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Тексты контроля знаний и умений по английскому языку для учащихся 10 класса

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Тексты контроля знаний и умений по английскому языку

для учащихся 10 класса

1 вариант

I. Reading

Прочитайте тексты и установите их соответствие рубрикам AF. Каждому тексту соответствует только одна рубрика. В задании одна рубрика лишняя.


A.   Newspaper Advertisement

B.   Advice on Keeping Fit

C.   History

D.   Science Fiction Story                                                      .

E.   Recipe

F.   Geography

1. California is a big state. From north to south it measures about 800 miles and from east to west approximately 250 miles, making it-the third largest state in the U.S. California's landscape is very varied.

2. We had a very good landing. I had my eyes on the dial the whole time and the needle never got above four and a half G's2. For a spaceship like the "Star" that was good; there were times when the dial showed seven G's on Earth landing.

3. Hong Kong was a British colony for over 150 years until 1997 when the British government gave it back to China. There was a huge celebration to mark the occasion. The mix of Chinese and Western influences is very easy to see.  

4. The Spring Garden Apartment Complex offers you and your family country living at its best. Surrounded by beautiful woods and hills, Spring Garden is located ten miles outside the city but is only minutes from downtown on the freeway.

5. Now you need the following ingredients: water, rice, walnuts, celery and some mayonnaise. First, boil the rice in some water. Next, chop up some celery and add it to the cooked rice. Then add one cup of walnuts. Next, add some mayonnaise. Then mix everything together.





II. Reading

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-7 после него, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа (AD), который кажется вам наиболее верным.

A few years ago, while I was on holiday in  the Himalayas, I stopped for the night in a small village. It was a very poor place and there was no proper hotel, but the owner of a restaurant offered me a bed for the night.

''Please wait here," he said, pointing to a table just outside his restaurant, "while I prepare your room."

It was a beautiful evening. The sun was setting behind the dark mountains and the stars were just beginning to come out. The villagers were lighting fires for their evening meals and there was a. pleasant smell of wood smoke in the; air.

Then I noticed that I was no longer alone. Someone was sitting at the table beside me. It was an old man, with a long white beard. His clothes were dirty and almost in rags.

“What do you want?" I asked. "Let me tell your fortune, sir," he said. I laughed. "I don't believe in that sort, of thing," I told him. All the same, the old man took hold of my hand. "I can tell you your future," he said. I tried to take my hand away, but the old man held on to it, gently but very firmly.

 "Very well," I said. "But first of all tell me about my past. If you can tell me about that, I'll let you tell me about the future too." The old man looked hard at my hand for a long time without speaking. I smiled to myself. "He can't do it," I thought.

Then, in a low soft voice, the old man began, to tell me about my childhood. He talked about my family and the town I used to live in. He went on to tell me about my life in different parts of the world.

Every word he said was true! "Stop!" I said. "How can you know all these things?" "I know about the past and the present," the old man replied. "And I also know about the future. Are you ready to hear about your future too?" I hesitated. Did I really want to know? Just at that moment, the owner of the restaurant came out. "Your room is ready now, sir," he said. "Oh! I thought I heard voices. Were you talking to someone?"

I looked round. The old man was not there. "Yes," I said. I described the old man. "Oh, him!" the owner of the restaurant said. "That's the village lunatic! He thinks he can tell people's fortunes! I hope he wasn't a nuisance.


1.    The traveller was looking for

A.   somewhere to sleep.

B.   something to eat.

C.    something to do.

D.    somebody to talk.


2.    The traveller sat outside because

A.   the restaurant was small.

B.   it was a pleasant evening.

C.   he was waiting for his room.

D.   he wanted to smell a smoke of burned wood.


3.    The old man wanted to talk about

A.   the village.

B.   money.

C.  the traveller's future.

 D. the traveller's past


4.    The traveller asked to hear about his past life because

A.   he did not believe in the old man.

B.   he did not want to know about his future.

C.   it was interesting.

D.   the old man refused to tell him about his future.


5. What the old man told the traveller was

A. funny.

B. correct.

C. different.

D. silly.    


6. When the old man wanted to talk about the traveller's future, the traveller

A. was afraid.

B. could not speak.

C. could not decide.

D. was not interested in it.

7. The owner of the restaurant thought that the old man

A. was clever.

B. was mad.

C. was unhappy.

D. knew the traveller well.


III. Use of English

Выбери правильный вариант.

