Конспект урока "My Hobby" 5 класс

Ф.И.О. – Попова Марина Анатольевна
Должность - учитель английского языка
Название учреждения – МБОУ «Лицей имени В.Г.Сизова»
Название материала – Конспект урока по теме: “Hobby”.
Название предмета – английский язык
Класс(возраст) – 5 (11-12 лет)
A Lesson on the English Language (Speaking)
My Hobby
The practical aims:
- to revise grammar and vocabulary studied at the previous lessons;
- to learn how to write a composition using a plan.
The developing aims:
- to develop logical thinking, attention and quickness of understanding by means of
such activities as grouping and competition tasks;
- to broaden the student’s mental outlook and knowledge of different spheres of human
The educational aims:
- to develop the skill of listening to the classmates.
- на доске: pronunciation drill;
- проверить письменное домашнее задание (монологи).
The Organizational Moment (3 min)
Good morning, dear girls! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is away? What day
is it today? What is the date today? Do you like the weather? Why? Thank you, sit down, please!
Today we have our last lesson on the theme “Hobby”. You will revise what you have
studied and get ready to write a composition at home. We will also speak what things we do in
different seasons.
Our lesson will be unusual today. We will have a competition. For your answers you can
get “hobbits”. Those who have more “hobbits”, will get excellent marks.
The Revision of the Material Studied
1. TEST (5 min)
We will check what you remember from the previous lessons. You
are to guess what verbs to put into the gaps and use the correct form.
The first who will fill in all the gaps will get 5 “hobbits”, the
second 4, the third 3, the forth 2, all the others 1.
Then you will get 1 “hobbit” for every correct answer.
1. We like to swim and go to the sea every summer. Some of us are
fond of ……………… and …………………
2. When it is winter I find it interesting …………………… and
3. In autumn people who enjoy …………………………….. go to
the forests.
4. Emma likes to buy clothes and shoes. She takes pleasure in ……………………………..
5. Nature is very beautiful in spring, so many people enjoy ………………………………...
6. People who love animals and sports are interested in ……………………………………
7. In winter my granny gives me warm sweaters and socks as presents. She is fond of
The Practice Stage
2. Pronunciation Drill (3 min)
1) When it is winter, when it is summer, when it is autumn, when it is spring.
In winter, in summer, in autumn, in spring.
Every winter, every summer, every autumn, every spring.
2) Look at the 1
line and answer my questions in chorus.
When do you enjoy swimming?
When do people like skiing?
When do people gather mushrooms?
3) One by one tell me in what season you birthday is.
3. Grouping (3 min)
In different seasons people do different things. What hobbies do you enjoy in every
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The Performance Stage
4. Oral Test on the Homework (15 min)
You will read your monologues one by one. While one of you reads, the others listen to
the monologue attentively and take notes of interesting facts. At the end we will have a quiz. I
will ask you different questions about your classmates. The quickest and the most attentive
students will get “hobbits”.
5. The Plan for “My Hobby” (17-20 sentences) (3 min)
1. Вступление
Everyone has a hobby. I want to speak
about my hobby.
Life is boring without a hobby. I will tell
you about my hobby.
2. Основная часть
1) My favourite hobby
2) My hobbies in different
3) My interests
(collections, books, films)
3. Заключение
My life is interesting, because I have a
My hobby makes my life interesting.
The Concluding Stage (3 min)
That is all for today. We have revised the material on the theme “Hobby”. Now you are
ready to write a composition at home.
Thank you for your work. … worked well today. … was not very attentive.
Home task:
Use the plan to write a composition “My Hobby”. Write 17-20 sentences.
Пиши на двойном листе и нумеруй предложения!
Список используемой литературы:
1. Прищепа Т.А Некоторые аспекты проблемно-эвристической дидактики и методики
или как построить урок открытий. – Томск: ТОИПКРО, 2008.
2. Интернет- ресурсы: www.notsoboringlife.com/popular-hobbies/