Сценарий "The Centerville Ghost (по мотивам книги Оскара Уайлда)" 8-10 класс

Муниципальное автономное учреждение
Дополнительного образования детей
«Центр детского творчества «Юность»
Дзержинского района
Сценарий постановки
«The Centerville Ghost»
по мотивам книги Оскара Уайлда
Ефимовских А.Е.
педагог дополнительного образования
Пермь, 2015.
Пояснительная записка
Сценарий постановки « Кентервильское привидение» на английском языке
предназначен для постановки в детском коллективе, возраст участников которого 13
16 лет (7 – 9 класс). Дети должны владеть английским языком на достаточном
уровне (pre-intermediate), чтобы справиться с поставленной задачей сыграть на
сцене данный спектакль.
Цель создания постановки – развитие лингвистических способностей
учащихся через участие в творческом процессе работы над спектаклем,
обогащение их словарного запаса.
Сценарий может быть использован педагогами английского языка,
работающими с детьми среднего и старшего школьного возраста, педагогами
дополнительного образования.
Кентервильское привидение.
Lord Simon Centerville (the Ghost)
Lady Eleanore Centerville
Lord Centerville
Mr. Otis
Mrs. Otis
Miss Virginia E. Otis
Twin 1
Twin 2
Mrs. Umney
Сцена 1 «Убийство»
Сцена 3 «Знакомство»
Lord Centerville
Леди за столом. Лорд присаживается. Леди стучит чайной
ложкой, размешивая сахар.
Stop doing this. Она опять.
Don`t do this. Why was the estate on fire?
Lady Centerville
I don`t know. Why do you shout at me every day?
Стук ложки. Он сидит какое-то время, потом хватает нож
и убивает ее.
Lord Centerville
So Lady Eleanore de Centerville was murdered by her own
husband, Sir Simon de Centerville, in 1575. Sir Simon
disappeared suddenly under very mysterious circumstances. His
body has never been found, but his guilty spirit still haunts the
Centerville castle.
Сцена 2 «Сделка»
Lord Centerville
Sir, I must be honest with you Mr. Otis. There is something very
strange about this house.
Mr. Otis
And what is that strange about the place?
Lord Centerville
There is a ghost. Oh, these mysterious noises that come from
the corridor and the library.
Mr. Otis
Really, My Lord. Can I have a look at it?
Lord Centerville
It doesn`t appear when you want him to. But I fear that the ghost
exists. It was seen many times by the servants and members of
my family.
Mr. Otis
OK I buy your Ghost.
Lord Centerville
What? You want to buy a Ghost? I don`t understand.
Mr. Otis
What don`t you understand? You sell the ghost, I buy it.
Lord Centerville
But I am not selling a family ghost. I will give it to you for free.
Mr. Otis
Oh, you are a very rich man, Lord Centerville. And you can give
such presents.
Lord Centerville
OK if you don't mind a ghost in the house, it is all right. Only you
must remember I warned you.
Подписывают договор.
Mrs. Umney
Welcome to the Centerville castle.
Все семейство входит, осматривается.
What`s this?
Mrs. Umney
It is an old prophecy. Nobody can read it.
Сцена 4 «Ночные издевательства»
Mrs. Otis
I am afraid something has been spilt there.
Mrs. Umney
(низким таинственным голосом) Yes, madam, blood has been
spilt on that spot.
Mrs. Otis
Oh, how horrid. I don't want any blood-stains in my sitting-room. It
must be removed at once.
Mrs. Umney
But it`s impossible, Madam. It is the blood of Lady Eleanore de
Centerville, who was murdered on that very spot by her own
husband, Sir Simon de Centerville, 3 hundred years ago. His
spirit still wonders in the castle. Tourists admire this blood-stain.
Mr. Otis
Присоединяется. What are you looking at?
Mrs. Otis
A blood stain. This Lady says it can`t be removed.
Mr. Otis
That is all nonsense. Pinkerton's Champion Stain Remover will
clean it up in a moment. Look.
(Стирает пятно). That`s all. I knew Pinkerton would do it. And
you are talking about ghosts.
(Молния освещает комнату. Mrs. Umney падает в
обморок.) What a monstrous climate! England is so densely
populated that the luck of weather is obvious.
Mrs. Otis
Oh, my dear, what can we do with a woman who faints?'
Mr. Otis
Charge it to her like breakages and she won't faint after that.
Mrs. Umney поднимается, начинает убирать со стола.
Mrs. Umney
I have seen terrific things in this castle. Be careful with the ghost.
It is his blood-stain.
Twin 1
When will it appear at last?
Twin 2
When? When?
Mr. Otis
Be patient, children. Lord Centerville seems to be an honest
person. Come. And let`s look at the other rooms.
Mr. Otis спит. Входит привидение. Оно издает страшные
звуки, звенит цепями.
Mr. Otis
My dear sir, I really must insist on your oiling those chains. They
make very loud noise. It`s impossible to sleep. Take this small
bottle of the Machine oil. I shall leave it here for you on the table.
And I will be happy to supply you with more if you need.
(Дает привидению бутылку и ложится спать. Привидение
бросает бутылку на пол.)
Twin 1
(Уходит. Появляются близнецы. У них в руках подушки. Они
начинают кидать подушки в приведение.
Приведение проливает краску на пол.)
Pillows are of no use here. We`d better pick up some stones.
