Конспект урока "Saint Patrick's day" 9 класс

Молодцова Елена Дмитриевна
Петродворцового района
г. Санкт-Петербурга
Тема урока: Saint Patrick's day
Категория слушателей: учащиеся 9, 10, 11 классов
Место в учебном процессе: урок может быть проведен в любое
время (лучше всего при переходе с одной темы на другую или в период
с 10 по 20 марта) и с любым УМК, т.к. предложенный материал не
привязан к конкретной теме или учебно-методическому комплексу.
Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с мало известными праздниками
и традициями Великобритании
Задачи урока:
введение и активизация лексики по теме "Saint Patrick's day"
развитие понимания иноязычной речи на слух
развитие умения понимать основное содержание прочитанного
умение обобщать и систематизировать полученные знания
развитие любознательности, внимания, памяти, мышления
развитие умения представлять результаты своей деятельности
развитие интеллектуальной. эмоциональной и мотивационной
сферы личности учащихся
повышение познавательного интереса к истории и традициям
стран изучаемого языка
воспитание умения работать в парах и группах
воспитание коммуникативно-речевого такта,
1. интерактивная доска или проектор с экраном
2. презентация Power Point
3. доска
4. картинки с символами праздника
Ход урока
Teacher: Good morning, children! How are you ? I hope you are fine. There are a lot of merry
holidays in Great Britain and America. What are they?
Pupils: Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving day, Saint Valentine's day, Halloween etc.
Teacher: Thank you. And today we have an excellent chance to learn about one more holiday
Saint Patrick' s day, to plunge into the atmosphere of some fairy tale, to take part in virtual
parade and to meet with leprechauns.
На доске висит наглядность с символами праздника и слова к ним. Учитель показывает на
картинку и произносит слово, учащиеся повторяют, учитель читает написанное слово,
учащиеся повторяют. Затем учащиеся читают слова сами по цепочке или по выбору
учителя. Цель упражнения: научиться правильно произносить новые слова.
Форма работы: фронтальная.
Teacher: Look at the board. You can see some pictures with the symbols of the holiday there.
Let's learn to pronounce and read them correctly. Listen and repeat the words after me.
Учитель опираясь на презентацию к уроку знакомит учащихся с атрибутами праздника.
На некоторых слайдах сделаны гиперссылки на сайты, информацию с которых можно
использовать на уроке (песни, мелодии, видео с парадов в разных странах, окрашивание
реки в зеленый цвет, рецепт традиционного блюда праздника). Два последних слайда
оставить на конец урока.
Teacher: Well done. And now it's high time to meet with the holiday itself: its symbols, history
and colour. Look at the interactive board.
После подробного знакомства с традициями праздника, учащиеся переходят к
выполнению лексических упражнений.
Teacher: Take the photocopies on your desks. There are 2 texts on the topic we study today.
Your task is to read them to put the words into the gaps.
Put the words into the gaps in the texts
Saint Patrick's Day, March 17, is an __________ celebration of the patron saint of Ireland. It is a
national holiday in Ireland, and millions of Irish people all over the __________ where there are
Irish communities celebrate. Celebrations are __________ on all things Irish and the colour
green. City authorities in Chicago even __________ the city’s river green for this day. Many
people wear green clothes, eat Irish food and drink the Irish drink Guinness, which many bars
also __________ and dye green. There are also traditional St Patrick’s Day parades. The one in
Dublin is __________ over five days and attracts half a million people. The New York parade is
the __________, with two million spectators. Many people with no Irish connections celebrate
and __________ themselves Irish for a day.
spread based declare largest annual dye try world
Saint Patrick was a Christian missionary. Some __________ say he was born in England, while
others __________ he was Italian. most agree he lived in the fifth __________. when he was sixteen, he
was captured and taken as a slave to Ireland. He lived as a slave for six years before
__________. He joined the church to __________ as a priest and became a missionary in the
north and west of Ireland. Legend has it that Patrick drove all the __________ out of Ireland.
There are many other legends about Patrick that have cemented him as a key part of Irish culture.
March 17 is believed to be the __________ of his death. Unlike other saints, Patrick was never
canonized by a Pope, although most Christian churches __________ him as a “Saint in Heaven”.
escaping date century snakes scholars list train believe
Форма работы зависит от выбора учителя: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная.
