Конспект урока "Удивительные природные места в России и в англоговорящих странах" 8 класс

Класс: 8
Тема: Удивительные природные места в России и в англоговорящих странах.
Цели урока:
- обеспечить в ходе урока закрепление изученной лексики;
- создать условия для отработки навыков поискового чтения, говорения, письма;
- создать условия для закрепления навыков такого грамматического явления, как времена английского
- расширить общий кругозор учащихся по теме «Удивительные природные места»;
- содействовать формированию самостоятельной познавательной деятельности учащихся;
- способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах;
- содействовать воспитанию следующих нравственных качеств учащихся, как любовь к природе и
окружающему миру.
Ход урока:
Деятельность учителя и учащихся
1. Орг. момент
Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? I hope that you’re fine. I am glad to
see you. What is the date today? Today we have an unusual lesson. The theme of our
lesson is “This Earth was made for you and me”. You will learn some new information
about nature and wildlife in Russia and in the English-speaking countries. We’ll
remember the words on this theme and review the English tenses. Besides, we will try to
protect wildlife and take part in the creation of national park in our town. Let’s start our
Today we will talk about some amazing natural places of the world. Now I am going to
check your outlook and your knowledge in Geography. So, let’s find out some facts about
world records. Look at the blackboard. You see the names of natural places and world
records there. Match them, please. (Ученики соотносят карточки по очереди, а затем
Listen to the recording and if you were right.
Запись на доске:
Слова на доске:
Russia / Antarctica/ the Sahara Desert / the Pacific Ocean/ the Caspian Sea/ Lake Baikal/
the Nile/ Challenger Deep/ Mountain Everest
(Учитель обращает внимание учащихся к схеме и словам на доске. Учащиеся
прослушивают аудиозапись и соединяют название мест и их описание. Работа
осуществляется по цепочке).
We have remembered some facts about world records. Now it’s time to use these
information. Look at the sentences on the cards. First of all read the words from the box
and translate them. We will work in a chain.
Fill in the gaps using these words. You have 5 minutes to do this task.
Fill in the gaps using the following words:
largest/ the Nile/ went/ hottest/the mountain Everest/ human beings/ Lake Baikal /amazed
(2)/ the Caspian Sea/ attraction/ attracted
1)Last summer my friend and I ______________ on holiday to ______________, the
largest lake in the world.
2)_________________, the longest river in the world, has always been a popular tourist
3) When a group of tourist arrived at _____________, the deepest lake, everyone was
___________________ by the variety of wildlife there.
4) The Sahara Desert is the ___________________ place in the world, and it’s very
unsuitable for ________________________ to live there.
5) The peak of _________________ , the highest point in the world, has always
_______________________ brave and strong mountain climbers.
3. Изучение
материала и
6) Students in their Geography class were ___________________ to learn, that the
Pacific Ocean, the ___________________ ocean in the world, covers about 165, 200,
000 square kilometres.
(Учитель раздает учащимся карточки с предложениями. Сначала
отрабатываются слова. Затем учащиеся самостоятельно в течение 3
минут заполняют пропуски в предложениях. По истечении отведенного времени
один из учеников зачитывает предложения, остальные учащиеся осуществляют
Look at the slide. Who can match the names of the countries and their description?
Запись на слайде:
The USA Kingdom of Birds
New Zealand The Roaring Water
Russia The Peak District
Australia Where the North begins
Great Britain Hot and dangerous
-I’d like you to open your textbook on page 32, ex. 120. Read through the texts and find
out if you were right.
- Look through text 1 “Kingdom of Birds” and be ready to agree or disagree with my
True or false statements.
There were over 200 different species of birds before the first human beings arrived. (F)
Today only a few of New Zealand’s birds survive. (T)
The kiwi is the national bird and emblem of Australia. (T)
English spoken in New Zealand is often called Kiwi English. (T)
- Read text 2 “Hot and Dangerous” and match the sentences.
1)Australia has an amazing set of …
2)There are 140 …
3)Not all animals are …
4)Sharks, poisonous fish and salt water crocodiles are …
a) dangerous.
b) harmless.
c) natural environments and wildlife.
d) types of snakes.
Now you will watch the short, but funny video. Your task is to find out the main idea of
the song.
Video (Dangerous natural environment and wildlife in Australia.)
Text 3 “The Roaring Waters”.
Presentation. Video about Niagara falls.
Text 4 “Where the North begins”
Now I will tell you Russian words and phrases from the text and you will translate these
words into English. (Задача учеников перевести слова и словосочетания с русского
языка на английский.)
Text 5 «The Peak District»
Read the text about the Peak District and answer these questions. Give me the full
answers, please.
1. How large is the Peak District National Park?
2. The Peak District National Park is protected from industrial and urban
development, isn’t it?
3. Why does the area attract many visitors?
4. Are there any villages and small towns in the Peak District National Park?
5. How many people visit the Peak District every year?
4. Закрепление
Let’s review the English tenses.
Present Simple/ Past Simple/ Future Simple
Present Continuous/ Past Continuous
Present Perfect/ Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
You see some sentences on the blackboard. Your task is to decide what tense is used in
each sentence.
Most of New Zealand’s unique birds have become extinct.
The trip to the Niagara Falls will take place in three months.
The Peak District attracts many visitors from Manchester and Sheffield.
Different species of birds inhabited New Zealand.
Our teacher is describing the Peak District at the moment.
My parents were watching a film about Kingdom of Birds, when I came in.
My friend has been living in the USA since 2011.
My friend had answered all my questions about America’s climate before the film began.
5. Обобщение и
It’s very important to protect our planet. That’s why people create national parks.
6. Информация
о домашнем
Open your record-books and write down your homework for the next lesson. Your task is
WB ex. 6, page 22. Think of your local environment. I’d like you to read the letter from
Sharon Green and fill in the form at home.
7. Подведение
That’s all we have time for. Say which text you have found the most interesting? Have
you learned anything new? What?
You were very active. Thank you for your work. Your marks are …