Конспект урока "Mini beasts" 5 класс
Тема урока «Mini beasts» (Насекомые)
Цель: развивать у учащихся умения устной речи по теме «насекомые».
Образовательные: познакомить учащихся с новой лексикой; развивать умения чтения и
аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации; тренировать навык задавать и
отвечать на вопросы о насекомых; развивать умения использовать ЦОР как источник
информации по предмету.
Развивающие: развивать личностные качества учащихся: наблюдательность, память при
выполнении заданий на уроке.
Воспитательные: развитие интереса и уважения к окружающему миру.
Тип урока: изучение нового материала.
Место урока в теме: Урок является первым при изучении раздела «Animal life» (Жизнь
Формы работы: Индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная.
Новый лексический материал: ant, bee, carry, dragonfly, grasshopper, hive, insect, ladybird,
make honey, make a web.
Оборудование и дидактические материалы:
• Компьютерный класс, видеопроектор
• ЦОР из набора ЦОР к учебнику «New Millennium English, 5 класс» Деревянко Н.Н.,
Жаворонкова С.В., Карпова Л.Г. и др.:
- ЦОР Unit 1 Lesson 5 Mini beasts Screen 1
- ЦОР Unit 1 Lesson 5 Mini beasts Screen 2
- ЦОР Unit 1 Lesson 5 Exercise 1
• Учебник «New Millenium English», 5 класс, Деревянко Н.Н., Жаворонкова С.В.,
Карпова Л.Г. и др.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, pupils! How are you?
Look at the screen, please! Try to predict the subject of our lesson.
2. Речевая разминка.
Do you like these small beasts? Are you scared of them? Do you think they are interesting
living things?
Some people think that these small living things are very interesting creatures. In Britain there
are many zoos, where these little animals are kept, e.g. the O. Orkin Insect Zoo. Today they are
going to visit such a Zoo and to learn how to talk about these little animals in English.
3. Введение новой информации.
3.1. Представление лексики.
Now, let’s learn new vocabulary. Open your books and write down the date and the title of the
Look at the screen. You see some pictures of inserts. Do you know any of them?
Now you should repeat after the speaker names of these little animals. Try to remember their
ЦОР 1.1. Презентация лексики: http://files.school-collection.edu.ru/dlrstore/045920ee-c585-
Write down the names of these little animals and translation.
Let’s read the names of inserts once again. I read, you repeat after me: spider, butterfly, bee,
ladybird, grasshopper, ant, dragonfly.
3.2. Первичное закрепление новой лексики.
Now, I want you to sit on computers. Let’s check, how well you remember the pronunciation of
the small animals. Open the file that is named “transcription”. You should match the word with
its transcription. After that you have to press the button “check”. If you are right, the
transcription turns into blue color. If you are mistaken, the wrong words turn into red color.
Press the button “key” and do the task once again.
ЦОР 1.2. Задание на поиск транскрипции: http://files.school-
Can you recognize the insert by its description? Now, I want you to divide into two groups. The
first group (stronger pupils) takes the headphones and open the file “audio”. You will hear the
description of animal and you should click at its picture. The second group (weaker students)
opens the file “description”. There are six texts about the animals and six names. You should
match them.
ЦОР 1.3. Аудирование: http://files.school-collection.edu.ru/dlrstore/642e7e5e-68c1-496f-
ЦОР 1.4. Чтение: http://files.school-collection.edu.ru/dlrstore/615a33f4-c4ec-425a-a6fd-
3.3. Развитие умений чтения на извлечение конкретной информации.
Now open your books at p. 65. What insect the boy is looking at? (Bees) Help Dima to fill the
observation sheet. Before filling in the observation sheet you should read the text at p. 64.
You’ll have 3 minutes for the task.
Observation sheet 1
Name: the honey bee
Colour: yellow and black
Lives: in hives/ in a hive
Food: sweet nectar
Has: six legs, four wings and two eyes
Does: makes honey
Now let’s check it.
3.4. Развитие умений аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
Now let’s listen to the tape and fill in the observation sheet 2.
Zoo guide: Hello, children! Welcome to our insect zoo.
Children: helloooo
Zoo guide: Are you scared of spiders?
Jane: Yes, I’m very scared of spiders.
Zoo guide: Relax! Most spiders aren’t so dangerous as you think. Let’s go and watch that kind
of spiders.
Dima: Oh, it’s so small… and black.
Zoo guide: How many legs does it have?
Dima: It has… eight legs.
Zoo guide: Where does it live?
Dima: In the forest.
Zoo guide: What does it eat?
Dima: Insects.
Zoo guide: What can the spider do very well?
Children: Webs!!!
Observation sheet 2
Name: the spider
Colour: black
Lives: in the forest
Food: insects
Has: eight legs
Does: makes a web
Now you’ll have few minutes to compare your observation sheets and elicit what you have
found out.
4. Физкультминутка.
Red, red, touch your head, (достают до головы)
Black, black, touch your back, (дотрагиваются до спины)
Blue, blue, touch your shoe. (достают до туфлей)
Green, green, touch your chin. (касаются щек)
Brown, brown, touch the ground. (достают до земли)
5. Развитие умений устной речи (умение задавать вопросы и отвечать на них).
Now you are going to fill in four more Observation sheets about small animals, the ant, the
dragonfly, the butterfly and the ladybird.
Everybody will get a card: A or B. Look through their observation sheets. What question you
need to ask if they want to find out about the colour (What colour is it?); about where it lives
(Where does it live?); about the legs, wings, eyes (How many legs / wings / eyes does it have?);
about food ( What does it eat?); about what it can do ( What can it do?)
(For weaker pupils you may want to write the questions on the blackboard.)
You will have about seven minutes to practice.
6. Подведение итогов урока.
So, students, what did you learn today?
Was it interesting for you?
Was it useful for you?
Very nice!
Thank you for your attention.
7. Homework.
Look at the pictures (ex.6) and choose an animal. You can also think of an insect /arachnid of
your own choice. Then you will have to find its English name on your own.
Use Observation sheets 1 and 2 as an example.
Список литературы:
1. Учебник «New Millenium English», 5 класс, Деревянко Н.Н., Жаворонкова С.В.,
Карпова Л.Г. и др.
2. New Millennium English. 5 класс. Книга для учителя. Деревянко Н.Н., Жаворонкова
С.В., Карпова Л.Г. и др. - изд. Титул, 2010 г.
3. http://school-collection.edu.ru/ - единая коллекция ЦОР.
4. http://www.canteach.ca/elementary/songspoems20.html
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