Конспект урока "Школьная форма" 6 класс

урока по теме «Школьная форма» в 6 б классе.
Цели урока:
Образовательная: формирование умений монологической и
диалогической речи по теме урока, понимания высказываний учителя и
собеседника в различных учебных ситуациях;
Развивающая: развитие содержательности и выразительности речи
обучающихся, их творческих способностей и умений обобщения,
логичности и доказательности;
Воспитательная: расширение социокультурной осведомленности;
воспитание интереса к культуре и традициям стран изучаемого языка,
формирование позитивного отношения к школьной форме
Задачи урока:
ознакомить с историей школьной формы в России и Великобритании
тренироваться в употреблении лексики по теме «Школьная форма»;
развивать умение аудирования с пониманием основного содержания и
детальным пониманием;
тренировка коммуникативного взаимодействия обучающихся,
развивать умение выражать свое мнение на английском языке
Тип урока – урок закрепления новых знаний.
Педагогические технологии: информационная, игровая, проблемного
Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, аудиозаписи,
Ход урока:
1 .Оргмомент.
T: Good morning. Nice to see you and our guests! ( VIDEO)
- Hello, I`m Trevor from British youth
magazine Rap. And this is my friend Nevita.
Tell me, please, where are you from? And
what is your name?
- Hi! I’m from Russia. My native town is
Kamyzyak. My name is….
- How many students are there in your class?
- There are 20 students in my class
- What subjects are compulsory in your
- We learn Russian. English, Maths, Biology,
Arts, Information technology and others
- Do you wear a uniform in your school?
- Yes, we do. Girls wear grey jackets, light
blouses, grey skirts, pinafores or trousers
and grey waistcoats.
-And what about boys?
-The same, except skirts and blouses. They
wear shirts. Of course And what about GB?
- Thank you. It was very interesting to know
about your school. As to the British uniform,
Nevita will tell you about it later.
Oh. I see.
2 Целеполагание
учащиеся формулируют тему ; The theme of our lesson is “School uniform”.
3.Фонетическая разминка.
T: Before discussing this question let’s remember words which we need. Look at
the blackboard. You can see pictures with different clothes. Let’s name these
pieces of clothes one by one.
юбка - a skirt,
блузка - a blouse
брюки – trousers
пиджак – a jacket
жилетка – a waistcoat
сарафан - a pinafore dress (брит.)
рубашка – a shirt
4.Речевая зарядка. Подготовка учащихся к общению по данному вопросу.
Учитель: Lets start doing some lexical exercises.
(упражнения проецируются на экране)
1) Please match the words:
1. wear a) clothes
2. casual b) style
3. look c) school uniform
4. to be proud of d) equal
5. feel e) the same
6. formal f) my school
7. express g) themselves
2) Read and translate
Read and translate:
Lack of comfort
Unnecessary waste
of money
to pay
ненужная трата денег
4 Введение нового материала
Учитель: As you know children, in our school- lyceum we also have to wear a
school uniform , because it is introduced by the federal law from 1/09/2013 and
by our school council. ( Настя говорит о форме в лицее под слайды)
P: School uniform in Russia ( презентация-Антонова К.)
Kristina will tell you a story about the school uniform in Russia.
T: Very well! And now let’s listen to the text about school uniform in Britain.
Nevita ( Alina )will tell you a story about the school uniform in
You must listen to them and then do the following task. Are you ready?
(Учитель дает задание)
Перед вами задание. Вы слушаете мой рассказ. После этого, чтобы
проверить, насколько хорошо вы его поняли, вам нужно будет распределить
предложения на листочках по столбикам, согласно содержанию моего
рассказа. Первый столбик Великобритания. В него вы впишете номера тех
предложений, в которых говорится только об этой стране. Второй столбик
Россия. Здесь вы помещаете номера предложений, относящихся к России. И в
третий столбик запишете номера предложений, в которых говорится об обеих
Прослушивание текста. Развитие коммуникативных умений в
Соотнести утверждения и страны:
1 The school uniform was introduced in the 16th century.
2 Both boys and girls had a school uniform.
3 The girls’ uniform was a blouse and a pinafore dress.
4 The school uniform was introduced in the 19th century.
5 At first the school uniform was only for the poor.
6 The kind of the school uniform changed from time to time.
7 For boys there were blue coats.
8There was no school uniform from 1918 to 1949.
