Конспект урока "The Environment, Its Problems and Protection" 9 класс

The environment,
Its Problems and Protection.
The 9
Урок разработан с использованием личностно-
ориентированной технологии, групповой, игровой, ИКТ.
Teacher: Arkhipova L.N.
План и конспект урока в 9 «А» классе.
Тема урока: The Environment, Its Problems and Protection.
Цель урока: развивать у учащихся навыки практического владения речью
1. тренировать учеников в правильном произнесении английских звуков
и слов;
2. вести на английском языке разговор о красоте окружающего мира;
3. определить проблемы окружающей среды и явления, которые их
4. проверить знание слов и словосочетаний по теме : «The Environment»;
5. найти способы решения экологических проблем;
6. грамматика: закрепить знание модальных глаголов;
7. отработать в речи конструкции: I believe, I suppose, I think, I consider,
To my mind.
Учебные пособия:
1. Аудиозапись песни группы «The Beatles» «Across the Universe» на
английском языке.
2. Аудиозапись песни группы «The Beatles» «The Blackbird» на
английском языке.
3. Грамматическая таблица на употребление модальных глаголов.
4. Слайды по экологическим проблемам.
5. Раздаточный материал: письменный тест на каждого ученика.
Ход урока
- Good morning, girls and boys!
- Good morning.
T. How are you?
P. Fine, thanks. And you?
T. I am well, thank you. Let’s begin our lesson.
The topic of it is “The Environment, its Problems and
Protection”. Our aims are: to speak about the beauty of the
world around us, to determine the problems of the
environment and the phenomena that cause them, to check up
your knowledge of the words and word combinations which
refer to the topic “The Environment”, to name the ways of
saving the Earth.
At the lesson we’ll work according to the plan:
1. Drills
2. Work with lexical units on the topic.
3. Creative task.
4. Homework control.
5. Work with the active vocabulary on the topic.
6. Test.
7. The development of the logical way of thinking.
8. Home task.
9. Results of the lesson.
The pupils are
Эпиграф на
доске: “Nature
encourages no
pardons no
Listening comprehension.
- Sit down, please.
Look at the blackboard, please. You know these words
quite well. Let’s repeat them paying attention to the
Environment, pollution, destruction, habitat, harmful,
substances, global, warming, waste, layer, acid, ozone,
rain, dioxide, oxygen, carbon, increase, damage,
chemicals, society, disaster.
- Nature is everything we can see around us: the Sun,
the Moon, the stars, our Earth, the plants that grow on
it, the animals that live on it. Nature is a nice
storybook and those who are attentive can find a lot of
interesting things in it. If you keep your open, you can
see a lot of wonders: blue sky, shiny stars, bright
sunshine, green trees, deep oceans and seas. Artists
create their masterpieces, inspired by the charming
beauty of Nature; musicians compose songs and
music, poets glorify the world around us in their
poems and verse. Byron and Shakespeare, Shelley and
Wordsworth, Goethe and Esenin sang the beauty of
Universe. I am sure you know wonderful verse by
thease or other poets. Does anyone want to present us
with a piece of poetry?
The Daffodils by W. Wordsworth.
waste, layer,
acid, ozone,
rain, dioxide,
I wondered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills
When all at once I saw a crowd
A host of golden daffodils.
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of the bay
Ten thousand saw I at a glance
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance
The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee.
A poet could not but be gay.
In such a jocund company.
I gazed and gazed but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought
For oft when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood.
They flashed upon that inward eye
Which is a bliss of solitude.
And than my heat with pleasure fills
And dance with the daffodils.
G.Byron (an extract from “Child Harold”)
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the loneless shore.
These is a society, where none intrudes,
By the deep Sea and Music in its roar:
I love not Man the less, but Nature more,
From these our interviews, in which I steal
From all I may be, or have been before,
To mingle with the Universe and feel
What I can n’er express yet cannot all conceal.
All for you (an unknown modern author).
The trees of the forest
The flowers on the lea,
The birds on the branches
The fish of the sea
The rocks and the mountains
The rivers that flow
The rain and the sunshine
The ice and the snow
All things that are lovely
All things that are good,
The creatures that live
And the plants that are food.
The corn-field are yellow,
The sky of deep blue,
The sweetness and beauty
Of life are for you!
- Oh, thank you very much indeed. We’ve just listened to
the poems devoted to the beauty of Nature. But songs can
also be dedicated to the exciting appeal of the world
around us. Let’s listen to the Beatles song “Across the
- Did the song impress you? Why?
The song impressed me very much, as it depicts nature in
all its beauty. It makes us think about the significance of
nature, its impact on people’s life.
- The verse and the song were very amusing and
- You have just a small rest. Now it’s time to train your
brains. Some of you are to give their own definitions of
the natural phenomena, all the rest are to guess what is
meant. So please, you are welcome. I give you just some
seconds to think it over.
- It is a clear colourless liquid that has no taste or smell
and that is necessary for survival of all plants, animals
and people. What is it?
- I think it is water.
