Конспект урока "Merry Christmas" 6 класс

Урок по английскому языку из курса 6 класса «New Millenium English»,
Класс: 6 «А»
Тема: Merry Christmas
Вид урока повторение с элементами говорения.
Цели урока:
Обучающая научить работе в группе, закрепление новой лексики.
Развивающая - развить социокультурную компетенцию учащихся через знакомство с культурой и
традициями англоговорящих стран, развить все коммуникативные навыки (аудирования, говорения,
чтения и письма);
Воспитывающая - повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка на основе интереса к
культуре и традициям англо-говорящих стран; воспитание культуры языкового общения,
уважительного отношения к культуре и традициям других стран и друг к другу, толерантности, умения
слушать собеседника, умения работать в группах и парах;
Задачи урока:
Закрепить и активизировать изученные лексические единицы и грамматические структуры в чтении,
устной и письменной речи;
Обобщить и закрепить пройденный материал по теме.
Формы работы фронтальная, парная, групповая.
ТСО личный ПК, проектор, слайд-шоу, новогодние украшения, изображение символов рождества
на магнитной доске, раздаточный материал, песни.
План урока
I. Организационная часть.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
III.Основная часть.
Закрепление лексического материала, проверка д\з, подписание открыток, Презентация открыток
IV.Подведение итогов
V.VI Резервное упражнение.
Ход урока
I. 1. Организационный момент и приветствие.
Учитель приветствует учащихся и сообщает им тему, цели и задачи урока.
(T - учитель, P - ученики)
T Are you ready for the lesson. Check, do you
have everything what do you need for the
lesson? Do you have textbook? Workbook,
pencil case. Well, Let's begin our lesson. Good
morning, children.
P Good morning, teacher.
T How are you today?
P I am fine, thank you. Etc.
II. 2. Фонетическая зарядка Warming-up
(слайд 2,3)
Teacher (T) Today we have unusual lesson. We will
use information technologies at our lesson. How do you
think what are we going to speak about today?
Yes, we are continuing to speak about
Christmas. Let’s check how well you know the main
words connected with Christmas. Lets see on a
crossword and fill it in as you see the pictures on the
If everything is correct, we will get the main
word in vertical column №1.(Crossword on a
blackboard.) come out the board and write the
word. Read after me please.
III. Основная часть. (слайд 4)
Teacher (T) Christmas is one of the most
important holiday in the UK. As you know we
celebrate Christmas in Russia too. we celebrate on
of January. British people celebrate on 25
December. As you know, we have different
interesting national Christmas traditions. Lets
remember Russian traditions. What’s Russian
traditions do you know?
P. отвечают фразами из учебника, из
T: Look on the screen, please. You should match the
wold combination and the pictures. Check up your
work.(Слайд 5)
T: I see you know a lot of Russian tradition.
In the UK there are a lot of tradition too. One of them
to give Christmas cards for close people. They send,
put them on the walls of their homes or on the
mantelpiece. And what about you? Whom do you
usually send Christmas greetings?
P. we give cards for close people, for teachers,
friends, classmates, parent and ets.
T: Lets see English and Russian cards. And
find differences. What can you say about Russian
and English cards? Who can tell the difference
between Russian and English cards?
P. отвечают
T: YES, you are right. Thank you for your
good answers.
Проверка дз (слайд6)
T: As you know the history of postcards
began many years ago. Let's read the text about the
history of cards. It was your homework. (читают и
переводят тексты). Let’s check up, what did you
(слайд 7 ) 1 ученик. The first Christmas card for
sale in the shops was produced in Britain by Henry Cole,
in 1843. Cole asked John Calcott Horsely, a painter,to
draw a Christmas card. Then it was printed. The words on
the card were: A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
to You
(слайд 8) 2 Ученик Mr Cole' s card was not an
immediate success. But in 1846, 1,000 copies of it were
printed and sold.. Much later, in the 1860s, English printers
started to produce thousands of cards. By 1880, the Post
Offisce was asking people to post early for Christmas'
(слайд 9) 3 ученик As printing methods
improved, Christmas card became much more popular
and were produced in large from about 1860. An
engraved card by the artist William Egley, who
illustrated some of Charles Dickens's books, is on
display in the British Muscum. By the early 1900s, the
custom had sprea over Europe and had become
especially popular in Germany.
(слайд 10) 4 ученик The first cards usually had
pictures of the Nativity scene on them. In late
Victorian times, robins (an English bird) and snow-
scenes became popular because the postmen in that
time were nicknamed 'Robin Postmen' because of the
red uniforms they wore. Snow-scenes were popular
because they reminded people of the very bad winter
that happened in 1836.
(слайд 11) 5 ученик In the 1910s and 1920s,
homemade cards became popular. They were often
unusual shapes and had things such as foil and ribbon
on them. These were usually too delicate to send
through the post and were given by hand.
(слайд 12) 6 ученик Nowadays, cards have all
sorts of pictures on them: jokes, winter pictures,
Father Christmas, or romantic scenes of life in past
times. Charities often sell their own Christmas Cards
as a way raising money at Christmas.
T:Thank you very much for your fine work. It
was really interesting to know new information about
(слайд 13) Подписание открыток
T: You see people like send cards for their friends
and relatives in different countries and they make it
long time. Today you have possibility to sing your
ready card in English. At home you had to do your
own card in group. Show me your cards and lets write
Christmas greetings on your cards. You can see
example of the signing card on the screen. 1) first we
write to whom we send a postcard. 2)second we write
Christmas greeting. 3) and at the end we write our
name. Begin your work in groups, please.
VI. Заключительная часть T:
1. Подведение итогов I like your activity at the
lesson very much. What did you learn today?
2. Выставление оценок Your marks for the lesson
3. Объяснение домашнего задания (Activity Book
(см. Unit 5, lesson6 ex 1,2.)
4. Подарочки. You have worked today very well. I
want to thank you and give a little gifts.
V. Резервное упражнение.
Teacher (T) Let’s sing one of the most famous
English winter song “Jingle, bells” to feel the
atmosphere of the holiday better.
Students (Ss) sing together to the music