Классный час "The memory of our heroes..." 7-9 класс

Классный час
«The memory of our heroes»
Участники: обучающиеся 7-9х классов, учитель английского языка, педагог-
библиотекарь, классные руководители 7-9х классов, заместитель директора.
познакомить обучающихся с судьбой горьковчан, участвовавших в Великой
Отечественной войне;
воспитывать патриотическое отношение к историческому прошлому нашей
Родины, воспитывать чувство гордости и уважения к прошлому своего города,
района, сохранить память о тех, кто защищал Родину, и тех, кто пережил эту войну.
развивать интерес к истории своей страны;
развивать навыки самостоятельной работы с большими объемами информации, с
развивать информационные и коммуникативные компетентности;
совершенствовать навыки самообразования;
способствовать формированию чувства патриотизма обучающихся, обеспечивая
усвоение исторических фактов, прививая уважение к людям, победившим в
страшной войне и преодолевшим все тяготы сурового военного времени.
Подготовительная работа:
1.Составление учителем и обучающимися презентации по теме классного часа.
2.Подготовка выступлений обучающихся по подтемам.
3. Подготовка выставки книг, посвященных Великой Отечественной войне и
горьковчанам, участвовавших в ней.
1) мультимедийное оборудование;
2) диск с презентацией;
3) музыкальное сопровождение.
1) портреты горьковчан-героев Великой Отечественной войны;
2) стенгазеты, посвященные горьковчанам-героям Великой Отечественной войны;
3) стенгазеты, посвященные 70-летию победы в Великой Отечественной войне;
4) элементы советской и российской военной символики;
5) книжная выставка «За Отчизну, свободу и честь!».
Ход классного часа:
Patriotism is a sense of ownership
to the fate of their homeland,
readiness to serve her, to protect her interests
The days pass, the years rush, and now, seventy years separate us from the light of the
Victory day. But the memory remains, the memory of the heart... it does not tarnish, it is
referred as the formula of blood from the fathers to the children and grandchildren.
Today we speak about the historical past of our country, those pages of the great Patriotic
war, which we cannot forget. This is the victory of our grandfathers and great
grandfathers. Our generation must preserve the memory of those who gave their lives
defending our Motherland, care about living next to us the people who lived through the
We dedicate our class occasion to the memory of our fellow countrymen, dwellers of
Leninsky district who participated in the great Patriotic war.
During the great Patriotic war, more than 36 thousand dwellers of Leninsky district of
Nizhny Novgorod were drafted and went to fight as volunteers. 7812 men died, 2917 men
were missing, 14 thousand men were awarded orders and medals, 12 people became
heroes of the Soviet Union.
In the great Patriotic war Gorky was distinguished as warriors, utterly devoted to the
Motherland, who fought bravely in the defense and skillfully acting on the offensive.
Today we remember the names of these four heroes.
Не забудем тех героев,
Что лежат в земле сырой,
Жизнь, отдав на поле боя
За народ – за нас с тобой.
Никогда мы не забудем
Их геройские дела.
Честь и слава этим людям
И великая хвала!
. Михалков)
Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Popov was born on the 2
of November in 1923 in Nizhny
Novgorod in the family of a worker. He graduated from the 7 classes and the factory
school at the factory "Engine of revolution", he worked as a turner in the fourth workshop.
In March 1942, Ivan Petrovich was drafted into the Red Army. At the front since April
1943. Ivan served in intelligence; he distinguished during the crossing of the Dnieper.
At the night of 22 September 1943 Junior Sergeant of the guard Popov was one of the first
men who crossed the Dnieper and, having made a reconnaissance of the enemy firing
points in the village Glebovka, gave valuable information to the command of the regiment.
At dawn on September 22, when the Nazis discovered the scouts, he joined in fighting
with them, Ivan Popov destroyed 7 enemy soldiers, but he was killed.
By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 17 October 1943 for
courage and heroism displayed during the crossing of the Dnieper and holding the
bridgehead on the right bank, Junior Sergeant Ivan Petrovich Popov was awarded the title
Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.
Ivan Petrovich Popov was buried on the hill of Glory in Kiev.
He was awarded the Order of Lenin and Gold Star Medal.
Земля ковром зелёным пробегает,
И вот она – за кромкой облаков.
Упругий воздух крылья обтекает,
Как свежее парное молоко.
Летят машины, обгоняя время.
Гудит в турбинах буйная гроза.
Глядят вперёд сквозь стёкла гермошлемов
Пытливые и смелые глаза.
Вперед и ввысь им Родина велела,
Готовы встретить в воздухе врага,
И надо будет – точен взгляд прицела,
Не промахнётся твёрдая рука.