- You are quite right.
- We never know the value of water until this thing is
dry. It is a deep hole in the ground from which people
Запись песни
на английском
take water. What is it?
- I suppose it is a well.
- Oh, yes, it’s so.
- The space around things that us above the ground, it is
the mixture of gases which forms the Earth’s
atmosphere and which we breath. What is it?
- To my mind, it is air.
- Of course, it is.
- It is the substance on the land surface of the Earth in
which plants grow. What is it?
- It is soil.
- You are right.
- It is a great mass of salt water that covers most of the
Earth’s surface and is full of living creatures. What is
- It is an ocean.
- Quite to the point.
- You were a success, thank you.
- You know that since ancient times Nature has served
Man, being the source of his life. For thousand of
years people lived in harmony with environment and it
seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But
with the development of civilization man’s
interference in nature began to increase.
In the 20
century man’s economic activities began to
produce negative effects on the biosphere. Your home
task was to determine the environmental problems.
What are they?
- The ozone layer. This layer of gas protects us from
the dangerous rays of the Sun. Fumes of the
chimneys of refrigerator and sprays, car exhaust fumes
damage the ozone layer that covers the Earth. There
are holes in it now because of the large concentration
of gases in the air. With the help of Sputniks our
scientists discovered 2 large holes in the ozone layer.
One is over the North Pole and the second is over the
South Pole, over Antarctica.
- Environmental pollution has become a significant
obstacle to economic growth. The discharge of gas and
dust into the atmosphere returns to the Earth in the
form of “acid rain” and affects crops, the quality of
forests, the amount of fish, the rise of chemicals,
radioactivity, noise.
- Global warming. It is an increase in world temperature
caused by the increase in carbon dioxide.
- Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial
enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-
products of their activity pollute the air we breathe,
the water we drink, the land we grow grain and
Слайд №1
Слайд №2
Слайд №3
Слайд №4
vegetables. Every year world industry pollutes the
atmosphere with about one thousand million tons of
dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer
from smog.
- The destruction of Nature gradually led to the lost of
the most essential element of existence, a healthy
biological habitat. Environmental pollution increases
the cases of disease, raises the cost of medical
services, and reduces the life span of a man. By now
the pollution and poisoning of the soil, water and air
have reached the critical level.
- Vast forests are cut and burnt in fire. Their
disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result
some rare species of animal, birds, fish and plants
disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
Many people think that fashion has nothing to do with the
problems of our environment and there is no connection
between animals, plants and fashion. We use thousands of
animals every year for tests of things like shampoos.
Some animals die or go blind because of these tests. We
kill whales for their oil, whish we use for cosmetics and
soap. A lot of jewellery is made from ivory, from the horn
of elephants and rhinos.
- People continue to kill animals, go wear fur coats.
Many smuggled birds die during their transportation.
Smugglers forget that nothing can be more pleasant
Слайд №5
Слайд №6
that lying under a shady tree, listening to the rusting of
leaves and sweet twittering of birds.
- Oh, thank you very much. You really did your best.
Let’s listen to the song “The Blackbird”. Turn to the tape
recorder, close your eyes and enjoy the music and the
- I am sure you liked the song very much. I think you
have understood that with the development of our
civilization people have become dangerous to the planet
and themselves. Some scientists are pessimistic about the
problems. Others are more optimistic and believe that our
ecological problems are solvable. As many as 157
countries, members of the UNO have set up
environmental protection agencies. Can anyone tell us
about them?
- Numerous conferences have been held by these
agencies to discuss question of ecologically poor regions
including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kebabs, Dondass,
Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. The international
environmental research center has been set up on Lake
Baikal. The international organizations “Green peace”
and “Friends of the Earth” are also doing much to
preserve the environment.
- Just imagine you are of “Green peace” organization.
Open your textbook at page 146 and work out your
appeals to the people. But be very attentive, look at the
blackboard. Here you see the poster with modal verbs.
песни “The
English” by
Слайд №7
Recall the grammar rules and use them in your work. You
are welcome, please.
- You must keep your region clean.
- You mustn’t drop litter in public places.
- You should plant trees and flowers.
- You should care for the animals.
- You mustn’t pollute air with gases.
- You mustn’t use aerosol sprays.
- You should keep the beaches clean.
- You shouldn’t throw rubbish into seas and oceans.
- You must keep the planet suitable for living.
- You mustn’t kill the animals and birds.
- Oh, well done. But these are only the initial steps and
they must be carried forward to protect nature, it save life
on the planet, not only for the sake of the present, but also
for the future generation.
- Not you’ll have a short test work in order to check your
knowledge of the words and word combinations that refer
to the theme “Environment protection”. I give you 7
minutes. The grammar rules you’ll need are at the poster.
- Your time is over. Please, turn to this blackboard. Here
are the right variants of the answers to your test.
Stand up those who have no mistakes or one mistake.
Your mark is excellent. Stand up those who have two or
three mistakes, your mark is good. Stand up those who
have four mistakes. Your mark is satisfactory.
