Lesson plan 6 grade

Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan:
Unit 5 Our Health.
School: Karagash secondary
Date: 25.01.2019
Teacher's name: Zhylkaidarova A.A.
Number present:
Lesson title
Food and drink.
Learning objectives(s)
6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general
6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and
curricular topics
6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the structures: there is/ are, lots
of, a lot of, some, much/ many for making stories about eating habits.
Transfer information from the given information into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about school
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Make a presentation about your school lunch and canteen. and after
Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and
creative thinking skills.
Make a presentation about your school lunch.
Level of thinking
Higher order thinking skills (according to the revised Bloom's taxonomy).
Assessment criteria
Read the given text of description and identify the general
Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas accurately.
Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.
Target language
Salad, chips, soup, sweets, fish, apple, bread, rice, pasta, nuts, eggs, burger,
crisps, sandwich. fussy drinks, juice, ice cream, meat, school meals.
Values links
Responsibility, Global Citizenship, Respect and Love to people and school,
Care to modern technology, Love to nearest and dearest.
Cross-curricular links
Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology, Art, Medicine.
Previous learning
Vocabulary relating to people's activity, school and school subjects.
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your
planned activities)
Class organisation
Home task
Divide into 2 Group with methods «Letter»
Pre-learning (W)
The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students
know what to anticipate from the lesson.
The teacher shows the picture and introduces the
objectives of the lesson.
Lead-in (W, I) Task 1
Pre- listening stage.
Ex.1 p.60 Extending vocabulary. Think of two more
words to add to each group:
1. meat: chicken.....
2. vegetables: potato....
3. fruit: pear.....
4. drinks: juice.....
Task 2 Free talk.
What do you usually eat for breakfast and lunch?
What can you eat at school? Ex.1.p.60
What are children in different countries eat for lunch?
( 2 group discuss the meal at school in 4 countries). The
teacher asks Sts. whose lunch is healthy? Speak about
meals in Kazakhstan.
Ex.3 p.60. Speak about healthy and unhealthy eating.
Is your lunch healthy?
Which food is the healthiest in 5 countries? Make a
I wish you…….
A Table
Student Book p.60
Home task.
W.B. p.42, a menu
Feedback Students give their stikers and give feedback
to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
Green: How can you use today's learning in
different subjects?
Red: Today s lesson was useful and interesting
White: What have you leant today?
Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
Blue: How much progress have you made in this
lesson? (Now I can, I still need to work on, I've
improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
Additional information
Differentiation how do
you plan to give more
support? How do you
plan to challenge the
more able learners?
Assessment how are you
planning to check learners’
Health and safety check
Differentiation can be
achieved through content
(Based on the theory of
Multiple Intelligences
different tasks are used
with the same text).
By support:
Less able learners will be
supported through step-be-
step instructions,
glossaries, thinking time.
By task:
For more able learners
additional leveled tasks are
Assessment criteria:
Read the given
passage and identify the
general information.
Demonstrate skills of
organizing and expressing
ideas accurately.
Illustrate a viewpoint
in a discussion.
A learner
reads the text for
global understanding;
selects meaningful
information, constructs the
presents information
in the group discussion.
evaluates the peers’
Health saving technologies.
Make sure power cords are not a tripping
Everyday classroom precautions