Конспект урока "We Are Flying to Australia" 9 класс

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей №10
г. Волгограда
по английскому языку
«Летим в Австралию»
учитель английского языка
МОУ лицея №10
Апраксина Л.А.
г. Волгоград.2014г.
Тема: «We Are Flying to Australia».
Цель: развитие умений и навыков чтения с помощью тренировочных
Задачи: - тренировать в чтении;
- формировать культурно-страноведческую компетенцию;
- знакомить с англо-говорящей страной;
- развивать внимание, память, интерес к стране изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентация Power Point на тему
«География Австралии», раздаточный материал.
1. Pre-
Now you’re on board the plane to Australia.
Enjoy your flight!
Слайд 3.
T: Do you know the total distance from
Moscow to Sydney?
T: The total distance from Moscow, Russia
to Sydney, Australia is 9,001 miles. This is
equivalent to 14,486 kilometers or 7,822
nautical miles.
T: What is the direction of our trip?
Слайд 4-5.
T: Your travel direction from Moscow to
Sydney is East (93 degrees from North).
T: How long will be our flight?
T: Travel Time: 18 hours by plane.
T: Look at this table to be informed with
time difference.
Time difference: when you are in Sydney,
□ 1 hour to find local time in Tokyo
□ 2 hours- in Hong Kong
□ 9 hours- in Paris
□10 hours- in London
□ 15 hours- in New York
□ 18 hours- in San Francisco
Слайд 6.
T: During your flight to Sydney you will
stop at Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Hong
Kong or Bangkok and at last arrive at Syd-
ney airport.
T: Our first stop is at Tokyo, it is 11 a.m.,
what time is in Sydney now?
T: That’s right.
As you are students we prepared for you an
interesting educational program.
Our first educational club will introduce you
the geography of Australia.
P1,P2:… (Different ver-
P1: - East.
P2: - Southeast.
P: 24 hours
P: It is 10 a.m.
II. While-
of Australia.
2) Climate.
T: Do you know Australia is a continent or
an island?
T: You are right.
(На доске выписаны географические
Australia is considered to be the smallest of
seven continents and the sixth biggest state.
Australia is situated among the South Pacif-
ic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is made
up of two islands.
Слайд 7-9.
Australia is extremely close to other island
nations. To the north are: Papa New Guinea,
Indonesia and part of Malaysia. Additional
to the north are the Philippines and Asian
mainland. Australian land mass of nearly
7.7 million km² makes it the sixth largest
country in area after Russia, Canada, China,
the United States and Brazil.
The continent of Australia, with the
island state of Tasmania, is approximately
equal in area to the United States (excluding
Alaska and Hawaii).
Australia has a coastline of 36,735km
- if it were possible to drive non-stop along
the entire coast at 60 km/h it would take
about 24 days to complete the trip.
Southeast of Australia is New Zea-
land. Like Australia, it was once a British
settlement. To the south is the frozen conti-
nent of Antarctica.
Слайд 10-11.
Looking at the map you can see that Aus-
tralia is the flattest and (after Antarctica) the
driest of continents, yet it has extremes of
climate and topography. Huge areas of land
are so dry that they are uninhabited. There
are rainforests and vast plains in the north,
snowfields in the south east, desert in the
centre and fertile croplands in the east,
P: Australia is an island.
III. After-
south and south west. About one third of the
country lies in the tropics.
We’ve learned some new facts about Aus-
Soon we’ll be in Sydney and you’ll have
time to relax. See you later.
См. Приложение.