(А. Брус)
Hero of the Soviet Union Anatoly Vasilyevich Samochkin was born on May 1st, 1914 on
board of the steamer Simbirsk, his father was the captain. In 1923 the family Samochkin
removed to Rybinsk. He graduated from the 7 classes, and in 1932 the marine
engineering Department of the factory school at the shipyard Volodarsky. After graduating
the Ulyanovsk school of civil air fleet Anatoly worked in Rybinsk as a flying club
Anatoly had joined the red Army since April, 1941. On the fronts of the great Patriotic war
he had been from September 1941. In September, 1941, he made the first sortie. Anatoly
Smockin with military friends destroyed the enemy's crossing of the river Dnieper. When
he returned to their base, two hundred and eighty holes were counted in his plane. Two
months later he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for the first 38 sorties.
By the decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet of March 27, 1942 for
exemplary performance of fighting tasks of command at the front struggle with German-
fascist invaders and for their courage and heroism Lieutenant Anatoly Vasilyevich
Samochkin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the Order of Lenin and
Gold Star Medal.
Being in the army, Anatoly Samochkin made one hundred and ninety-eight sorties, during
which he shot down two enemy fighters, destroyed two train echelon, more than twenty
tanks, up to two hundred vehicles and many other equipment and manpower of the enemy.
His plane was shot down twice, he was severely wounded twice, but he returned to the
combat system.
In September 1943 the captain of the guard Anatoly Vasilyevich Samochkin was sent to
study at the air force Academy named after Zhukovsky, which he finished in peace 1946.
Then he continued service in the Soviet air force. In June 1954, the pilot was given the
rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In August 1961, Anatoly dismissed to the reserve.
In November 1961 Samochkin moved with his family in Leninsky district of Gorky (now
Nizhny Novgorod). In September 1963 Samochkin arranged on the plant «The Heat
Exchanger». In September 1974 Anatoly dismissed from the factory. He did active
community work with young people.
Anatoly Vasilyevich Samochkin died on the 15
of May in 1977. He was buried in Nizhny
Novgorod on the Alley of Heroes in the cemetery «Red Etna».
He was awarded the Order of Lenin, Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Patriotic war 2-
nd degree, Red Star and other medals.
Hero of the Soviet Union Sergei Ivanovich Safronov was born on August 25
in 1918 in
the village Pelaccio. He graduated from its high school. After a one-year vocational school
in machine tool plant in Gorky, Sergey Ivanovich worked on it as a planer. At the same
time he studied at the flying club.
In 1938 he went to the Engels military flying school. After finishing school in February
1939 he served in aviation units in the far East.
From August 1942 until the victory over Germany in the great Patriotic war he fought in
the 8th, 4th and 15th air armies at Stalingrad, southern, North Caucasus, Bryansk and the
2nd Baltic fronts. He participated in the battle of Stalingrad, the battles in the Caucasus,
the battle of Kursk, the liberation of Novgorod, Pskov regions and Latvia. He was twice
The captain Sergei Ivanovich Safronov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union,
the Order of Lenin and Gold Star Medal on August 24
in 1943 for 65 sorties and his
courage and bravery.
In 1945, Major General Sergei Ivanovich Safronov was dismissed from the Soviet Army
because of the health problems. He lived in Saratov. Sergei Ivanovich worked in the
Saratov aero club, where he had to be the mentor of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
Later he moved to his homeland in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod).
Sergei Ivanovich died on September 29
in 1983. He was buried in Nizhny Novgorod on
the Alley of Heroes in the cemetery «Red Etna».
Sergei Ivanovich was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of Red Banner, Order of
Alexander Nevsky, Order of Patriotic war 1-St degree, medals «For defense of
Stalingrad», «For defense of Caucasus» and three other medals.
Hero of the Soviet Union Victor Konstantinovich Chugunov was born on 7 (20)
November in 1916 in the village Novinki in a peasant family. In 1924 the family moved to
Gorky. He graduated from the seven-year school; then he studied at the factory school.
Also Victor Konstantinovich studied at the Gorky aviation club on the Department of
glider pilots. In flight school Victor Konstantinovich has received the rank of instructor-
glider, and later the title of instructor. He worked there as an instructor pilot. On January
in 1936, he set a record in duration flight on the airframe.
On May 1942, Chugunov was sent to the front. His first air battle was at Stalingrad. Victor
Konstantinovich fought on the South-West and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. He flew the YAK-7
and YAK-9T.
For his courage, bravery and heroism in the fight against the Nazi invaders, the captain
Viktor Konstantinovich Chugunov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the
Order of Lenin and Gold Star Medal.