1. … TV when I came to you?

a) have you watched    b) were you watching c) did you watch

2. That book is …

a) mine          b) my        c) your

3. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of the great English poet …

a) J. London                b) D. Show                   c) W. Shakespeare 

4. There is noise in Moscow.

a) so much     b) so many      c) such much

5. If the weather … fine, we would go to the country.

a) is                         b) would be                   c) was

6. The teacher gave her the bad mark because her work was the …

a) best    b) worst     c) less

7. I have known him ages.

a) for        b) since         c) in

8. I went to Londonweek.

a) next      b) last       c) ago

9. This poemby A. Pushkin.

a) written     b) wrote       c) was written

10. I`d like to know … .

a) where my pen is     b) where it is my pen   c) my pen is where

11. If I were you I … the truth.

a) would tell   b) will tell      c) told

12. Mrs. Jones told us …

a) to not wash up     b) not to wash up    c) to do not wash up

13. You have to get used to … this uniform.

a) putting    b) taking        c) wearing

14. The train … at 5 p.m.

a) leaves     b) will leave        c) is leaving

15. When Laura arrived at the restaurant, Tony … home.

a) had been gone  b) had gone    c) has gone






Тексты контроля знаний и умений по английскому языку

для учащихся 10 класса

2 вариант

I. Reading

Прочитайте письма читателей в газету (AF) и установите их соответствие заголовкам 1—5. Ис­пользуйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании имеется одно лишнее письмо.

1.  Bad Marks for the Post Office

2.    Save the Beaches

3.    Waiting Forever

4.    No Answer

5.    Noise Pollution

A. The other day I was waiting for bus number 2and it didn't come for over an hour! This is the second time this month it's happened to me. And another thing. The bus drivers are rude these days. They don't wait for people to sit down before they start the bus. What does the bus company have to say about this?

B. I go to the city parks to relax and watch the birds. But these days the parks are full of people playing loud music. Why doesn't the city stop people from playing portable stereos in public so the rest of us can enjoy some peace and quiet?

C. I'd like to complain about the poor service in the post office lately. Yesterday, I waited 25 minutes in line to buy a stamp. And then the clerk was very angry when I tried to buy a 40-cent stamp with a $20 bill. Doesn't the post office train its staff on how to be polite?

D. My neighbor has a large dog. The dog barks all night and keeps me awake. It also comes into my yard and chases the cat. Is it possible to take measures?

E. I've had the same problem as your reader of June 16th. I called to get some information last week and I waited nearly 10 minutes before anyone answered the phone. And another thing. My mail always comes late these days!

F. I agree with your reader of June 16th. The noise at the beach is terrible, too. I hate going there nowadays. Why don't people use-headphones?


     II. Reading

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-7 после него, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа (AD), который кажется вам наиболее верным.

    It was my birthday last Thursday and I decided to celebrate it by inviting a few friends out to supper. I chose a restaurant in a quiet part of town. It is one of my favourite restaurants because the food is good and the waiters are friendly. It is hardly ever crowded, however, because few people know about it, so it is not usually necessary to book a table. In any case, Thursday is not a busy evening as a rule.

  When we entered the restaurant, I was surprised, therefore, to find it completely full. I looked around - but not a single table was free. One of the waiters recognized me. He came across and explained the situation. “A party of tourists came in about half an hour ago," he said. "It was like an invasion! Suddenly the place was full! We can hardly manage!"

