Конспект урока "Gestures in Great Britain" 8 класс

Topic: “Gestures in Great Britain”
Aim: By the end of the lesson students will be able to recognize the function of
gestures in Great Britain and to use them in appropriate situations.
Resources: - Tomalin, B., Stempleski, S. 1998. Cultural Awareness. OUP.
- Nolasko, R. and Lois, A. Conversation, OUP.
- Up Stream. Upper Intermediate.
1. You know that people can communicate not only with the help of words.
Gestures are also very important. However, gestures people use depend on the
country they are from and may not be understood by people from other cultures.
Let’s discuss some situations in different countries. Look at the pictures and
answer the questions (task A in your handouts).
- What’s happening?
- What gestures are the people using?
- What do you think they mean?
(Remarks: After discussion in the class the teacher, if necessary, clarifies the meanings
of the gestures.
Colombia - tapping the elbow means: “You are mean with your money.
Japan - when women laugh or smile they cover their mouth with their hand because it’s
very rude for women to show their teeth in public.
Ancient Rome thumbs- down sign meant “die”.
Ethiopia turning one’s head quickly to one side means “yes”.
India (in some parts) tossing one’s head back means “no”.
Paraguay flicking one’s chin means “I don’t know”.)
2. Now let’s speak about gestures in Great Britain.
Look at pictures in task B and in pairs try to guess the meaning of
these gestures. All of them but one are used in the U.K. After that be
ready to report your interpretations to the class.
Now read about the functions of gestures and see if your guesses
were right or not (task C in your handouts).
3. Match the given verbal equivalents with the gestures (task D in your handouts).
4. Think if there are any gestures you shouldn’t use with certain people (e.g. a
stranger, a boss, est.).
5. Let’s compare the gestures we use in our country with the British gestures.
- Which are similar?
- Which are different?
- What other gestures do we use in Russia?
6. Give the examples of situations in which British people can use these gestures.
7. Divide into several groups and get ready to act out the situations in which your
use of these gestures would be appropriate.
Handout on “Gestures in Great Britain”
Task A: Look at the pictures and answer the questions:
-What’s happening?
-What gestures are the people using?
-What do you think they mean?
Task B: Look at the pictures and guess the meaning of these gestures.
Which gesture is not used in Great Britain?
Task C: Read the information about gesture functions to see if your guesses
were right.
Number 1,”crossing fingers” means hope for the best and brings fortune.
Number 2,”twisting a finger near the head side” indicates that a person is regarded as
crazy. It is normally only used when talking privately about a third person, but is more likely
to be used as a joke.
Number 3 indicates that a person can’t answer the question or at loss.
Number 4 is used when showing that words fail to reach a person’s ears and he /she asks
to repeat them.
Number 5 indicates that a person can’t stand something anymore.
Number 6,”thumbs down” is used to indicate rejection or refusal.
Number 7 is used in some countries to indicate that there is something strange, unclear
surrounding the topic of conversation.
Number 8 is used when a person tries to get someone closer /nearer to him.
Number 9,”stroking the chin” indicates that a person is busy considering carefully
Number 10,”thumb up” is used for approving and showing that there are not any problems.
Number 11 is used as an expression of surprise or memory failures.
Number 12 is used when a person wants to calm down his /her partner.
Task D: Match the verbal equivalents with the gestures (from task B).
a) “Come here
b) “ I don’t know”/ “I have no idea “
c) “Don’t worry “/ “Wait a second “.
d) “That’s enough “/”It’s all over for me “.
e) “Good luck” or “I hope everything goes well “.
f) “I can’t hear you “.
g) “Oh, I forgot “.
h) “No, I don’t like it”.
i) “Something is a bit suspicious here “.(this gesture is used in …….)
j) “I’m thinking about a problem “.
k) “O K / Everything is all right.
l) “He (she) is crazy “.