План-конспект урока “In the travel agency” 9 класс

План-конспект открытого урока в 9 классе
По теме “In the travel agency”
Цель: Создать условия благоприятной мотивации учащихся к обобщению и
практическому применению знаний по теме «Путешествие».
совершенствовать навыки коммуникативного взаимодействия;
разговорные навыки (монологической и диалогической речи), чтения,
аудирования и письма
Развивать умения поиска и отбора необходимой информации, ее
структурирования и моделирования
Развивать умения работать в группе.
учить выслушать собеседника и ориентироваться в ситуации общения,
уметь использовать речевые клише
повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка
научить уважать в общении и сотрудничестве партнера и самого себя.
Оборудование урока: проектор, ноутбуки для учащихся, видеоролик,
аудиозапись, раздаточный материал.
1. Greeting
2. Warming up
Frankly speaking I haven't travelled so much in my life. But I have
always been dreaming of travelling around the world. And what about
you? Would you like to travel around the world? What countries would
you like to visit? What countries have you already travelled to? Did you
buy your tour in a travel agency?
3. Тема
Ok, now I want you to watch a video and say what kind of a video is it?
Who are these nice ladies in your opinion?
It's not a surprise that this video was shown to you. We have learnt so
much about travels, haven't we? So, where can we use our knowledge?
(In a travel agency)
Yes, and now we'll become travel agents for a while. Are you ready?
4. Фонетическая зарядка
But first let's revise how to pronounce some words we need at the
lesson. Look at the board and repeat after me.
5. Подготовка
So, tell me please what is the product of a travel agency? What do they
sell? So read the information at the slide. What are the advantages of a
package tour?
6. a)Определение цели
So what is the goal of our work today?
( to help our clients to get ready for their trip)
b) Задачи
How can we help our clients to get ready for their trip? I mean what
should we do to help them?
- to tell them about the climate and weather in chosen country
- to tell them about tourist attractions
- book the plane ticket and reserve a room in a hotel
- to tell them how to act at the airport
- what to take with
7. Основной этап
So our travel agency is opened. Put on your bages. You will work in
groups. First group will be responsible for the weather forecast, the
second one will book the plane ticket and reserve a room in a hotel. The
third one will to tell a client how to act at the airport and the fourth
group will advertise our tours. Are you ready? Use your lap tops to find
out all possible information.
It's time to invite our first client. Could you help us? Please come to our
travel agency, take a seat, give us your name, please. Where would you
like to travel? Our agency can offer you three tours only. Please watch
the adverts.
Please the fourth group advertise our tours.
To client: Where would you like to go now? Please choose the tour.
So it is … I suppose you should know about the current weather in this
country. The first group will help you
It 's time to book the plane ticket and reserve a room in a hotel. Girls
could you do it now?
To client: Have you ever travelled by plane? Anyway I think our tips
will be useful for you.( writing practice and listening)
To client: I think everything is ready. So you will fly tomorrow at 9.20
for 3 days and 4 nights to … All information is in this booklet. Have a
nice trip. Good bye.
Ok, students let's make a self assessment with the help of vote system.
Answer some test questions pushing yes no buttons and then we will
analise the results.
8. Tasks for your homework :
1) You are to prepare booklets about
any Country you would like to present us and to visit;
2) There should be such info:
-kind of a trip;
-name of the country;
-places to visit (2-3);
-where to stay;
-how to get there;
T Thank you. Our lesson is over. What have you learnt today? Was it
useful for you? I hoped you liked our lesson.