Конспект урока "Teenage years, what are they for?" 10 класс

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Шараповская средняя общеобразовательная школа
Новооскольского района Белгородской области»
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10-ом классе
“Teenage years, what are they for?”
учитель английского языка
Махневич О. В.
c. Шараповка
Цели урока:
Познавательный аспект: знакомство с высказываниями зарубежных
сверстников о проблемах молодежи;
Воспитательный аспект: формирование способности осознавать проблемы,
связанные с подростковым возрастом, формирование критического отношения
к действительности, умения анализировать и давать оценку поступкам и
Развивающий аспект: развитие способностей к логическому изложению, к
формулированию выводов;
Учебные задачи:
1. Развивать у учащихся умение читать с целью извлечения конкретной
информации и детального понимания содержания.
2. Развивать умение воспринимать на слух информацию с целью извлечения
конкретной информации.
3. Развивать у учащихся умение осуществлять продуктивные речевые
действия: отвечать на вопросы, заданные учителем, высказывать личное
мнение по проблеме.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный материал:
письма подростков со странички молодежного журнала; таблица «Language
support», аудиозаписи к УМК В.П. Кузовлева; П.И. Чайковский. Адажио из
балета «Щелкунчик».
Ход урока
I. Начало урока.
1. Организационный момент. (Эмоциональный настрой на работу)
T: -Good morning my friends. I’m very glad to see you at our English lesson
today. How are you today? Are you doing well at school? Has anything made you
sad or happy today? What?
Ch: -Good morning. We are doing well at school. Fine weather /My
friend....has made me sad/ happy.
2. Определение темы урока. Постановка цели урока.
a) Listening to the song Teenage years, what are they for? Answer the
Teenage years is a time to …
b) Why do you think I began today’s lesson with this song? What is the theme
of the lesson? Yes, “Teenage years, what are they for?” I want you to be active at
our lesson. We are going to talk about young people and their problems. We’ll listen
to the teenagers’ opinions about being young. We’ll learn to solve teens’ problems.
Pay attention to the table. «Language support». I want you to use these expressions:
I think, I believe, I suppose, As for me, To my mind, Frankly speaking, I’m sure,
In my opinion, Besides, In addition to that, To sum it up, In conclusion.
II. Основная часть урока.
1. a) Мозговой штурм.
T: There are really so many teens’ problems. What are they? Let’s brainstorm the
Ch: Young people worry/are concerned about/that… Young people find the
problem of… worrying. (Dealing with friends, parents, teachers at school,
classmates, dating, joining the army, getting a job, having not enough money,
watching violent films, dieting, appearance/clothes, spare time, choosing a career,
making serious decisions).
b) Which problem is the most important? Use the«Language support».
с) T: Expand the statement by adding a sentence or two:
Teens have a lot of problems now. (There is much smoking, drinking and drug-
taking nowadays).
A lot of young people have problems with drugs and alcohol. (These things are
often combined with family and school problems).
Most adults don’t think seriously about teens. (They are indifferent to their
All young people can’t choose their own lifestyle. (Teenagers often want to express
their individuality but they don’t know how to do it).
Being young has also advantages and disadvantages. (On the one hand more and
more problems are associated with being young. On the other hand, teenagers want
to enjoy life and be successful in their future life).
It’s very exciting and interesting to be young. (It’s time to dream and fall in love).
2. Контроль домашнего задания. Монологическая речь. What
problems are you worried about? Do you find them urgent?
Примерные ответы:
P1: “In my opinion, young people have even more problems than adults. Most of
them want to enjoy life, be independent and be taken seriously. Teenagers often want
to express their individuality or earn money but they don’t know how to do it. Some
of them start to rebel against the society and reject everything. It causes violence
and cruelty. There are many young people who have drug addiction and drinking
problems. Personally, I think it happens because they get depressed and upset when
they can’t solve their problems. Adults can help teenagers to overcome difficulties if
they pay more attention to their problems. At the same time, teenagers have to
decide what they want to have in future. Being young, you should think of what you
can do to change the world to the best.”
P2: There are many young people in our country. Each of them has one's own view
point on their life and their future. There are many problems which are common for
all young people. The problem number one of most of the young people is the
problem of fathers and sons. All young people want to be independent; they want
their parents to listen to their opinion, not to interfere with their private life. Some
parents neglect their children, because they can’t find a common language with
each other.
P3: Unfortunately, many teenagers run from homes because parents treat them
badly. They are often involved in different crimes: robbery, vandalism, drug sale.
They drink alcohol and take drugs. To my mind, teenagers experiment with alcohol
for a variety of reasons. Firstly, a lot of them associate drinking with adulthood.
Curiosity can be one of the motives for teens’ first try of alcohol. Nobody had ever
warned them of the dangers of regular drinking. Actually, parents don’t pay much
attention to what their children do. And the most powerful influence on young
people are their mates. A lot of teens have their first glass of alcohol at a friend’s
3. Аудирование. Упр. 1 стр. 122-123. And now you will hear three
teenagers, answering the same question “What do you think about being a
teenager?” Listen to the cassette and choose from the list a sentence that describes
each speaker.
P1: Speaker I thinks that being a teenager brings a lot of serious problems. И т. д.
4. Развитие умений поискового чтении. Выполнение заданий 3, 4 стр.
