Конспект урока "Новый год и Рождество"

Урок английского языка 5-6 классах
Цель урока: Весело отпраздновать Новый год и Рождество, используя знания,
приобретенные за предыдущее время обучения
Тип урока: комбинированный
Задачи урока:
Практическая: активизация лексики по теме «Новый год и Рождество»
Образовательная: дать учащимся возможность окунуться в культуру другой страны, её
Воспитательная: учить уважать традиции других стран и ценить традиции своей страны
Развивающие: расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие языковой догадки, развитие
навыков мышления, умение сравнивать, делать выводы, социокультурное развитие.
Оснащение урока: классная доска, интеактивная доска, видеозапись, раздаточный
Ход урока
I. Начало урока
1. Приветствие
Teacher: Good morning boys and girls!
I’m very glad to see you again!
Now let’s begin our lesson.
Take your seats. Well, I hope you all will an active part in our lesson today!
2. Речевая зарядка
T: Look at the screen. Read the phrases on the board and try to guess the topic of our lesson.
What we are going to speak about. You have 10 seconds.
(На доске написаны слова: Happy New Year! Here’s my present for you. Wish you …, Santa
Claus, sleigh, deer, etc.)
What is the topic of our lesson?
P1, P2, P3: …
Учащиеся объясняют значения слов и словосочетаний на английском языке. Учитель
сообщает тему урока.
II. Основная часть урока
T: Our lesson is going to be a competition between two teams. Boys and girls, it’s time to make
two teams. Number 1 will be called Snowmen, the second Snow Maidens.
Урок будет в виде соревнования между двумя командами. Сперва дети делятся на две
команды, можно разделить детей с помощью лотереи. Дети вытаскивают бумажки со
словами Snowmen or Snow Maidens из шапки. Можно так и назвать команды.
T: The first task is to make up the phrase, connected with the topics of New Year.
There are 26 balloons with written letters on small pieces of paper inside each balloon. The
quickest team gets one point.
Первой команде необходимо собрать фразу Wish you a Happy New Year, вторая команда
собирает фразу Wish you a Merry Christmas. Та команда, которая соберёт быстрее,
получает очко.
T: The second task is to make up as many words as you can out of phrases Wish you a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year! The team which has more words gets one point.
Дети составляют слова на листках бумаги из слов Wish you a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year!
T: The third task is to do crosswords
Детям раздаются 2 копии с кроссвордами, которые включают слова angel, candy cane,
candle, card, Christmas tree, cracker, decoration, elf, Father Christmas, fireplace, holly,
Lantern, present, pudding, reindeer, sleigh, star, stocking. Команда, которая найдет быстрее
эти слова, получает очко.
T: The fourth task is to solve riddles. Here they are:
1) Name 3 types of meat
2) What do we need to make a cake?
3) Name 5 drinks
4) What`s a traditional Christmas dish in England? (Christmas pudding)
5) Take off my skin, I won`t cry but you will. What am I? (onion)
6) Make «bread» countable (a loaf of bread)
7) What`s a traditional dish for St. Patrick`s day? (Irish stew)
8) Name 7 vegetables
9) Make chocolate countable (a bar of chocolate)
10) It`s red and sweet and good to eat (an apple)
11) I sit in a tree, round as a ball, red as blood, sweet as honey. (А cherry.)
12) A golden girl sits in the darkness, but her hair hangs out in the sunlight.
Do you know her? (А carrot.)
13) A hundred shirts and all without buttons. What is it? (А head of cabbage.)
14) What house has many people inside, but neither windows nor doors? (А cucumber.)
15) I am white. I am good to drink. What am I?(Milk)
16) Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not an ice-cream,
What is it? (Sugar.)
17)What is white outside and yellow inside? (An egg.)
18) It's white and cold and sweet. All children like it. (Ice-cream.)
19) Which dog has no tail? (A hot dog.)
20) I am yellow, I am made from milk, you eat me with bread.( Butter.)
T: Christmas is time to think about the New Year. In England there is a tradition to make New
Year resolution. You give a promise to do or not to do something in the New Year. But if you
give it you must keep your word!
Дети вытаскивают из коробочки/снимают с елочки новогодние обещания, читают вслух.
I promise:
to come to school every Sunday
to clean my teeth 4 times a day
never to play computer games
not to eat sweets and ice cream
to wash the dishes every day
to get up at 5 o`clock in the morning
to mop the floor after the lesson
to learn 20 new English words every day
to go jogging every morning
always to tell the truth (6 min)
T: The fifth task is to match an idiom with its meaning
Каждая команда получает по карточке с тремя идиомами и одним примером. Их задача
вычислить значение идиомы из контекста. Побеждает команда, правильно определившая
значения большего количества идиом.
T: Your task is to say what each idiom means.
Example: as a duck takes to water John learned all words for the test as duck takes to water
and went to the cinema with his friends. (Meaning: easily, without any effort or stress) на
примере объяснить, что от них требуется.
be a fish out of water David felt like a fish out of water with his new classmates. (Meaning: to
feel awkward/bad because you are not familiar with a situation or people)
spend money like water Carol spends money like water I`m not surprised that she never has
any money! (Meaning: to spend too much)
go through fire and water We go through fire and water to get 5 for the final test.
to be on the top of the world When I saw my final test result I was on the top of the world
T: Today I am going to tell you about crackers - "хлопушки" (рождественское украшение
в виде ярко окрашенной бумажной трубочки; внутри неё упакованы хлопушка, маленькая
игрушка и бумажная шапочка; вешается на ёлку или кладётся на стол во время
рождественского обеда; его раскрывают двое, резко растягивая с обоих концов)
Учитель показывает картинку самой хлопушки ссылка projectbritain.com/Xmas
T:There are a lot of different interesting traditions in Britain. Of course, we should try to find
out more about them, but we mustn’t forget about traditions of our country and appreciate them.
*If we have some more time teacher may offer some questions on the topic of New Year and
Merry Christmas, such as:
1) What`s the name of a famous red-nosed reindeer?
2) What`s the deepest lake in Russia?
3) What`s the name of the most famous monster in Scotland?
4) What`s the greatest landmark in England?
5) What`s the highest mountain in the world?
6) What`s bigger, the UK or the USA?
7) What do we put on the top of a Christmas tree?
8) Where does Santa Claus put his presents for children in England?
9) What is the symbol of Ireland?
10) When do people celebrate Christmas in England?
III. Завершающая часть урока
T: According to the score, today’s winner is ______. These pupils will get fives for their good
job. I hope that you enjoyed our lesson, your home task will be to make a short report on the
topic of how people celebrate New Year and Christmas in Russia just about 15-20 sentences.
See you. Have a good day!