Тест "Настоящее продолженное время" 4 класс

Test 7 A
1. Look and match.
1) play basketball
2) eat a hot dog
3) fly a kite
4) sleep
5) wear a mac
6) ride a bike
7) drive a car
8) make a sandcastle
9) watch TV
10) paint a picture
a. играть в футбол
b. запускать воздушного змея
c. спать
d. играть в баскетбол
e. водить машину
f. есть хот-дог
g. играть в игру
h. рисовать рисунок
i. лицо
j. смотреть телевизор
k. строить замок из песка
l. носить плащ
m. кататься на велосипеде
2. Make sentences.
1. is/a/Jim/playing/game
2. Mike/a/riding/bike/ isn´t/
3. her/with/playing/is/Lena/toys/
4. little/sleeping/sister/my/is
3. Look, read and write the answers.
1. Tim 2. Sam 3. Tony and Anna 4. Mary
…………… …………… …………… …………..
4. Look, read and choose.
1) What is Vika doing now?
2) Who is eating an apple?
3) Is Rita sleeping?
4) What are the boys doing?
5) Who is talking?
6) Are Mike and Nick sinning?
7) Are you having a good time?
a. Yes, we are.
b. The girls are.
c. She is watching TV.
d. No, she isn´t.
e. No, they aren´t.
f. Masha is.
g. They are riding bikes.
5. Look, read and complete.
Today is Sunday. We are in the country now. Dad 1) (work) in the garden. My
big brother 2)… (help) him. I 3)…(play) with my toys. My little sister4) … (sleep)
in the bedroom. Mum and my little brother 5)… (cook) supper. It´s a sunny day!