   The waiter then pointed to a table in the corner. "The people there are just about to leave," he said, "just hold on and you'll find a place there." He was right. Fifteen minutes later, the people at the corner table paid their bill, got up and left. I led my friends across and we all sat down.

   Unfortunately, our table was almost out of sight. We tried to attract the attention of the waiter who sent us there but he, like all the other waiters, was busy with the party of tourists. They ordered enormous quantities of food. But at last, nearly an hour later, the tourists  were finishing their meal and looking very pleased with life. The waiter, now very tired, appeared at our table. I advised my friends about the best dishes and finally the waiter went off with our order.

  A few moments later he came back to our table. We  could tell from his face that he had bad news for us. Full of apologies, he informed us that there was no meat or  fish left. "All we can offer you," he said, "is an omelette!"     



1. Tony invited some friends, to a restaurant because

A. he wanted to have supper.

B. it was his wedding.

C. he decided to celebrate his birthday.

 D. it was his favourite restaurant.


2. Tony chose that restaurant because

A.   it was very big.

B.   it was rather cheap.

C.   he liked the place where it was situated.

D.   he liked the food and waiters there.


3. Tony didn't book a table in the restaurant because

        A. it wasn't usually full of people.

B.   few people knew about his birthday.

C.   one waiter knew that he would come.

D.   he was busy on Thursday.


4.    When Tony and his friends arrived they, saw that

A. people from one political party were in the restaurant.

B. there weren't any free places.

C. some tourists were coming at the same time.

D. the waiter could not find the manager.


5. Tony and his friends weren't able to get a table at once so

A. they waited for the people who lived near the restaurant.

B.   they had to wait for fifteen minutes.

C.   they paid the waiter for the table in the corner.

D.   they left the restaurant and found the other one across the street.


6. They could not order their meal for nearly an hour because

 A. no waiters could see their table.

B. the waiter was very tired.

C. all waiters were  busy with the tourists.

D. the waiters were waiting for the tourists finishing their meal.

7.  The waiter who took their order

A. brought them some omelettes.

B. appeared at last looking very happy.

C.   left the restaurant with their meal.

D. came back and apologized.


III. Use of English.

Выбери правильный вариант.

1. He … to Australia.

a) have never been   b) never been   c) has never been

2. How many people … in China?

a) are there        b) there are          c) is it

3. How often do you see Nick? – I see him … a week.

a) two     b) twice     c) second

4. London stands on the river … .

a) Tyne      b) Nile      c) Thames

5. She has not met her boss … .

a) already   b) yet   c) never.

6. You should … smoking. It`s dangerous.

a) give up         b) begin       c) take

7. Two heads are … than one.

a) good        b) worse      c) better

8. This book … into 14 languages.

a) was translated     b) were translated     c)has translated

9. It`s not your sweater, it`s … .

a) mine      b) my       c) your

10. If the weather … nice tomorrow, we will go hiking.

a)  will be        b) is               c)  are

11. Could you tell me where …?

a) is the nearest post office   b) the nearest  is post office   c) the nearest  post office is

12. Amy … home when she heard her mobile phone ring.

a) were walking   b) was walking     c) has walked

13. If I … French, I would understand the poem.

a) knew      b) know         c) will know

14. Where … on holiday last year?

a) have you gone     b) were you going   c) did you go

15. When I came home my sister … the flat.

a) cleans     b) had cleaned    c) has cleaned









Вариант 1



I Чтение







II Чтение

1 A








III Use of English.






















Вариант 2



I Чтение







II Чтение

1 C








III Use of English.


















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Категория/ученая степень: Первая категория
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Рабочий лист с упражнениями по английскому языку для 2ого класса по теме умения, включающий в себя 6 заданий на сопоставление, чтение, письмо и лексику по теме умения. Рабочий лист подойдёт как для самостоятельной работы, так и для работы в классе. Материал состоит из нередактируемого файла pdf и его редактируемой копии.

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