Конспект урока "Pompeii" 5 класс

Тема: Pompeii
1. Практические: формирование лексических, грамматических, речевых и фонетических навыков;
развитие навыков письменной речи.
2. Образовательные: обогащение учащихся новыми языковыми средствами для выражения
3. Развивающие: развитие логического мышления, памяти, иноязычного мышления, развитие
интеллектуальной сферы, развитие речевого материала.
4. Воспитательные: развитие культуры общения.
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
30 секунд
1. Орг. момент.
Hello children. My name is
Margarita Igorevna and today I will
be your teacher. Don`t be afraid. I
Здороваются с учителем. Садятся
по местам.
hope that our lesson will be
interesting for you.
2 минуты
2. Фонетическая разминка.
I want to start our lesson with a little
Please look at the board and listen ti
Marry Middling had a pig,
Not very little and not very big,
Not very pink, not very green,
Not very dirty, not very clean,
Not very good, not very naughty,
Not very humble, not very haughty,
Not very thin, not very fat,
Now what would you give for a pig
like that?
And now listen to me and repeat.
Учитель читает с учениками 1
раза в обычном темпе, затем
And now repeat it quickly.
Смотрят на доску, читают
стихотворение и повторяют его за
4 минуты.
3. Основная часть.
Let`s continue our lesson. The
theme of our lesson is Pompeii.
What do you know about this city?
And now I want to show you one of
the most famous masterpieces
which was painted by famous
Russian artist Карл Брюллов. This
picture is called «The last day of
Pompeii». Look at this picture
which shows us Pompeii. This is
how Брюллов imagined this
tragedy. The picture will help you to
understand it.
Учитель проходит по рядам и
Отвечают учителю (An ancient
roman city which was destroyed by
Учащиеся смотрят на картину.
показывает учащимся картину.
There is an ancient legend about
Pompeii. People who lived in
Pompeii were very rich and
careless. They didn`t like to work.
They sang, ate and danced all time.
And they were not grateful to gods
for their treasures. Zeus became
very angry because of that and then
he punished these people. He started
the eruption.
Учащиеся слушают легенду.
6 минут.
4. And let’s continue our lesson.
Open your books at page 81,
exercise number 5. You will listen
to the text about Pompeii and follow
it. Before listening we should
translate expressions above the text.
One by one. The first one is
«ancient city»,… translate please.
Now, listen please.
Учитель включает запись 2 раза.
Now we will listen to the text
Учащиеся переводят выражения.
Учащиеся слушают текст.
5 минут.
5. And now answer my questions.
The first question: Where was this
city situated? In what country was
this city?
The second question: What was this
city looked like?
The third question: What was in the
center of Pompeii?
The fourth question: Were there in
Pompeii temples or churches?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы
This city was situated in Italy.
It was a busy city its narrow streets
were often full of people.
There was a large marketplace and a
Yes, there were temples.
Next question: Did buildings in
Pompeii have water?
Next question: Why this city wasn`t
Yes, they had.
Because it was an eruption.
3 минуты.
6. Exercise number 6.
Read the task please.
Before doing this exercise let`s
translate the adjectives. Do you
know what the word adjective
means? (Black, warm, small are
adjectives. In Russian adjective is
The first adjective … please.
And now let`s translate the
underlined words.
The first word is «ancient» please.
And now try to match the
underlined adjectives in the text to
their opposites.
(For example ancient modern).
Учащиеся читают и переводят
Учащиеся читают и переводят
подчеркнутые слова.
Учащиеся соотносят слова.
15 минут.
7. We will speak about grammar.
We will repeat Past simple. Look at
the board, please. Open your
exercise books and write down.
We will take the verb «to
( + ) Affirmative
I had
You had
He, she it, had
We had
You had
They had
Слушают и записывают
грамматику в тетрадь.
( - ) Negative
I did not have
You did not
He, she, it, did
not have
We did not
You did not
They did not
(?) Interrogative
Ед. число
Did I have…?
Did you
Did he, she, it
Did we have…?
Did You
Did they
Short answers
Ед. число
I/you/he/she/ it
No, I/you /he
she/ it did`t
Yes, we/ You
/they did.
No, we/ you
/they did`t
And now prepare your examples on
past simple. Work in pairs. Ask each
other; write down your questions
and answers. My example is -
записывает на доске «- I had a
bike at the age of five and you?
Yes, I had».
Everybody should write one
sentence. I will give 4 minutes.
Записывают примеры в тетрадь.
5 минут.
8. Look at the ex. Number 7.point b.
…read the task, please.
Let`s revise the verb to be (Past
I/he/she/it/you was; was`t
They/we/you it is plural were;
Учащиеся выполняют
And now I will give you 3 minutes.
5 минут.
Учащиеся выполняют