Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс

Административная контрольная работа 8 класс
Variant I
I. Заполните пропуски. Используйте: when, which, who, that, where, whose. Поставьте запятые, где
1. I know the woman...has this address.
2. The garden…the Harrisons bought is very nice.
3. My parents went to France…it’s warm and sunny.
4. This is the house…they bought last summer.
5. This playwright … books I like very much is famous all over the world.
II. Заполните пропуски: a, the or no article.
1. … computers can help you do a lot of things.
2. … Chinese invented… paper.
3. He usually has … tea with… milk.
4. … dogs are people’s best friends.
5. Can … flowers be a means of communication?
III. Измените предложения из действительного залога в страдательный.
1. They invited a lot of guests to the party.
2. Everyone knows Harry Potter.
3. They will award him a Nobel Prize next year.
4. People speak Dutch in the Netherlands.
5. She offered me a cup of tea.
IV. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму страдательного залога.
1. This shop … …. on Mondays. (to close)
2. The telegram … …. yesterday. ( to send)
3. A new film … … next Sunday. (to show).
4. Mickey Mouse … … by Walt Disney. (to create)
Административная контрольная работа 8 класс
Variant II
I. Заполните пропуски. Используйте: when, which, who, that, where, whose. Поставьте запятые, где
1. I need a friend… will never let me down..
2. He hasn’t read a book… was very boring..
3. My brother …picture you have seen in the room is a very nice guy..
4. I like the house… they live in.
5. It was a time … he was very popular.
II. . Заполните пропуски: a, the or no article.
1. … English drink a lot of tea.
2. … giraffe is the tallest animal on our planet.
3. Are … roses as beautiful as … tulips?
4. I’m afraid of … mice and he is afraid of … frogs.
5. … America is one of … biggest countries in the world.
III. Измените предложения из действительного залога в страдательный.
1. She has already made a cake.
2. They will read the story tomorrow.
3. They saw this film on TV.
4. He reads this newspaper every day.
5. Most girls hate mice.
IV. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму страдательного залога.
1. A new supermarket … …. next Saturday. (to open)
2. This tragedy … …. by W. Shakespeare. (to write)
3. The keys … … already. (find)
4. Last Sunday my bike … …. by Dad. (to repair)