Сценарий "William Shakespeare - Immortal Poet of Nature" 7-11 класс

Сценарий интегрированного внеклассного мероприятия (КВН) по
английскому языку и литературе для учащихся 7-11 классов
1. Развивать навыки говорения и аудирования в процессе творческого
общения учеников друг с другом и с учителями.
2. Развивать интерес учащихся к культурному наследию Великобритании.
3. Расширять кругозор.
Форма мероприятия: Командная игра КВН каждой команде по 6-8
Домашнее задание:
Для команды: 1) придумать и представить название команды, девиз,
логотип, выбрать капитана команды;
2)подготовить стенгазету “Elizabethan World News”
(include information about recent changes in and around London, military
matters in the country, theatre news with a review, a weather report, reports
on sporting events, advice on homemaking for the Elizabethan housewife.)
Для группы поддержки (для зрителей): подготовить сонеты на
английском и русском языках, а также возможно представить свой
собственный перевод сонета.
Наглядные материалы:
1. Газеты, приготовленные командами. Должны быть предоставлены
заранее, чтобы жюри имело возможность их оценить.
2. Портрет поэта, картины мест, где он жил и работал, книги Вильяма
Шекспира на русском и английском языках.
3. Презентация к внеклассному мероприятию, где представлены и
написаны все задания к КВН.
План сценария
Teacher: Good day! Today our game is dedicated to the greatest playwright
in the world literature: William Shakespeare. One of Shakespeare’s friends,
Ben Johnson said, “He was not of the age, but for all time.”
I) Визитная карточка, где команды представляют свою команду,
своего капитана, название команды, девиз и логотип.
(максимальное количество баллов за визитную карточку 5 и
максимальное количество баллов за стенгазету– 5)
II) Конкурс “TRUE and FALSE
I’d like you to agree or disagree with the statements about some facts
from William Shakespeare’s life. (На столе у каждой команды
лежат 2 карточки TRUE and FALSE. Команда, первая поднявшая
правильную карточку, получает 1 балл. Если команда
корректирует неверный ответ, то получает дополнительный
1.W. Shakespeare was born in the 17
(False.In the 16
2.W.Shakespeare got a good education in
London. (False. He got his limited education in
the local grammar school in Stratford).
3.W.Shakespeare married later. His wife was
younger than he was. (False. He married when he
was 18, his wife was 9 years older.)
4.W.Shakespeare had three children: a daughter Susanna and twins Judith and
Hamnet. (True)
5. W.Shakespeare never acted on the stage. (False)
6. W.Shakespeare wrote 47 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 poems. (False. He wrote 37
III) Thank you for your answers. I see that you know Shakespeare’s life
rather well. Do you know when William Shakespeare was born? Now
you are to choose the right answer. (На столе у каждой команды
лежат 3 карточки с цифрами 1,2,3. Варианты ответа должны быть
написаны на плакатах. За верный ответ команда получает 1 балл.)
1.Why do we celebrate W. Shakespeare’s birth on the 23
of April? (2)
1) There is a medical record of his birthday on that day.
2) The exact day of his birth is unknown but he was baptized on 26
April (in
those days children were christened son after birth). He died on the 23
April and it has been found convenient to make that his birthday as well.
3) The fact is mentioned in the memoires of his contemporaries.
2. How do we know what W. Shakespeare looked like? (3)
1) There is a famous self-portrait.
2) There are many portraits painted during his lifetime.
3) Two portraits may be regarded as authenticated: the bust in Stratford
Church, and the frontispiece to the folio of 1623 (The First Folio is in the
first collected edition of single plays)
3. We learn the main facts of W. Shakespeare’s life from: (1)
1) Miscellaneous documents: the parish register, playlists, deeds, his will, etc.
2) His autobiography written during the last year of his retirement in Stratford.
3) The diary which W. Shakespeare kept from his youth.
4. In the Elizabethan Age English spelling was not standardized. How was the
poet’s family name spelled at that time? (1,2,3)
1) Shakspere
2) Shakspeare
3) Shakespeare
5.Why have there been numerous attempts to prove that someone else wrote W.
Shakespeare’s plays? (1)
1) Very little is known about Shakespeare.
2) Many people confuse genius without learning and Shakespeare was not a
university man.
3) Because of social snobbery some people assign his writings to Lord Bacon
or the Earl of Oxford or the Queen herself.
