Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку "Character adjectives" 8 класс (УМК Spotlight 8)

Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса по теме
«Character adjectives» (УМК Spotlight 8)
Task 1. Choose the correct adjective to describe the person.
My friend is very generous / selfish. He always buys me presents.
She is a confident / shy person. She loves to speak in public.
He is honest / dishonest. You can trust him with anything.
They are hard-working / lazy students. They always do their homework on time.
I am a patient / impatient person. I don’t like waiting for people.
Task 2. Find the opposite adjective for each of the suggested ones.
patient ...
sensitive ...
reliable ...
sincere ...
generous ...
Task 3. Translate the adjectives into English.
Смелый, дружелюбный, трудолюбивый, честный, щедрый.
Task 4. Write a short description of your friend using the adjectives from
Task 1.
Example: My friend is generous and hard-working. He always helps me with my
Task 5. Find an odd word in each line.
a) friendly, polite, rude, honest;
b) brave, clever, lazy, strong;
c) generous, kind, selfish, helpful.
Task 6. Make a sentence with each of the adjectives.
Calm, ambitious, curious, reliable, responsible.
1) ________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________________
4) ________________________________________________________________
5) ________________________________________________________________
6) ________________________________________________________________
Task 7. Answer the questions using the adjectives you have learned. Use at
least 3 adjectives in each answer.
1) What kind of person are you?
2) What is your best friend like?
3) What do you think about your classmates?