- We have already mentioned that people join and
support various international organization as they hope
we’ll be able to avoid the disaster that threatens the
natural world. What do you think must be done not to find
ourselves in a dirty desert in the nearest future?
- We should follow the laws to help clean up our land,
water and air.
- I think we must take care of our Earth. We must stop
doing harmful things to our land, water and air.
- To my mind, we should help keep water clean. We
shouldn’t throw anything in the water.
- I suppose we must stop littering the land.
- I think we must stop making mush trash.
- I am sure we should plant trees and flowers.
- I consider it is important to protect trees in parks and
Ответы на тест
написаны на
На доске:
I believe, I
consider, to my
mind, I think, I
- I believe we mustn’t pick a lot of flowers in the woods.
- I think we should grow vegetables and fruit without
- I suppose we must protect animals and birds, make
birdhouses for birds.
- I am sure we shouldn’t use sprays.
- We mustn’t waste paper and pencils.
- We shouldn’t throw away bottles, newspapers. We
should take them to a bottle back or newspaper back
and they can be recycled.
- We shouldn’t waste resources, e.g. water, gas. We
should try to save them.
- Oh, I think you are real friends of the Earth! But if only
your words coincided with your deeds!
What conclusions can we make from all we’ve spoken
about at the lesson?
- Problems with the health of the environment are still
with us. But by knowing about them we can do
something. Human can care for the environment so it
will be a healthier place for all living things.
- The humankind will be able to survive only if we all
understand that environmental protection is our
universal concern.
- If we fail to persuade people to take a different
approach to ecological problems, then the chances are
we’ll be the last happy generation to live on the Earth.
- Thank you very much you were a success. I am glad you
understand the significance of the environmental
Your home task will be: as an active participant of the
“Green Pease” public commission you are invited to take
part in a world conference on environmental protection
which will be held in Washington, prepare a report
“Environmental Problems in Russia”. You can use the
material we spoke about at the lesson. Your marks for
today :
- We have some more time and I have an interesting task
for you. I’ll read the statements, you’ll say whether they
are true or false. Stand up, please:
CFCS protect the ozone layer.
P: false
“Greens” believe in conservation.
P: true
A hole in the ozone layer could increase skin
P: true
Pupils are
Cutting down tropical rainforests increase the
amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
P: true
Plastic can not be recycled
P: true
- Oh, I see that your marks correspond to your
Today at the lesson we spoke about the beauty of
nature, of the world around us, determined the
problems of the environment and the ways of saving
the Earth.
I. Complete the definition:
1. Conservation is the protection of the natural things, e.g. _______ and
2. Acid rain is rain that contains dangerous chemicals. It is caused by
3. The ozone layer is a layer of gases that stops dangerous radiation from the
Sun from reaching _________.
4. Global warming is an increase in world temperature caused by an increase in
5. CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) is a chemical which _______________________.
II. If we want to look after the environment these are certain things we
should and shouldn’t do. Complete these two lists in suitable ways.
We should
We shouldn’t
1. ________ paper, bottles and clothes
1. __________ paper, bottles and
2._________ tropical rain forest
2. _________ the ozone layer
3. ________ more trees
3. _________ water and energy
4. _________ water and energy
4. _________ tropical rain forests
III. Fill the gaps to form a compound noun or phrase:
1. the __________layer 5. ____________ warming
2. __________ rain 6. ____________ fumes
3. __________ waste 7. ____________ rainforests
4. a bottle _________ 8. natural or human _________
IV. Complete these word building tables:
Environmental protection.
Some hundreds of years people lived in harmony with nature, because industry was
not much developed. Today, however, the contradictions between man and nature
are dramatic.
The twenty first century is a century of the scientific and technological progress.
The achievements of the mankind in mechanization and automation of industrial
processes, in chemical industry and conquering outer space, in the creation of
atomic birth oto a vary serious problem the problem of the environment.
Ecology and the contamination of environment, is concerned with climate, over-
population in certain areas, deaths of plant and animals, chemical contamination of
seas, lakes and rives as well as atomic experiments and dumping of atomic waste
from power station. Floods, unexpected draughts, and the greenhouse effect are the
next reason.
There are many consequences of damaging the environment. One of them is acid
rain. Another one is water shortage resulting from abuse of arable lands in
agriculture. The third one is destroying the ozone layer of the Earth through
pollution from factories and plants. The fourth problem is damage o water and
soils. The fifth one is damage to wildlife: numerous species of animals and plants
can disappear. At last, the most serious danger arising from damaging the
environment is the result of the abovementioned consequenced. This is the danger
for the life and health of the man.
The protection of natural resources and wildlife is becoming a political
programme in every country. Numerous anti-pollution acts passed in different
countries led to considerable improvements in environment. In many countries
purifying system for treatment of industrial waters have been installed, measures
have been taken to protect rives and seas from oil waters.
But the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single
country. Their solution requires the co-operation of all nations.
If we are unable to learn to use the environment carefully and protect it from
damage caused by man’s activities, very soon we’ll have no world to live in.