Конспект урока "Schooling" 8 класс

Тема урока: Schooling
8 класс к учебнику “English” О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой
Образовательная цель: овладение новыми языковыми средствами, развивать умения
устной речи и чтения.
Воспитательная цель: включение учащихся в диалог культур, развитие оценочно
эмоционального отношения к миру, стремление к взаимопониманию и взаимодействию на
основе принципов кооперативного обучения по сингапурской методике (позитивной
взаимозависимости, индивидуальной ответственности, равного участия и одновременного
Задачи урока: повторение изученных речевых клише по теме, закрепление новой лексики
и пройденного грамматического материала (условные предложения), чтение рекламных
буклетов с извлечением информации для дальнейшего применения в проектах.
I Организационный момент
T: Good morning! How are you doing? Happy to see you today.
II. Речевая зарядка. Цель: повторить Social English.
T: The topic of our lesson today is “Schooling”. The main unit in school education is a lesson.
We often have some problems and difficulties speaking classroom language so let’s revise some
class vocabulary . I will give you sheets with situations , read them and think of your response.
The left-shoulder partner of student A will read his situation and student B listens to his answer.
(think-write-round robin (20 sec+30 sec)
1) You apologize for missing the class
2) You are not sure how to spell the word
3) You are late for you class
4) You don’t hear the teacher
5) You apologize for leaving your book at home
6) There’s no chalk at the board
7) You have a problem speaking louder
8) You want to help the teacher with the screen
9) You are not sure if you are the next to answer
10) You don’t know the word
III. Introduction of the topic.
T: What do we go to school for? Take paper sheets and write down your ideas one in a separate
sheet. Your ideas shouldn’t be repeated. Put them in the centre of the table, and when the time is
over, student #3 will read your team’s results. (1 min) (jot thoughts)
Ss: We go to get knowledge….
We go to prepare for further education at the university or college….
To mix with friends
To enjoy our free time
to play sports and games
to get first medical care
to attend youth clubs
to work in the garden
to go to school trips
to learn to be confident and just
to learn to appreciate everything you have
to learn to be patient and tolerant
IV. T: So school takes a big place in a child’s life and it’s an important task for parents which
school to choose for a son or daughter. Which features of a good school would you consider if
you were a parent? We shall do it in a funny way. There are big sheets of paper on your tables.
Partner #2, hand them out beginning from your face partner. You’ll have 30 seconds to write
down your ideas. Don’t forget to number them 1,2,3 etc. Start! (Timed Pair Share + Stir the
Now draw the line under the last one and stand up. You’ll have to find a partner after the music
stops. (music- walking around)
In pairs share your ideas: if you don’t have your partner’s idea, then write it down on your sheet
under your line. Don’t forget to number them. You should try to collect as many ideas as you
Time is over. Go back to your seats.
Now share the collection with your table partners. N2 starts. (Sharing the ideas)
Well, that’s enough. Raise your hands, if you have 6 ideas.
Who has more? (The pupil with the biggest list reads the paper. )
V. OK. Let’s revise some grammar rules for a change, shall we? Look at the screen
(Presentation Subjunctive mood)
Now here you have some Russian sentences. Try to translate them using you ideas on the sheets.
1. Если ваш ребенок будет ходить в эту школу, с ним будут работать понимающие,
заботливые и творческие учителя.
2. Если вам нужна помощь по профориентации, вы сможете его получить здесь.
3. Если бы мой брат ходил в нашу школу, он бы занимался в современной
лаборатории информатики.
4. Жаль, что у меня нет времени ходить ( attend) во все школьные кружки!
5. На твоем месте я бы попросил психологическую помощь.
6. Если бы у нас не было умного и эффективного директора, наша школа не была бы
лучшей в районе.
7. Если бы наши мальчики отремонтировали школьную мебель, у нас не было бы
того дурацкого разговора с классным руководителем!
VI. T: You will have to make an advert poster about our school at home, using subjunctive
constructions. Before that, we shall see some samples. Student 1, deliver them starting from you
left-shoulder partner.
Now you have 2 minutes to read the posters and answer the questions below.( Работа с
рекламными текстами на извлечение информации.)
General and International
Language Courses
STS is a world-wide organization with offices in 20 countries.
Do you want to learn a language and have fun?
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fax us at 01424 812403
General and Specialist English Courses
Two beautiful buildings on spacious grounds
Small classes taught by enthusiastic teachers
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Intensive English Tuition
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Tel: 441424421506, Fax: 441424421506
How good is your English?
Do you need English...
- for business?
- for examinations?
- for any other reason?
At Pinelands you can improve your English rapidly in a friendly atmosphere, with personal
attention. We will also help you to discover more about our background and culture.
Questions: Which course
-has a lot of up-to date equipment?
-provides a business course?
- has spacious schoolyards?
- employs highly qualified and creative teachers?
- is known for its friendly atmosphere?
- offers trips?
- organizes small sets of students?
- has offices abroad?
VII. T: Well done. You may take these sample texts with you to help you do your homework .
Thank you all!
See you! Have a nice day!