Мониторинговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1е полугодие 4 класс УМК «Английский в фокусе»

Мониторинговая контрольная работа
по англискому языку за 1е полугодие для 4 класс
УМК «Английский в фокусе»
1) Match the words with their translation:
1. Gloves ____ a) расческа
2. Surf ____ b) медсестра
3. Thirty-four ____ c) печенье
4. Behind ____ d) тридцать четыре
5. Nurse ____ e) перчатки
6. Greengrocer’s____ f) заниматься серфингом
7. Sail ____ g) сзади, позади
8. Salt ____ h) соль
9. Biscuits ____ i) плавать под парусом
10. Hairbrush _____ j) овощной магазин
2) Put the words in the correct order and make questions.
paint / Does / Clara / pictures / always/ ?
Does Clara always paint pictures?
1. dance / does / Where / she / ?
2. Have / you / watch / a / got / ?
3. food / a / Who / café / serves / at / ?
4. lesson / When / is / English / the / ?
5. do / How much / you / flour / need / ?
3) Reading. Read the text and chose the correct answer: T (True), F (False). Put your
answers in the table.
Pete is from New York, the USA. He’s got a big family: a mother, a father, two brothers and one
sister. They all live in a big house. There’s a garden in front of the house with apple trees and
flowers. There are four bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a playroom and three bathrooms in
their house.
Every morning all the children get up at seven o’clock, take a shower, have breakfast, put on
their uniform and go to school on a school bus. They come home in the afternoon, have lunch
and do their homework.
In the evening they watch a video or TV and listen to music. They have supper at seven p.m. and
go to bed at ten p.m.
On Saturdays and Sundays the children help their mum and dad about the house, visit their
friends, read books and play games.
They like to be together!
1.Pete has got two sisters and one brother.
1)True 2) False
2. There is a garden behind the house.
1) True 2) False
3. The children go to school on a school bus.
1) True 2) False
4. The children do their homework after lunch.
1) True 2) False
5. The children listen to music at eleven p.m.
1) True 2) False
6. At the weekend the children help their parents about the house.
1) True 2) False
4) Read and complete with Present Continuous.
It’s Sunday. My dad_______________________________________ (watch) TV.
On the television his favourite band ___________________________(play) the concert.
My mum and grandma______________________________________ (cook).
My grandpa_______________________________ (sleep).
We_______________________________(have) a good time.
5)Match the time:
5:15 __ 1) quarter past five
8:30 __ 2) quarter to ten
9:45 __ 3) quarter to seven
7:30 __ 4) quarter past eleven
6:45 __ 5) half past eight
11:15 __ 6) half past seven
6) Match the professions
A baker __ 1) help sick people
A mechanic __ 2) teach pupils
A nurse __ 3) sell fruit
A teacher __ 4) take letters to people
A greengrocer __ 5) fix cars
7) Choose and write: How much / how many.
1. ______________ cheese have you got?
2. _________________ milk is there in the fridge?
3. _________________ apples do you need for your cake?
4. _______________ pepper do you add (добавляешь) in your porridge?
5. ____________ packets of biscuits have you got?