Teacher: Thanks a lot. I'm pleased with your work. And now the next task. Take Card 1 and
match the following phrases from the texts.
CARD № 1
Paragraph 1
1. the patron saint a. spectators
2 where there are Irish b. five days
3. dye the city’s river c. connections
4. spread over d. green
5. two million e. of Ireland
6. Many people with no Irish f. communities
Paragraph 2
1. Some scholars say he was a. as a slave to Ireland
2 Most agree he b. to train as a priest
3. captured and taken c. a Pope
4. He joined the church d. lived in the fifth century
5. Patrick drove all the snakes e. born in England
6. Patrick was never canonized by f. out of Ireland
Форма работы: парная. После каждого упражнения идет проверка в той форме, которая
подходит учителю.
Teacher: And now, let' work on new vocabulary. Take card № 2 and read the task, please.
Pupils read the task.
Teacher: Is the task clear? Then, start doing it.
CARD № 2
Spell the jumbled words (from the text) correctly.
Paragraph 1
1. an alannu celebration
2. a ilaoannt holiday
3. sbdea on all things Irish
4. dye the city’s vrrei green
5. prasde over five days
6. The New York aedpra
Paragraph 2
7. others lebivee he was Italian
8. he lived in the fifth yuncert
9. taken as a veasl
10. atinr as a priest
11. sgnedel about Patrick
12. the date of his ehdat
Форма работы: индивидуальная, в парах.
Упражнение на работу с лексикой и грамматикой. По ходу выполнения задания можно
повторить правила на порядок слов в предложении, порядковые и количественные
числительные, неправильные глаголы, единственное и множественное число имен
существительных. Форма работы: индивидуальная, в парах, в группах.
Teacher: The next task is to put the words back into the correct order.
1. saint celebration of of Ireland the an patron annual
2. are on things Celebrations based all Irish
3. the in city’s Chicago river even green dye authorities
4. in five Dublin days is The spread one over
5. Many with Irish celebrate people no connections
6. was he say scholars Some England in born
7. century fifth the in lived he agree Most
8. escaping as for before lived slave years He a six
9. the all drove Patrick Ireland of out snakes
10. other about There many legends Patrick are
Данное упражнение требует полного понимания прочитанного. Количество строк может
быть увеличено или сокращено по усмотрению учителя. Форма работы: групповая,
Teacher: Now divide into 2 groups, please. You will get two envelopes with the lines from the
text. Number these lines in the correct order.
( ) Saint Patrick was a Christian missionary. Some scholars say he was born in
England, while others
( ) believe he was Italian. Most agree he lived in the fifth century. When he was
sixteen, he was captured and taken as a
( 1 ) Saint Patrick's Day, March 17, is an annual celebration of the patron saint of
Ireland. It is a national holiday in
( ) saints, Patrick was never canonized by a Pope, although most Christian churches
list him as a “Saint in Heaven”.
( ) spectators. Many people with no Irish connections celebrate and declare
themselves Irish for a day.
( ) out of Ireland. There are many other legends about Patrick that have cemented him
as a key part of Irish
( ) over five days and attracts half a million people. The New York parade is the
largest, with two million
( ) on all things Irish and the colour green. City authorities in Chicago even dye the
city’s river
( ) bars also try and dye green. There are also traditional St Patrick’s Day parades.
The one in Dublin is spread
( ) green for this day. Many people wear green clothes, eat Irish food and drink the
Irish drink Guinness, which many
( ) culture. March 17 is believed to be the date of his death. Unlike other
( ) became a missionary in the north and west of Ireland. Legend has it that Patrick
drove all the snakes
( ) slave to Ireland. He lived as a slave for six years before escaping. He joined the
church to train as a priest and
( ) Ireland, and millions of Irish people all over the world where there are Irish
communities celebrate. Celebrations are based
На последнем слайде презентации есть гиперссылка на сайт с тестом на проверку
полученных на уроке знаний.
Teacher: And now, let's revise everything we have learned at the lesson. Look at the interactive
board again and read the rules how to celebrate Saint Patrick's day.
Pupils read the rules. (Слайд 16).
Teacher: That's all we have time for. I hope you liked the lesson and now you know more about
British holidays. The lesson is over. Goodbye.
Если у учителя ограничено время, шестое задание (Spell the jumbled words) может быть
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