Конспект урока "Fashion in my life"

План урока: Fashion in my life
Ход урока:
1. Приветствие
a. День недели
b. Дата
c. Какая сегодня погода
2. Тема (tell me please, what we`ll we speaking today?)
3. Цели:
a. Check our homework
b. Repeat the words which describe our image, uniform and the way we
look like.
c. Repeat the rule about present perfect tense
d. Listen and read the dialog
e. Make a dialog similar to the given one
4. Проверка домашнего задания : First of all let`s check your hometask,
open your copybooks and write down the day and the date. Put variant 1,2.
Put three forms of the verbs……
5. Аудирование: Ok! The time is over, give me your copybooks. Now open
your books page № 22 Ex.53 Now read this dialog and translate it.
6. Физзарядка: Stand up, tell what your neighbor is wearing right now.
7. Работа в группах. Now I want you work in a small groups.
a. Повторение грамматического материала: The first one will be
working with a grammar rule. Remember the rule Present Perfect
and complete the sentences.
b. Составление диалогов по образцу: The next- make a short dialog
about your weekend as in number 53.
c. Составление карты ассоциаций (mind map): The third- complete
the table in number 55. You have your own tables.
d. Выполнение дополнительного упражнения по теме на листах:
The next complete ex. 12 on your papers.
8. Работа с тетрадями: Now let`s work all together Ex. 56 .There is a
question, answer it, use as many words as possible.
9. Проверка работы в тетрадях: Let`s check your work. Please, read your
10. Выполнение упражнения в учебнике-составление монологических
высказываний( при наличии свободного времени) Open your books
page 23, Ex. 60 .
11. Домашнее задание: Now write doun your hometask- Ex.61 p.24. You
shoul read, translate and chose the best answer.
12. Выставление оценок.
13. Рефлексия.