Установка: That is the end of my story. Please, write down your surnames and fill
in the tables.
Учащиеся заполняют таблицу №1.
Таблица №1
Surname ____________________________________
Mark :________________
(Проверка по ключу)
T: Now I have a question for you.
1. What do you think about British uniform? What do they think of it?
Great Britain
Ex 14 p 36 in your textbook
(Работа по учебнику)
Ex 15 p 36 in your textbook
(Высказывания уч-хся по упр)
Учитель: Now tell the class what do these Bristol schoolchildren think of
school uniform. Use this form.
Опора :
______________ аre “for” school uniform.
Their reasons for uniform are _____________________
______________ аre “against” school uniform.
Their reasons against uniform are _____________________
5 Физпауза
Let's have a little rest. Straighten your shoulders. Stretch. Make a circle with
your head to the right and another to the left. Shake your fingers. That’s all.
Thank you
6 Отработка нового материала
T: Many people believe that uniforms are better than casual clothes for children at
school. What’s your opinion?
Answer the questions ( Trevor and Nevita)- к классу
1. What is your opinion of school uniform?
2. Are you “for” or “against” school uniform? Why?
T: Thank you for your answers. You have answered very well
( уч-ся вешают на доске Arguments)
Arguments for school uniform
1. School uniform helps discipline.
2. It stops us from choosing what to wear when we get up in the morning.
3. There is no difference between students from rich and poor families.
4. Formal style is great!
5. It helps everyone to feel equal.
6. Students can concentrate on their work better (they don’t think how they
7. If we have school uniforms we’ll be ready to have a dress code at our future
Arguments against school uniform
1. Students can’t express themselves.
2. Lack of comfort (people feel more comfortable in their own clothes).
3. It takes away our freedom.
4. School uniforms are expensive and most families don’t have extra money to
pay for it.
5. School uniform is boring.
6. Unnecessary waste of money.
7. our mood is worse of it.
How do you feel about your school uniform , Angelina (Массон)?
What about you , Julia?( Коноваловой)
( Выступления с презентацией Коновалова и Массон)
Учитель: It’s a problem of what to wear to school and what role the school uniform has in our
school now. Put the ideas from the box into two columns: What is good about school uniforms?
What is bad about a school uniform? Add your own ideas.
6.Подведение итогов Учитель: It was very interesting to listen to your opinions.
Home task: to write for-and-against devoted to school uniform. For-and-against compositions
present the advantages and disadvantages of a topic.
What have you learned today?
What was difficult for you today?
Estimate you classmates’ work at the lesson.
T: I’d like to thank you for the participation in our lesson. Our lesson is over. See you soon.
Good bye.
Таблица №1
Surname ____________________________________
Mark :_______________
Ex 14 p 36(+ или -)
Hayley Allcott-
Sam Murphy-
Abbie Turner-
Andrew Jarvis-
Ex 15 p 36
Опора :
______________ аre “for” school uniform.
Their reasons for uniform are _____________________
______________ аre “against” school uniform.
Their reasons against uniform are _____________________
Таблица №2
1. ( first) In my opinion school uniform
is great, because..
2. ( Second) As for me school uniform is
very important because…
3. ( ThirdI think students should wear
school uniform, because…
1. ( first) I believe school uniform is not
useful at all, because…
2. ( Second) I think school uniform is
not necessary, because…
3. ( Third)I hate wearing school
uniform, because…
4. In conclusion ( в заключении) school uniforms are good (
bad ) for students, because…
Great Britain
Arguments for school uniform
8. School uniform helps discipline.
9. It stops us from choosing what to wear when we get up
in the morning.
10. There is no difference between students from rich
and poor families.
11. Formal style is great!
12. It helps everyone to feel equal.
13. Students can concentrate on their work better
(they don’t think how they look).
14. If we have school uniforms we’ll be ready to have a
dress code at our future work.
Arguments against school uniform
8. Students can’t express themselves.
9. Lack of comfort (people feel more comfortable in their
own clothes).
10. It takes away our freedom.
11. School uniforms are expensive and most families
don’t have extra money to pay for it.
12. School uniform is boring.
13. Unnecessary waste of money.
14. our mood is worse of it.