Игра "Treasure Hunt" 6 класс

Игра для 6 классов “Treasure Hunt” («В поисках сокровищ»).
Автор: учитель английского языка Успенской МБОУСОШ № 1 Баранова
Екатерина Борисовна
Цель: поддержание интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.
Задачи: - актуализация изученного материала по темам “Asking the way”,
- развитие логического мышления;
- формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству.
Оборудование: маршрутные листы (Приложение 1), карточки с загадками
(Приложение 2), сладкие призы.
Ход игры:
Игра проводится в рамках «Недели иностранного языка». От каждого класса
параллели 6 классов выбирается команда. Каждая команда получает
маршрутный лист. В течение дня команды должны пройти по маршруту и
собрать пять загадок. Загадки и последующие маршрутные листы заранее
раздаются работникам школы. После того как команда соберет все загадки,
игроки отгадывают их и по полученным словам угадывают ключевое слово.
Команда, которая первой назовёт ключевое слово ведущему, побеждает и
получает «сундук с сокровищами» (сладости).
Ответы на загадки:
1 Christmas-tree
2 Stockings
3 Chimney
4 Letter
5 Reindeer
Ключевое слово:
Santa Claus
Приложение 1.
Route # 1
Start on the ground floor at the central door. Go upstairs, turn left, and go past six doors. You need
the fifth door on the right. It is not very far from the teacher’s room. There is the BEST Baba Yaga!
Route # 2
Start at the teachers’ room. You should turn right and go upstairs. On the second floor turn right.
You need the second door on the right side.
Route # 3
Start at the school museum. Go past three doors, turn right. Go into the narrow corridor. You need
the first door on the left side.
Route # 4
Start on the ground floor at the room of the psychologist. Go to the central hall. Go through the
small gym. Go upstairs to the first floor. You need the room of Russian. The owner of this class-
room is a young lady with blond hair and grey eyes.
Route # 5
The owner of this room is not very tall but charming. Thanks to this person our teachers can use
modern techniques at their lessons. He is our computer genius.
Приложение 2.
Riddle # 1
It is green, but it is not a frog.
It is furry, but it is not a bear.
It has a lot of needles, but it’s neither a tailor no a hedgehog.
Riddle # 2
Every fashionable woman or girl has this thing in her wardrobe. First it
appeared some centuries ago. It could be wool, silk or even leather. And
only in 1938 in the USA the first synthetic fibre was invented. The new
nylon … were much better: they were hard-wearing, easy to wash and, of
course, they looked cool. So, in 1950s girls began to wear mini-skirts and
show their beautiful legs.
Riddle # 3
There was a white, white country. In this white, white country there was a
white, white city. In the white, white city there was a white, white house.
Everything in this house was white: walls, windows, doors, and a roof. And
only on the roof there was a black, black ….
Riddle # 4
Without a tongue this thing can speak
And you can get some news from it.
Without wings this thing can fly
And travel from town to town in time.
Riddle # 5
You can find it in tundra.
It’s a beautiful big animal.
It has large horns, which are like a crown on its head.
It likes to eat moss.