Разработка открытого урока "A Glance at the USA" 11 класс

Министерство образования, науки
Республики Тыва
МБОУ гимназия № 9 г. Кызыла РТ
(разработка открытого урока)
Дешки Г.Н.,
учитель англ. языка
гимназии №9
г. Кызыл
Тип урока 3
Цели урока 3
Задачи 3
Оснащение урока 4
1. Техническое 4
2. Учебное 4
Ход урока 5
I. Вступительная часть 5
II. Основная часть 5
1. Конференция 5
2. Блиц-турнир 10
3. Декламирование стихотворений 12
III. Заключительный этап 13
IV. Окончание урока. 15
Предлагаемый открытый урок «A Glance at the USA» проводится в
форме научной конференции. Здесь также имеются элементы блиц-
турнира во избежание монотонности.
1. Активизация употребления грамматических времен The Past Simple Ac-
tive и The Past Simple Passive в речи учащихся.
2. Развитие умений коллективной познавательно-поисковой деятельности
3. Формирование умений пополнять банк социокультурных сведений о
стране изучаемого языка.
4. Развитие умений и навыков и устных выступлений по результатам
коллектовной и индивидуальной познавательно-поисковой
1. Активизировать употребление грамматических времен Past Simple Ac-
tive и Past Simple Passive в речи учащихся.
2. Активизировать употребление фразового ударения в устных
выступлениях учащихся.
3. Научить учащихся задавать вопросы выступающему.
4. Разучить песню на английском языке “Happy New Year”.
5. Разучить рождественские и новогодние стихотворения на английском
6. Использовать аутентичный материал при помощи новых
информационных технологий (мультимедийная презентация на
интерактивной доске).
7. Оформление выставки о США.
1. Техническое:
- компьютер;
- интерактивная доска;
- магнитофон;
- компакт- и двд диски с необходимыми записями.
2. Учебное:
- физическая карта США;
- административная карта США;
- флаг;
- учебные пособия по английскому языку;
- таблица, содержащая лексику урока;
- учебные таблицы по граматике;
- наглядные пособия (предметы, портреты);
- портреты знаменитых американцев;
- выставка, посвященная США;
- занавес с эмблемой конференции;
- медали;
- компакт-диск с песней «Happy New Year»;
- двд-диск с документальным фильмом “Genghis Blues”;
- рождественская елка.
Приветствие Дешки Г.Н.:
Good morning! Today we are going to have an unusual lesson, a conference.
We’ll speak about the USA, its Geography, History, famous people and inven-
tions. Our conference consists of two parts: the first part is a theoretical one
where we’ll listen to your presentations on different aspects of the American
lifestyle and the second part is practical, it is a lightning tournament teams will
ask questions to each other.
I am saying teams because we have two teams today, the team of class 9A and
the team of class of 9G.
At our lesson we normally learn Grammar rules, do exercises, read and translate
texts but today we’ll speak more rather than do exercises or read texts because it
is a conference. So please mind your grammar paying attention to the Past Sim-
ple Active and the Past Simple Passive Tenses. Look at the blackboard. This the
formula of the Past Simple Active and this is the formula of the Past Simple
Passive. Please mind your vocabulary as well. Here is the list of the vocabulary,
it will help you when you make speeches.
So it’s time to start our conference. And the first presentation is about the geo-
graphical position of the USA. Nazyn, please.
1. Конференция
Student 1:
The continental United States is very large. It extends from the Atlantic ocean
on the east to the Pacific ocean to the west. This is about 2,700 miles or 4,800
km. The US borders on Canada in the north and Mexico in the south.
There are 50 states in the USA. 49 of these states are located on the North
American continent. Hawaii is not located on the continent. It is a group of 8 is-
lands located in the middle of the Pacific ocean.
The territory of the US is huge, it means that many states are very different from
each other. So the territory of the US is divided into 4 large regions. They are
the Northeast, the South, the Midwest and the West. As the US covers a large
area, its climate is varied.
Any questions?
Student 2:
I have one. Where is Alaska located?
Studenr 1:
Alaska is located on the North American continent, but it is separated from the
other 48 states.
We know that the first settlers from Europe arrived in the Northeast. This part of
the country has been politically an important area since those times. Chayana
will tell us about the Northeast.
Student 3:
When the first European settlers came to America, they settled in the Northeast
region. The settlers were people who came to a new place to live.
Today there are 11 states in the Northeast. These states are: Maine, New Hamp-
shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Dela-
ware, New york, Pennsylvania and Maryland. There are many large metropoli-
tan centres in the Northeast. For example, Boston, New York City, Philadelphia
and Washington, D.C.
New York City is one of the largest cities in the world. It is the financial capital
of the world.
Any questions?
Student 4:
Chayana, where were the first settlers from? You didn’t mention it.
