackboard! The theme of our lesson today is My favourite school subject.
5. Актуализация опорных знаний Игра «What school subject is it?» (ИКТ)
(на слайдах появляются картинки по предметам; учащиеся задают вопрос по очереди
1 ученику)
-Is this History? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
- Is it Russian?
- Is this Art?
6. Практика речи
T: Say, please, what school subject you like or don’t like
P: I like Maths. I don’t like Games.
I like biology. I don’t like Technology.
T: Ask your friend what subject he (she) likes or doesn’t like
P: Do you like Games? Do you like Art? Do you like Russian Literature?
T: Now tell me, please, about your friends
P: Olga likes Games. Nina likes Art. Vova doesn’t like Literature.
T: And say, please, what subject you are good at.
P: I’m good at Russian. I’m good at History. I’m good at geography.
7. Практика письма
T: Put a letter in these words
Ma……hs , L……terature, Engli…..h, Hi….tory, Ru…..sian, Ar….., M…..sic, Game…
8. Физкультминутка
Step, step, clap, clap!
Step, step, clap, clap!
Turn yourself around
and then you clap, clap, clap!
Hands up! Hands down! Turn left! Turn right and sit down.
9. Тест
T: I’ll say some sentences about school subjects and you should guess and put a number
We write at this lesson. We do exercises. We don’t speak English and Kazakh at this lesson. We write
We can see many cities and towns on the map. We can show seas and lakes on the map. We know about
other countries. We get interesting information at this lesson.
When it is warm we have this lesson in the street. When it is cold we play in the gymnasium. We play
football, basketball and volleyball at this lesson. All of us like this school subject.
We have this lesson two times a week. We read and write at the lesson. We ask and answer the questions.
We do not speak Russian and Kazakh at this lesson. It is the state language of Great Britain.
We don’t read literature at this lesson. We count numbers from 1 to one hundred. We write in our copy-
books. We don’t speak English. We speak only Russia
10. Домашнее задание
T: Complete the crossword
11. Рефлексия
Pupils say about the lesson and draw smiles on the blackboard
12.Подведение итогов урока