Итоговая контрольная работа по грамматике 6 класс

Итоговая контрольная работа по грамматике 6 класс
Вариант 1
Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных.
Old, clever, easy, different, hot, bad, beautiful, fine, good, wonderful.
Раскройте скобки.
1. I (write) a test now.
2. Every summer we (go) to the country.
3. My mother (like) to work in the garden always.
4. Look. We (go) to school.
5. We often (meet) after lessons.
6. My friend (do) his homework now.
7. The pupils (learn) poems every lesson.
8. They (like) holidays very much.
9. She (speak) English now.
10. It (rain) every autumn.
Вставьте предлоги.
1. ... Sunday we do not go ... school.
2. ... September the trees are red and yellow.
3. My friend lives ... Lenin Street.
4. ... August we stayed ... the hotel.
5. He is not ... home, he is ... the street.
6. ... autumn there is much rain.
7. We go ... the cinema every month.
8. When we lived ... the seaside, we bathed a lot.
9. Usually I get up ... 6 o`clock.
10. He is the best sportsman ... school.
Вставьте артикли.
1. I like ... tea with ... milk.
2. ... Russia is ... best country in ... world.
3. Give me ... cup of ... coffee,please.
4. I like to play ... football very much.
5. My favourite subjects ... school are ... Russian and ... Maths.
6. She only thinks about ... money.
7. This is ... pen. ... pen is red.
8. English language is spoken in ... USA.
9. Pushkin is ... greatest Russian poet.
10. Go to ... shop and buy ... salt and ... sugar.
Задайте разделительный вопрос.
1. My sister likes ice-cream very much.
2. They can play tennis well.
3. We went to the sea last summer.
4. She never plays with her brother.
5. The days are long in summer.
6. There is a book on the table.
7. Ann speaks English well.
8. There are no people in the street.
9. The weather is hot in summer.
10. My friend lived in Paris last year.
1. Мы очень любим ходить в школу.
2. Москва – столица России.
3. Обычно я встаю в 7 часов.
4. Дети говорят по-английски каждый урок.
5. Мы всегда встречаемся после уроков.
6. Следующим летом мы поедем на море.
7. Мы сейчас играем в футбол.
8. Мой друг очень любит чай с молоком.
9. Летом у нас большие каникулы.
10. Некрасов – величайший русский писатель.
Итоговая контрольная работа по грамматике 6 класс
Вариант 2
Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных.
Happy, bad, wonderful, hot, good, short, nice, old, different, easy.
Раскройте скобки.
1. Children (like) holidays very much.
2. I (listen) to music now.
3. Look. The boys (play) in the park.
4. We often (work) in the garden.
5. It (rain) every autumn.
6. My sister (like) to speak English very much.
7. Every year they (go) to the sea.
8. The girls (dance) now.
9. I (read) books every evening.
10. Look. The boy (draw) a picture.
Вставьте предлоги.
1. He spent his early days ... the south.
2. When we lived ...seaside, we stayed ... the hotel
3. Usually I get up ... 7 o`clock.
4. ... Sunday we do not go ... school.
5. She is not ... the park, she is ... school.
6. ... August the weather is usually hot.
7. My father does not like to travel ... foot.
8. This book was written ... Nekrasov.
9. ... winter there is much snow ... the street.
10. We go ... the theatre every month.
Вставьте артикли.
1. She only cares about ... money.
2. He can play ... tennis and ... basketball well.
3. Please, give me ... cup of ... tea.
4. There are ... sweets in the vase. ... sweets are tasty.
5. He was born in ... big town near ... Moscow.
6. I like ... coffee with ... milk and ... sugar.
7. He is ... best pupil in ... class.
8. ... English is spoken in ... Canada.
9. I like ... Russian and ... Maths very much.
10. ... Russia is ... best country in ... world.
Задайте разделительный вопрос.
1. My friend lived in England last year.
2. The weather is usually cold in winter.
3. There are many people in the street.
4. We went to the country last summer.
5. I like coffee with milk very much.
6. The days are short in winter.
7. We must go to school every day.
8. My sister likes ice-cream very much.
9. He never plays with his brother.
10. Ann speaks English well.
1. Лондон – столица Великобритании.
2. Я очень люблю математику и историю.
3. Обычно я встаю в 7 часов.
4. Мой брат любит путешествовать на поезде.
5. Следующим летом мы поедем на море.
6. Дети говорят по-английски каждый урок.
7. Гоголь - величайший русский писатель.
8. Посмотри. Мальчики играют в салки.
9. Моя сестра умеет играть на пианино.
10. Летом у нас большие каникулы.