Мониторинговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за первое полугодие для 6 класса УМК «Английский в фокусе»

Мониториноговая контрольная работа за первое полугодие для 6 класса
УМК «Английский в фокусе».
1. Write the words:
_____________ _____________ _______________
___________ _____________ ______________
________________ ______________________
2. Complete the sentences with the correct word:
Wavy, bike, twins, driving, wall, vase, capital, lights, brush, plane,
1) Mike’s hair is short and ________.
2) Paris is the _________ city of France.
3) Peter has got two sisters. They are _________.
4) Have you got a ________ license?
5) There are two paintings on the _______.
6) I put the flowers in a ________.
7) That man is a pilot. He can fly a _______.
8) My little sister can’t ride a _______.
9) Always stop at the traffic ___________ when they’re red.
10) It’s very important to ________ your teeth twice a day.
3. Choose the correct pronoun.
1. This is Ann and this is her\hers brother.
2. This is Tom’s car. This car is his\mine.
3. Ann and Mary are sisters. They\their surname is Harries.
4. I love his\my family.
5. This is Max. This is our\his credit card.
6. We live in this street, but this isn’t our\their house.
7. I have new book. This book is her\mine.
8. This our school. This school is ours\our .
9. He has got two sisters. Her\their names are: Kate and Mary.
10. This is a dog. Its\her name is Bobby.
4. Choose the correct item.
1. There are two paintings… the wall.
A) in B) on C) behind
2. Our house is … the park and the cinema.
A) under B) between C) in
3. The fridge is … the cooker.
A) in B) next to C) on
4. The computer is … the desk.
A) on B) in C) under
5. Dad wakes up at 8 o`clock …the morning.
A) at B) in C) on
8. Brian and Steve play football … Mondays.
A) on B) in C) at
10. The desk is … the bed.
A) next to B) in C) on
5. Choose the correct Present Simple form.
1) She ……her free time with her friends.
A) spend B) spends C) spends
2) They often ……to the cinema.
A) go B) goes C) gos
3) Sandra ……burgers.
A) don`t like B) doesn`t like C) doesn`t likes
4) Tony ……at weekends.
A) doesn`t work В) don`t work C) doesn`t works
5) …… go out on Friday night?
A) Does your parents B) Do your parents C) Your parents
6) He …… his grandparents in the countryside.
A) visit B) visits C) visites
7) Mike`s father ……fast.
A) drive B) drives C) drivees
8) She …… her hair three times a week.
A) wash B) washes C) washs
6. Read the email and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), DS (doesn’t say)
1. Robert’s perfect day is Saturday. ____
2. Robert is very busy on Saturday. ____
3. Robert wakes up very early on Sunday. _____
4. Robert and Sparky meet friends at the park. ____
5. The basketball court is not far from his house. _____
6. Robert always listens to music. _____