Later he was awarded the rank of major. Viktor Konstantinovich Chugunov was the first
Soviet pilot landed at the airport in Sofia (Bulgaria).
On the 15
February in 1945 Victor Chugunov died. He was buried in Odessa on the walk
of Fame.
He was awarded the Order of Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Alexander
Nevsky, Red Star and other medals.
Пусть люди этот День не позабудут!
Четыре года страшных испытаний...
Потери, жертвы, искалеченные судьбы...
Война... и тысячи людских страданий!..
Пусть мирных дней отсчёт ведёт Отчизна!
Людьми пусть правят только МИР и ДОБРОТА!
Пусть будет ДЕНЬ ПОБЕДЫ над фашизмом –
Пусть люди этот День не позабудут!
Пусть Память свято сохранит те имена,
Которые приблизили ПОБЕДУ –
Своими жизнями, перечеркнув, "война"
Четыре года испытаний страшных!..
МИР ПАВШИМ!.. – Ушедшим... Не вернувшимся домой!..
ПОКЛОН ТЫЛОВИКАМ!.. – на смену вставшим!..
(О. Климчук)
There are many ways to honor the memory of heroes. In Nizhny Novgorod in honor of
fellow heroes of the great Patriotic war memorial boards was installed on houses where the
heroes lived; the names of Ivan Petrovich Popov, Victor Konstantinovich Chugunov are
carved on the stele, installed on the territory of the Memorial complex «Eternal flam.
In 1950-80s on the map of Leninsky district the streets, bearing the names of Heroes of the
Soviet Union, were appeared:
- The Hero Popov street.
- The street of Hero of the Soviet Union Safronov.
- The Hero Chugunov street.
- The Hero Samochkin street
We remember the past and thank the senior generation for the Great Victory. It was paid
by millions of lives, tears of the family and friends. Thanks the fallen and alive. Thanks
and respectful obeisance to all our veterans.
Помни, как гремели орудий раскаты,
Как в огне умирали солдаты
В сорок первом,
Сорок пятом –
Шли солдаты за правду на бой.
Помни, как земля содрогалась и слепла,
Как заря поднималась из пепла,
Гром орудий
Не забудем
Мы с тобой.
Помни: грозный смерч над землей в небе синем –
Это черная смерть в Хиросиме,
В Хиросиме,
В небе синем –
Черный пепел в сердцах навсегда.
Помни, не забудь обожженные лица –
Это может опять повториться.
Не забудем
Это, люди,
Помни, в нашей власти и грозы, и ветер,
Мы за счастье и слезы в ответе,
На планете
Наши дети –
Поколение юных живет...
Помни, чтоб шумели весенние всходы, –
Не забудь эти грозные годы!
Путь наш труден,
Встаньте, люди,
Жизнь зовет!
(А. Досталь)
Учитель подводит итоги выступлениям обучающихся: мы должны знать историю
своей малой Родины, гордиться подвигами своих соотечественников.
Список используемых источников и литературы
1. Источники:
1.А. Брус. Вперед и ввысь // http://www.v3let.ru/tvorchestvo/4-2009-10-15-18-19-01/20-
2. Во имя победы. Сборник писем. Выпуск 1й. Йошкар-Ола: Марийское книжное
издательство, 1984, с.141
3. А. Досталь. Помни // http://stihi-russkih-poetov.ru/poems/korotkie-stihotvoreniya-o-
4. В. Златоустовский От героев былых времен. «Песня из к/ф "Офицеры"» (авт.
текста (слов): Агранович Е.; композитор (музыка): Хозак Р.) //
5. О. Климчук. Пусть люди этот День не позабудут! //
6. С. Михалков. Быль для детей // http://www.world-art.ru/lyric/lyric.php?id=14675
7. А. В. Самочкин. Страницы жизни. Личные воспоминания Героя СССР. - Нижний
Новгород, 2004
2. Литература:
8. За Отчизну, свободу и честь! Очерки о Героях Советского Союза горьковчанах.
Книга 2 // автор-составитель А.М. Иорданский - Горький: Волго-Вятское книжное
издательство, 1964, с.343-350
9. Золотой венок славы. - Н. Новгород: Барс 21 век, 2002.
10. Кавалеры ордена Славы - горьковчане. Горький: Волго-Вятское книжное
издательство, 1979, 337 с.
11. Как я забуду о войне? - Н. Новгород: Терра-Тикс, 2005.
12. Наши земляки герои Великой Отечественной войны //
13. Л. К. Тюльников, Я. И. Басович. Герои Советского Союза - горьковчане. –
Горький: Волго-Вятское книжное издательство, 1981, с. 212-213, 234-236, 299-300
14. Улицы носят их имена.- Горький: Волго-Вятское книжное издательство, 1974