123 по группам.
Примерные ответы:
P1: I suppose, John’s friends influence his life much. I think they don’t go in for
sports; they are not keen on music, theater or art. They usually hang around doing
P2: Estelle and her friends usually talk about humorous things. On the other hand
they also talk about serious things like school problems, politics. They don’t do
anything exiting because weekend activities are limited. Her friends influence her
life much.
P3: Bart and his friends go out together. They go to discos, have parties. They
usually discuss their boyfriends or girlfriends, plans for the weekend. Barts friends
dont really put any pressure on him.
5. Составление собственного мнения на основе предложенного. Зад. 9
стр. 124. Whose attitude towards life appeals you most? Which opinion do you
disagree with? Why? Are you optimistic?
6. Релаксация. Звучит музыка. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Let’s pretend it’s summer. You are lying on a sandy beach.
The weather is fine. A light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing.
You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes.
There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing.
(Pause) Your troubles float away. You love your relatives, your school, your friends.
They love you too. Learn to appreciate every good thing. The Earth is full of
wonders. You can do anything. You are sure of yourself, that you have much
energy. You are in good spirits. Open your eyes. How do you feel?
7. Совершенствование речевых навыков. What Should You Remember?
You are not alone! There is always the way out! Every difficult situation has a
solution. There are some ways to help yourself in troubles.
a) Choose the phrases that would introduce problems and the phrases that
would introduce solutions.
Problems Solutions
It is too bad that… One way out would be…
The difficulty is… The best thing is…
The trouble is that… The only thing to do is…
What worries …is… One possibility may be…
The answer could be….
b) Role-play "Psychologists".
As far as I know some of you like to read youth magazines. You can find so-called
problem pages where you read teens letters, some complains, advice. Today I’ve got
three teens letters from the magazine "Speak out". Pretend you are psychologists.
Read the letters attentively and give your advice to these teens. You can use key-
words and of course your ideas.
Don’t forget to use Language Support.
1. Dear psychologists,
My name is Martin. I’m 15. I’ve got many problems at school. In fact, I hate school.
I hate doing homework. I don’t feel comfortable with my schoolmates. They call me
names (дают прозвища) because I’m too tall and pale. What should I do? Please,
give me advice. Bye, Martin.
Try to be tolerant
Do sports, be active
Don’t worry about your appearance (внешность)
Do your best at school
School years fly quickly
Take your problems easy
Try to help somebody else - you will be SPECIAL in their eyes.
2. Dear psychologists,
My name’s Susan. I’m 14. My parents don’t understand me. They think, my favorite
music is too loud, my clothes are very strange, my make-up is too bright. No one
listens to me! They only grumble (ворчат). I’m fed up with it! (сыт по горло).
What can you advise me? Bye, Susan.
Key words:
Try to be tolerant
Try to understand your parents, their point of view.
Try to behave (вести себя) like a real adult, not like a little girl.
Help your parents and other people-they will think that you are SPECIAL.
Try to bring up (воспитывать) an elegant taste in clothes.(look at fashion magazines
and shows)
3. Dear psychologists,
My name is Sally, I`m15. My parents don’t allow me to get a part time job. But I
really need more pocket money to buy new CDs, computer games and clothes. My
parents think that I should take care of my little brother and do my homework. It is
so boring! As for me I have enough time to work.
What should I do? Please, give me advice. Bye, Sally.
Key words:
Try to understand your parents worry about your future and want you to receive a
good education first.
Try to behave yourself (вести себя) like a real grown-up person, not a little girl.
Find a compromise
Be tolerant with your parents
Students answer the teacher’s questions.
d) Подведение итогов. a) Well done, children. At the end of our lesson let us
make a conclusion if being a teenager is difficult or not. Let’s divide into two
groups. The first group will create advantages of being a teenager. The 2
one will
think about disadvantages of being a teenager.
1. great fun, exciting, wonderful time
1.very difficult, dangerous, hard time
2. falling in love
2.taking a lot of exams
3 dating
3.overcoming difficulties
4. choosing a career.
4.commiting crimes
5. important decisions
5.problems with parents, teachers,
6. having everything for the first time
6.problems with classmates, friends
8. Заключительный этап урока.
a) Рефлексия. In my opinion teenage years are exciting. Our lesson is coming
to the end. Create a cinquain. Write the words which reflect your mood and feelings.
Cinquain Pattern
Line1: A noun
Line2: Two adjectives
Line 3: Three verbs
Line 4: A phrase
Line 5: Another word for the noun
b) Conclusions, results. You work hard today. And your marks are… . Your
home task for the next lesson is Ex. 3 P. 127. Make up a story about the way
teenagers live .Tell us how you spend your time together, how you feel about being
young. Good bye, and I hope your teen years bring you luck. Be happy and enjoy
your teen.
Список использованной литературы
1. В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, О.В.
Дуванова, Е.В. Кузнецова, Ю.Н. Балабардина. Учебник для 10-11
классов общеобразовательных учреждений. – М.: Просвещение, 2007.
Использованный материалы и Интернет-ресурсы
1. http://www.etseverywhere.com/recycle-songs/teenage-years
2. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/559218/
3. http://infourok.ru/zdorovesberegayuschie-tehnologii-na-urokah-angliyskogo-