Тестовая работа "That's me" 5 класс

Тестовая работа 5 класс.
Test work. (A)
I. Write as in the example.
0) Шлем- helmet
1) Велосипед-
2) Перчатки-
3) Кепка-
4) Баскетбольный мяч-
5) Плюшевый медвежонок-
II. Write the nationalities.
0) Canada- Canadian
1) The UK-
2) France-
3) The USA-
III. Write the words as in the example.
0) 80- eighty
1) 21-
2) 100-
3) 70-
4) 50-
IV. Choose the correct word.
0) Sue and Mark have/has got bicycles.
1) I has/have got a cap.
2) Peter has/have got a special powers.
3) They have/has got pens and pencils.
4) We have/has got basketballs.
V. Choose the correct answer
0) Are those your new trainers? G A. He’s Australian.
1) How old are you? B. She’s from Canada.
2) What colour is your bike? C. A notebook and pens.
3) Where is Sue from? D. It’s Mary.
4) What is Tim’s nationality? E. I’m 11
5) What has Jane got in her school bag? F. it’s red.
6) Who is your best friend? G. Yes, they are.
VI. Write the plurals.
0) Doll- dolls
1) Child-
2) Box-
3) Foot-
4) Man-
5) Class-
6) Lady-
7) Leaf-
8) Boy-
VII. Choose the correct word.
0) That/ this boy over there is John.
1) This/ these books are Tony’s.
2) This/these is our friend.
3) Those/this gloves are from my mum.
4) This/these is a cap/
5) These/this are footballs.
Тестовая работа 5 класс.
Test work. (B)
I. Write as in the example.
0) Шлем- helmet
1) часы-
2) шарф-
3) кепка-
4) велосипед-
5) перчатки-
II. Write the nationalities.
0) Canada- Canadian
1) Russia-
2) Japan-
3) The UK-
III. Write the words as in the example.
0) 80- eighty
1) 22-
2) 60-
3) 40-
4) 90-
IV. Choose the correct word.
0) Sue and Mark have/has got bicycles.
1) He has/have got a cap.
2) We have/has got basketballs.
3) I have/has got pens and pencils.
4) Peter has/have got a special powers.
V. Choose the correct answer
0) Are those your new trainers? G A. He’s Australian.
1) How old are you? B. She’s from Canada.
2) What colour is your bike? C. A notebook and pens.
3) Where is Sue from? D. It’s Mary.
4) What is Tim’s nationality? E. I’m 11
5) What has Jane got in her school bag? F. it’s red.
6) Who is your best friend? G. Yes, they are.
VI. Write the plurals.
0) Doll- dolls
1) Woman-
2) Fox-
3) Tooth-
4) Mouse-
5) Bus-
6) Party-
7) Knife-
8) toy-
VIII. Choose the correct word.
6) That/ this boy over there is John.
7) This/ these books are Tony’s.
8) This/these is our friend.
9) Those/this gloves are from my mum.
10) This/these is a cap/
11) These/this are footballs.