Student 3:
The very first settlers were the Pilgrims from England.
We know that the native people of America are Indians. But it will be interesting
to listen to a more detailed story about them.
Taigana has a presentation about Native Americans.
Student 5:
The Americans were first settled by immigrants from Asia. They walked across
a land bridge between Asia and Alaska about 25000 years ago. The next immi-
grants were from western Europe. They started building farms, cities, roads. The
US was built by immigrants. It is “a nation of immigrants”. So large groups of
people began to leave Asia. They looked for good land, for better life. There
were many fish and wild animals in this area. They became farmers. They began
to grow beans and corn to eat. Over a long time those groups of people moved to
many different areas and became isolated from each other.
Each group developed its own special way of living. Each group created its own
language. So there are many different tribes of Native Americans in the USA to-
Student 6:
Where do the Mohawk Indians live?
The Mohawk Indians lived and live near the state boundary between the USA
and Canada, not far from the Great Lakes.
“Who discovered America?” This is the title of the next presentation.
Ai-Luna, please.
Student 7:
In the 1400s merchants and traders from Europe travelled long distances to the
east by sea. They exchanged and sold things to people in Asia. Merchants from
Italy, Spain and Portugal sold such things as jewels, gold, tea and silk. Many
people thought that the world was flat. But Columbus was sure that the world
was round. Many people laughed at Columbus but the Queen of Spain gave him
money, ships and men.
In 1492 Columbus travelled across the Atlantic Ocean on three ships.After 30
days he reached land. He thought he arrived in India. But he was mistaken. In
fact he found islands near North America. Columbus proved the people that the
Earth was not flat.
Student 8:
Ai-Luna, is it true that Christopher Columbus was a map-maker?
Student 7:
Yes, that’s right. Christopher Columbus was a sea-captain and he was also a
The next part of our conference is “Famous people of the USA”. We’got two
presentations in the programme. One of them is about Paul Pena, a famous
American blues style singer. Adygzhy, please.
Student 9:
I would like to tell you about Paul Pena, a famous American musician and a
singer and show you a fragment of the film “Genghis-Blues”.
This film is about two musicians Kongar-ool Ondar, a well-known throat-singer
of Tuva and Paul Pena, a famous American musician and a singer. In 1995 an
International Symposium on Throat-Singing was held in Tuva and Paul Pena
participated in that Symposium. He cannot see but he can throat-sing very well.
The producers of the film are the two brothers, Adrian and Roko Belic.
Student 10:
Did the producers of the film come to Tuva with Paul Pena?
Student 9:
Yes, they came to Tuva with Paul Pena and collected the matirial for the film
Student 11:
Does Paul Pena speak Tuvan?
Student 9:
Yes, he does. He speaks Tuvan very well.
So, the next presentation is about Mark Twain, the author of a very popular chil-
dren’s book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. Nachyn, please.
Student 11:
I would like to tell you about Mark Twain.
Mark Twain was born in Missouri in1835. He never finished elementary school.
He got his education mainly from his observations of people and events on the
bank of the Mississippi River. In 1871 he married and moved to Hartford, Con-
necticut, where hr wrote “The Adventures of Sawyer and The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn”.
Student 12:
What was Mark Twain’s real name?
Student 11:
His real name was Samuel Langhorn Clemens, but he is beter known by his pro-
fessional name, Mark Twain.
So we have come to the next part of our conference that is “American inven-
tions”. Really Americans are great inventors. They invented so many things,
world famous inventions that make ouf life easier. The next three presentations
are devoted to the US inventions. Olcha, please.
Student 12:
Do you like to do washing up? I think not so many people like to do it. In Amer-
ica it’s a common thing to have a dishwasher at home. I will tell you about the
dishwasher, one of the American inventions.
The dishwasher was made by Josephine Cochrane. She was a very rich lady. She
never washed dishes or did housework. She had servants to do the work for her.
But Mrs.Cochrane was not happy. Her servants always broke her lovely dishes.
Mrs.Cochrane got angry. She decided to make a machine that washes dishes.
Mrs.Cochrane did not know anything about machines. So she asked her friends
for help. Finally she made a dishwasher. It had places for plates, saucers and
cups. Later she started a company to make dishwashers.
Traffic Lights. This is the invention that we can see practically at each street
corner. Aidys, please.
Student 13:
I will tell you about Traffic Lights.
Traffic Lights were invented by an american named George Morgan. He was
from a poor family. When he was 14 tears old he left the school and went to
work. He did not have much education. But he was very imaginative. He invent-
ed many things like a helmet to protect miners and firefighters from smoke and
So at that time cars were very popular in the United States. The streets were
crowded. and that’s why there were many car accidents.Morgan had an idea of
inventing a light at each street corner. In 1916 he invented a timer that automati-
cally changes the light.