6. Which play opens with three witches? (3)
1) Othello
2) Hamlet
3) Macbeth
7. Complete these titles: (1b, 2a, 3c)
1) The merry Wives of a) Verona
2) The two gentlemen of b)Windsor
3) The Merchant of c) Venice
Teacher: There is a joke about an American lady who, when asked whether she
knew W. Shakespeare, said, “Do you mean the guy who wrote quotations?”
Shakespeare traditionally occupies the largest or the second largest (after the Bible)
section in any dictionary of quotations. All of us, Russian speakers of English,
know by heart at least a dozen famous lines from his plays and sonnets and we can
recognize many more. Quite a number of these quotations in their Russian
translations have become part and parcel of the literary repertoire of non-English-
speaking Russians.
“My words fly up, my thoughts remain below:
Words without thoughts never to heaven go.”
IV) Match the original quotation and the translation and identify the
source. (Команда, которая первая закончит выполнять задание,
читает ответы. Если она ошибается, то исправить может другая
команда. За каждую правильную цитату команда получает 1
балл.) (1в, 2а, 3ж, 4б, 5г, 6е, 7д, 8и, 9з, 10л, 11л)
1. Something is rotten in the state of
А) Бренность, ты зовешься:
2. Frailty, thy name is woman.
Б) Всему давайте смысл, но не язык.
3. O, shame!
Where is thy blush?
В) Подгнило что-то в Датском
4. Give it an understanding, but to
the tongue.
Г) Век расшатался – и скверней всего,
что я рожден восстановить его!
5. The time is out of joint: O cursed
spite. That ever I was born to set
it right.
Д) Что ему Гекуба, Что он Гекубе,
чтоб о ней рыдать?
6. I must be cruel, only to be kind.
Е) Из жалости я должен быть жесток.
7. What’s Hecuba to him or he to
Ж) О стыд! Где твой румянец?
8. When sorrows come, they not
single spies. But in battalions.
З) Что в имени? То, что зовем мы
розой, и под другим названием
сохраняло б свой сладкий запах!
9. What’s in a name?
That which we calla rose
И) Беды, когда идут, идут не в
одиночку, а толпами.
By any other name would smell
as sweet.
10. Good night, good night,
Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it
be morrow.
К) Коня1 Коня! Венец мой за коня!
11. A horse! A horse!
My kingdom for a horse!
Л) Прости, прости.
Прощанье в час разлуки
Несет с собою столько сладкой муки,
Что до утра могла б прощаться я.
Finish or complete the quotations and translate. (Цитаты написаны на
доске, концовка закрыта.)
V) As you know, in London Shakespeare became an actor of the Globe
Theatre and began to write plays for it. He wrote tragedies and
comedies. I’m sure that you know them well. So your next task is to
divide his plays into tragedies and comedies. (Each group receives 14
cards where the names of Shakespeare’s plays are written. The cards
are mixed.)
All's Well That Ends Well
As You Like It
The Comedy of Errors
Love's Labour's Lost
Measure for Measure
The Merchant of Venice
The Merry Wives of Windsor
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Much Ado About Nothing
The Taming of the Shrew
Twelfth Night
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
King Lear
Romeo and Juliet
Julius Caesar
Antony and Cleopatra
Конкурс для зрителей
Pair up the lovers from W. Shakespeare’s plays, name the plays.
VI) Конкурс капитанов (капитаны читают монолог Гамлета в
оригинале и его перевод. Максимальное количество баллов -10
баллов. Дополнительные 10 баллов за собственный
литературный перевод монолога Гамлета).
VII) Конкурс для группы поддержки.
Shakespeare wrote many sonnets (154). They are very popular and
loved by our people. All of them were translated into different
languages. Listen to some of them. (The pupils recite sonnets by
Shakespeare and their own translations.)
За каждый сонет, прочитанный участниками группы поддержки, команда
получает дополнительный балл. А среди выступивших ребят выбирается
лучший чтец.
Shakespeare’s plays are still popular nowadays. They are staged and many of them
have contemporary relevance. Our game is over. Thank you for taking an active
part in it. (объявляются результаты, победившая команда награждается).
Список литературы
1. “The man called Shakespeare” Hello, 2, 3, 1999.
2. “Memoir of Shakespeare” English learner’s digest 8, 1998.
3. Sautter “Darkness Visible” Time, 48, 1999.
4. Hope William “The Shakespeare Controversy” English 15, 1998.
5. Barban “W. Shakespeare. That didn’t Sell” Moscow News, 51, 52, 1997