Twin 2
Great. Next time… He won`t escape.
Mrs. Otis
(Далее идет к выходу и натыкается на Mrs. Otis) I am afraid
you are far from well. Do you have indigestion? I have brought
you a bottle of Dr. Dobells tincture. If it is indigestion, it will help
you quickly.
Близнецы натягивают веревку, приведение спотыкается,
падает. Они отрывают у него кусочек одежды. Дерутся из-
за него.
Twin 1
Give me. It`s mine. I was the first.
Сцена 5 «Опять пятно»
Сцена 6 «Вирджиния»
Twin 2
I`m not a fool. For this piece of cloth I will get 1 hundred dollars.
(Вдруг кусок исчезает. Ребята убегают.)
No, no, no. I can`t stand any longer. Fool me, throw pillows at me,
suggest machine oil and indigestion tincture. To me, the horror of
the Centerville castle. But some time ago I caused women
screaming and fainting, men shouting and running.
Вздыхает, уходит. Утро.
Входит Mrs. Umney, накрывает на чай. Появляется вся
Mr. Otis
I have no wish to do the ghost any personal injury, and I don't
think it is polite to throw pillows at him. On the other hand, if he
doesn`t use the Machine oil, we shall have to take his chains from
him. It would be impossible to sleep, with such a noise.
Mrs. Otis
Замечает пятно на полу.
What`s this?
Twin 1
What`s it?
Twin 2
You can`t understand. It is green blood.
Mrs. Umney
I said to you it must be he. I cannot sleep. I cannot close my eyes
at night. And you can see the blood again.
Mr. Otis
I clearly remember removing the stain myself yesterday and
locked the door with the key. Perhaps it was really a ghost who
did it. And the stain is green today.
OK Pinkerton's Champion Stain Remover will clean it
up.(Очищает все пятновыводителем)
Twin 1
Father, let us deal with him.
Please, don`t do any harm to him. (Близнецы смеются)
Вирджиния в комнате одна. Она рассматривает стены,
потом прислушивается. Входит привидение. Он не
замечает ее идет рисовать пятно на полу. Тихонько
I am so sorry for you, but you behave yourself, no one will annoy
It is absurd asking me to behave myself… Quite absurd. I must
rattle my chains, and groan through keyholes, and walk at night. It
is my only reason for existing
It is no reason at all for existing, and you know you have been
very wicked. Mrs. Umney told us, the first day we arrived here,
that you had killed your wife.
Well, it was a purely family matter, and concerned no one else.
It is very wrong to kill any one.
Oh, my wife was very plain and knew nothing about cookery.
However, I don't think it was very nice of her brothers to starve
me to death, though I did kill her.
Starve you to death? Oh, Mr. Ghost, I mean Sir Simon, are you
Приведение и Вирджиния уходят.
Сцена 7 «Final»
hungry? I have a sandwich in my case. Would you like it?
No, thank you, I never eat anything now; but it is very kind of you.
You are much nicer than the rest of your horrid, rude, vulgar,
dishonest family.
Stop! (топает ногой) It is you who are rude, and horrid, and
vulgar. And as for dishonesty, you know you stole the paints out
of my box. First you took all my reds, then you took the emerald-
green and the yellow. I was very much annoyed, and it was most
ridiculous. Who ever heard of emerald- green blood?
Well, really, what was I to do? It is a very difficult thing to get real
blood nowadays. As for colour, that is always a matter of taste:
the Centervilles have blue blood, the very bluest in England.
(Вирджиния хочет уйти).
Please don't go, Miss Virginia, I am so lonely and so unhappy,
and I really don't know what to do. I have not slept for three
hundred years
Poor, poor Ghost, have you no place where you can sleep?
Have you seen the old prophecy on the library window?
Oh, often. I know it quite well. It is difficult to read.
When a golden girl can win
Prayer from out the lips of sin,
When the barren almond bears,
And a little child gives away its tears,
Then shall all the house be still
And peace come to Canterville.
But I don't know what they mean.
They mean that you must weep for me for my sins and pray with
me for my soul and then, if you have always been sweet, and
good, and gentle, the Angel of Death will have mercy on me. The
old withered almond-tree will be in blossom.
I am not afraid, and I will ask the Angel to have mercy on you.
Voices 1
Come back, little Virginia. Come back.
Voices 2
Beware! Little Virginia, beware! We may never see you again.
Mrs. Otis
Oh, again. (Глядя на пятно)
Twin 1
We`ll see who wins next time.
Twin 2
Yes, we`ll see.
No one will do any harm to him.
Mr. Otis
Good heavens! Child, where have you been? You must never
play these practical jokes any more.
Except on the Ghost! Except on the Ghost!
Mrs. Otis
My own darling, thank God you are found. You must never leave
my side again.
I have been with the Ghost. He is dead, and you must come and
see him. He had been very wicked, but he was really sorry for all
that he had done, and he gave me this box of beautiful jewels
before he died.
Mr. Otis
What? What do you mean by he is dead? This castle doesn`t cost
the money I paid without a Ghost in it. And by the way, do you
know that your Ghost killed his own wife.
She was very plain and knew nothing about cookery.
Twin 1
Hallo! Hallo! The old withered almond-tree has blossomed. I can
see the flowers quite clearly in the moonlight.
Twin 2
Right, look.
God has forgiven him