Cities all over the country needed Morgan’s traffic lights.So he sold his inven-
tion to the General Electric Company in 1920.
Baiyr-Belek, please.
Student 14:
I think everyone knows what it is. Yes, it is a packet of potato chips. And this
the name of a man who made potato chips, actually he started selling potato
chips in such bags in 1961.
Potato chips are Americans’ favourite snack. A Native American named George
Crum made the first potato chips. It was in1853. Mr.Crum was a chef in an ex-
pensive restaurant in Saratoga Springs, New York State. One day, a customer
did not like his French fries. He said they were too thick. So Crum made them
more but this time thinner. The customer still did not like them. Mr.Crum got
mad. He decided to make the customer angry. So he cut the fries very, very thin.
The customer loved them.
Later Crum sold the chips in many northern states. He opened his own restaurant
with special chips. Then a salesman named Herman Lay brought chips to the
South. His business grew. In 1961 potato chips became famous.
Today people eat a lot of potato chips all over the world.
We have listened to all the presentations. And now let’s start the second part of
our conference, it is the Lightning-Tournament.
Team-leaders, please come up me, please. Take one of the lots. OK, Class 9A
will start asking questions.
Are the teams ready? OK,9A Start.
2. Блиц-турнир (Lightning tournament)
1. Student 1:
Who was the first president of the USA?
Student 2:
The first president of the USA was George Washington.
2. Student 3:
How many stripes and stars are there on the American flag?
Student 4:
There are 13 stripes that symbolizes 13 original states and 50 stars that symbol-
izes present time 50 states.
3. Student 5:
When was Coca-Cola invented and by whom?
Student 6:
Coca-Cola was invented by Dr.John Pemberton in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia.
4. Student 6:
Who invented the first airline and when?
Student 7:
The first airline was invented by the two brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright in
5. Student 8:
What is the longest river in the USA?
Student 9:
The lingest river in the USA is the Mississippi.
6. Student 1:
Who invented Chewing Gum?
Student 2:
Chewing Gum was made by William Wrigley in 1892.
OK, now it’s your turn to ask questions, 9G.
1. Student 3:
What is the largest state in the USA?
Student 4:
The largest state in the USA is Alaska.
2. Student 5:
What is the highest mountain in the USA?
Student 6:
The highest mountain in the USA is M
Kinley in Alaska.
3. Student 7:
What is the tallest building in the USA?
Student 8:
The tallest building is the Sears Tower in Chicago. It is the tallest building not
only in the USA but it is the tallest building in the world.
4. Student 9:
When was telephone invented and by whom?
Student 10:
Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in1876.
5. Student 11:
When is Christmas celebrated?
Student 12:
Americans celebrate Christmas on December 25. Christmas is a religious holi-
day and one of the happiest holidays of the year, because it is the day that Chris-
tians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. They prepare for Christmas weeks be-
fore. They buy gifts for family and friends. Christmas is also the day when Santa
Clause visits us and brings presents.
It’s really so that americans start Christmas preparations in early December. You
can see Christmas trees and illuminations everywhere.
Student 13:
I know the poem about Christmas.
Student 12:
Me too.
Oh, that’s a good idea. You are welcome. And Class 9G? Shonchalai.
3. Декламирование стихотворений
S.Student 13:
If love is in the stocking,
And joy is on the tree,
If faith is in the glowing star,
Then friendship is the key
To blessings in the coming year,
With faith and joy and love quite near.
Student 14:
I love Christmas for many things
Trees, candles, angel wings,
Stars in the heavens,
Snow covered hills,
Little toy trains,
Dolls in their frills.
I love Christmas, ribbons of gold,
Familiar carols, so very old,
Sweet candy canes, bright red sled
Little kids tucked snug
In their beds.
I love Christmas for most of all my friends.
I look forward to a neighbour’s call,
A friendly chat, a cup of tea.
Love in the home means Christmas to me.
Student 15:
Take your dreams this Christmas
And decorate the tree.
Look up high and once again
The glowing star you’ll see.
Take your dreams and carry them
Into the coming year.
Dreams are made of hope and love
Whenever faith is near.
Thank you.
So our conference is coming to an end. Thank you for your presentations and
your questions. And now I want to award you for your active participation in the
Dear guests, we ‘ve prepared a gift for you, a special gift. That is a song “A
Happy New Year” and we will sing it for you now.
Verse 1:
No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It’s the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now’s the time for us to say
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don’t we might as well lay down and die
You and me.
Verse 2:
Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrive
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
Snd he thinks he’ii be Okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he’s astray
Keeps on going anyway
Verse 3:
Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more
Than confetti on the floor
It’s the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we’ll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine…
So, please write down your homework:
1. Revision of the vocabulary
2. Test on sheets of paper.
I put excellent marks for the students who made presentations and good marks
for the students who asked questions.
The lesson is over. Good-bye!